President Bob opened the meeting at 6:38pm, and the pledge was led by one of our newest members, Debbie Gregorik.   President Bob, in honor of this being his last meeting as president, due to an over seas trip that has him gone for the next 3 weeks and there are only 2 meetings left in his year, gave the Inspirational Moment, quoting from Dr. Adrian Rogers, past President of the Baptist Synod.


Bill W introduced his guest, Shellie Goering, who is in advertising and marketing.   Steve B introduced Wilson Anhar, who was visiting for the 5th time, and has recently applied for membership.   Finally, our exchange student, Pascal, gave us all some highlights of his past three weeks.

There were no visiting Rotarians.


President Bob announced the next Board meeting, scheduled for Tuesday June 9 at 5:00 at Jim Feek's office.  This will be the combined meeting of his board and the new board.   All are welcome.

He also announced the date of the Transition Dinner, scheduled for Monday July 13.   Sign-up sheets will be available next week.

Reminder the Duck Branding will take place at Lee Johnson June 29th in place of the regular meeting and there will be no meeting on July 6th so we can all decompress from the Ducky festivities.

Chuck B gave an update on the recent Miracle League game, the 5th game with no rain!   The final game is this coming Saturday, June 13, followed by the annual picnic and awards ceremony at Perrigo Park.   Rachel K is coordinating the picnic.   More volunteers are needed.

Joanne P gave an update on the Duck Dash, and highlighted the sign-up sheets on the tables for selling venues.   There are still some slots left, so don't delay!   She also asked for ideas for how to keep the crowds around Marina Park between the July 4th parade and the race.

Rich B gave an update on the Foundation, and made a final plea for members to participate.   All it takes it $1 from each member for us to reach 100% participation, a goal set early in the year.   He deeply thanked those who have already participated.

John O, next year's Club Service Director, announced two upcoming events.   First, the annual Salmon Bake on August 10 at Bob Norman's home once again.   Gary B will be coordinating the event once again, and the cost is $25/person.   Second, a new event has been scheduled for July 27 - a Party in the Park, hosted by Dan Bartel.   This will be at the Rotary pavillion in Everest Park, and the cost is $5/person.   Both these events are on Mondays in lieu of the regular Monday meetings.

GG announced that she had visited Chuck Morgan, who is doing well, and he would love to hear from his fellow Rotarians.   His address is RiverWest Retirement, 900 N. Western Ave., Wenatchee, Wa, apartment #135.   You'll need to list his apartment number on the address, as, oddly enough, there are TWO Chuck Morgan's at this facility!    If you'd like to call him, his number there is 509-664-9051.


Chancellor Chuck did his usual exceptional job raising money for the club's various charities through Happy Dollars and humiliating Dave Aubrey and his Cal Bears (far too easy!!)!   Thank you, Chuck - for BOTH!!


Patti S introduced our speaker for the evening, our own Joanne Primavera, citing some things we may not know about Joanne.   We all know her as a fine attorney, but she also has a Bachelor's degree in Home Economics, and a Master's degree in (regular) Economics.   Joanne is a Past President of our club, voted Kirkland Rotarian of the Year twice, chaired the Duck Dash THREE times, serves as Asst District Governor, and is involved in more community service events than we can even mention.

Joanne shared with us a very interesting program about her Rotary-sponsored trip to Nepal this past February.   She shared a lot of facts about the country, it's government and culture, and showed many pictures and personal stories about her visit.   The trip was made possible through a Rotary grant to raise awareness of their people - mostly children - and their different disabilities and what Rotary is doing to help.   It was indeed a very interesting program - many thanks, Joanne!


The winning ticket was held by our very lucky exchange student, Pascal, and - what a surprise - he also pulled the winning duck, thus pocketing the entire $15 pot!   Congratulations, Pascal!


There being no further business to bring before the club, President Bob adjourned the meeting at 7:50pm.

Faithfully submitted,
Steve Brown, Scribe for the Evening