Two New Members Proposed

Diane Santeford, Classification:  Import Consulting
Sponsor:  G.G. Getz
Mentor:  Steve Brown will select
Vernell Sutherland, Classification:  Clinical Skin Care Management
Sponsor:  Duncan Sutherland
Mentor:  Steve Brown will select

President Joanne Primavera began the November 14th meeting at 6:30 P.M. 


The Pledge was said and for our inspirational moment, Joanne asked all veterans to stand and be thanked for their service to our country. The Club then sang The Star Spangled Banner together. 


Guests:  David Hunnicutt and Daryl Grigsby

Visiting Rotarians: Vernell Sutherland - Carmel; Sally Gray, District Governor

Student of the Month: Jennifer Serrato,


President Joanne thanked member Bob Gassen for his generous offer to take member head pictures for our website at the Woodmark over the next couple weeks, complimentary to the members.  Bob will also provide a CD of the professional picture at a cost of only $25 to each member.  Members may come into the studio to have their picture taken regardless of whether they wish to purchase the CD.

Bob Gassen invited all members to come to the Chamber event at his studio this Thursday evening to kick off the holiday season.


Craig Neal reminded us to sign up for the Holiday Party on Monday the 5th of December at the Broadmoor Club in Seattle.  Email Craig if you would like to be put on a car pooling list so that can be coordinated.

Michelle Neal reminded us to sign up for the Thanksgiving baskets and was effervescent about the limitless possibilities of event planning on the Club Runner.

Pat Dye suggested that everyone that is buying gift certificates do so at the same place - Fred Meyer was the venue of choice.


Felicity Burdick thanked all the members that came and made the first Game night/Teen Feed a success.  The teens received a raffle ticket each time they played a Rotarian and won prizes - Carl Edlund brought some games and gave away four new games as prizes which were received very enthusiastically.  Pat Swenson echoed Felicity's assessment of the evening as a success.

Felicity also aso asked for a showing of hands regarding the interest in two proposed projects for Rotary's Community Service day on Saturday January 21st and both projects stayed in the running: collating documents for the Evergreen maternity unit in the morning and/or joining Pastor Al at Kirkland Heights and provide a dinner to the kids and teens and families who gather there on the weekend. 



Pat Swenson thanked everyone for their comments regarding the newly launched Getting to Know You vocation event and Joanne will allow her to conduct another one soon.

Pat also indicated that Juanita H.S. is requesting a mentor for a student project and DeeDee Rusnak immediately volunteered.


Dee Dee indicated that Vlad's Activity list is on the Club Runner and encouraged all to sign up to take Vlad up on some of his wish list items.  Dee Dee also cleared her conscience by absolving her husband of all guilt that he misplaced the Vlad list when indeed she had inadvertently passed the paper with some work documents to a colleague.  Now see there husbands, we will admit that we can be wrong and you may be right⿦.at least once a year anyway!!


President Joanne encouraged us all to sign up for the District Conference at Whistler April 21-23 2006.  It will be a fun-packed weekend.

Patti Smith announced that at the Chamber luncheon this Friday, three very prestigious community service awards will be presented and the recipient of one of them will be Joanne Primavera!!


Dwight Olsen briefly outlined the activities of the Rotary Foundation and that the goal was to get everyone contributing this year - no matter how small ( or large !), but to have 100% Club participation.  He showed a film that outlined the various way Foundation dollars are utilized.

Sally Gray spoke on the Foundation more in depth and outlined some of the projects we have done and are doing in our own District with Foundation dollars.


John Overleese aired the newly edited 4 minute version of the two-hour video on the Fourth of July 2005.  He indicated that he is able to give us each as many CD's as we would like to provide to potential sponsors and community collaborators.

Gary Redfern introduced the slate of officers to the members and mentioned that next Monday we will vote them in unless others names are offered for those positions:

            President: Steve Brown

            Pres. Elect: Rachel Knight

            Past Pres.: Joanne Primavera

            Vice Pres.: Bob Webb

            Treasurer: Barbara Seaton

            Secretary: Jeannie MacRae

            Club Service: Pat Swenson

            International: Patti Smith

            open positions: Community Service and Vocation