President Steve Brown opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and thanked Patty Sims for greeting.  The flag salute was led by John Woodbery.  The inspirational minute was given by Dee Dee Rusnak who read an e-mail from an American Rotary exchange student in India - thanks to Rotary, this student was able to experience the cultural differences that exist, realize also the similarities and determine that there is no point in stressing-out - better to go-with-the-flow.



Immunization Grant:   Kate Peterson congratulated our club on being one of the five local clubs who worked together with R.I. to receive a grant totaling $37,578 to be used by December 31st for immunizations for seniors.  Evergreen Hospital Employees also contributed.  Shots are planned for October and include - flu (650 shots), pneumonia (250), TBap (?) (100) and 50 shots (times 3) for young women to combat HPV.  Our club will also receive $2500 in Paul Harris points.  We have Katherine Kehrli to thank for spear-heading our club's efforts in obtaining this grant.  She is looking for someone to host a party in conjunction with the immunizations in October.

Chuck Morgan Update:   G. G. Getz informs us that Chuck is doing better and can now receive visitors at Cascade Vista.  Please keep your visit short in order to avoid Chuck "performing".

Board Meeting Minutes:   President Steve announced that the minutes from the last Board Meeting are available.

Auction Update:   Those who were fortunate enough to "purchase" items at the auction are reminded to pay for them (to Sharon Cavell).

Memorial Service for Jill Isaacson:   Jill passed away unexpectedly while on vacation in Hawaii with her husband, Vince and 11 year old son, Jacob.  They own the jewelry store in downtown Kirkland and are avid Duck Dash supporters.  A memorial service was held yesterday at Marina Park.

Bring a Friend to Rotary :  on May 14th.  Please e-mail Rachel Knight if you are fortunate to have more than one friend who will be joining you that evening (to ensure adequate seating).

Exchange Student :  Pascal Weber from Switzerland is our exchange student for the coming year.  Elizabeth Rusnak is looking for families to host Pascal.

Miracle League:   First game is Saturday, May 5th at the Kirkland Boy's and Girl's Club.  Rotary hosts should plan on being there by 9:30 am to team up with your "Buddy".  Game starts at 10am and lasts for an hour.

Great Puget Sound Duck Dash:   Bob Webb introduced Sheryl Bloodworth who "Quacked" & announced the Launch Party at the Wilde Rover Tuesday, May 1st from 5pm 'til 7pm.  The Wilde Rover is sponsoring this event and there will be a Surf Band.  Bob Auslander has sign up sheets for Duck Dash ticket sellers.  Need sellers especially for May 5th.  Bob Webb showed the new tickets and has ticket packets available for sellers.  Joanne Primaverawill collect the ticket stubs and money.  She asks to please ensure that the stubs are filled out "Completely" before you turn them in.

New Member Induction:   Jean Hernandez was inducted into our Club tonight.  She is currently Executive Vice President in charge of Student Learning at CascadiaCollege.  She was sponsored by Sharon Chambers and Pat Dye is her mentor.  Please welcome Jean as our newest Rotary member!

Wecome to the Club Jean!!!



Our speaker for the evening was Gabe Murfitt.  Although seriously challenged from birth (Gabe was born with no arm or leg bones), there is nothing he won't try.  He has played basketball and is in love with baseball.  He plays regularly at Woodinville's Challenge League.  He is a member of the Woodinville Wind Ensemble and the Woodinville Marching Band (yes, Marching).  His dreams include driving a Corvette, getting married, having a family and being a history teacher.  By most counts, he already is a teacher.  This young 17 year old is a true inspiration to us all.  He and his parents have created "Gabriel's Foundation for HOPE".


David Honeycut had the winning ticket but failed to draw the blue marble.  His name will be entered in the "second chances" drawing.


President Steve adjourned the meeting at 7:47pm (that is one great airplane!) with the following thought - "What's another word for THESAURUS?"


Submitted by your Scribe for the Night:  Don Dicks