The Kirkland Rotary Club meeting of September 11, 2007 began at 6:31 p.m. and was led by President, Rachel Knight.


Pledge:   Evan Perrollaz led the flag salute.


Inspiration:  Barb Seaton said  "If spider webs unite, it can tie up a lion."


Visiting Rotarians :  Pat Flege, Seattle 4

Guests : 

Bob Auslander introduced his wife, Gail, a party planner extraordinaire.  Thanks to Bob and Gail for a wonderful party for Pascal.  GG Getz introduced David Friedman.

Katherine Kehrli introduced our new international student from Switzerland, Pascal Weber.  Pascal is eager to go with Rotarians to do fun events or to just hang out.  Please call Pascal at Katherine's home, (425) 803-3396.


Announcements :

·         The Tukwila Rotary Club is offering two nights with Clay Jenkinson, who impersonates historic  personalities.  Wednesday, October 10 Clay is going to be Thomas Jefferson, and Thursday, October 11, Clay is going to be Meriwether Lewis.  Admission is $30.  This is a fund raiser for the Tukwila club.  If you wish dinner and a chance to meet Clay, the cost is $50 and must be ordered in advance.   (206) 674-4673 or 800-441-8601

·         Gary Bruner announced that Rotary First Harvest is celebrating its 25th Anniversary.  Everyone is invited to their Board meeting on Wed. Sept. 19.  See Gary if you wish to attend.

·         Dan Bartel announced that we will help celebrate by working with the Eastside Baby Corner on Sept. 22.  Sign-up at the club or by talking with Dan

·         Elizabeth Rusnak invited club members to participate in the Blain Immunization project.  The flu and pneumonia immunizations will be given to elderly and others at Hopelink in Kirkland.  The address for Hopelink is 13013 NE 65th Street , near Bridle Trails.  Sign up for October 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

·         The Kirkland Triathlon is this Saturday, September 16.  Volunteers are needed from 6:30 a.m. to whenever you are finished.  I did this a couple of years ago and had a nice time.  The weather is supposed to be good.  Contact Julie Reynolds @


New Member

Bill Woods inducted a new/old member, Dick Westin.  Dick was a member from 1983 to 2000, when he retired from his orthodontics practice and decided to go south for the winter.  Dick was President of the Rotary Club of Kirkland in 1988-89.  Jerry Marsh is Dick's sponsor and Steve Brown is Dick's mentor.  I am sure Dick can go through the 'Red to Blue' process in a hurry.  Welcome Dick.and his wife, Sharon.  


Program :

Pastor Dave Tinney from the Aldersgate United Methodist Church was the Pastor who was riding his bike about five years ago and was knocked over intentionally by a teenager in a car.  He was very injured.  Pastor Tinney forgave his assailant and has based his and his church's ministry on forgiveness.  Pastor Tinney said the act of forgiveness changed his life.


Pastor Tinney gave us cards for the five S's of Forgiveness

·         Start - an intentional plan for forgiveness

·         Stop - any attempt to retaliate or get even and avoid revisiting the injustice

·         Separate - the action from the wrongdoer

·         Seek - ways to identify with the wrongdoer

·         Surrender - the outcome to the Lord or whoever your higher power is and ask for  spiritual healing



Rich Bergdahl successfully bought the lucky ticket for the honeypot.  He gave his ticket to Pascal.  Although Pascal unsuccessfully drew the wrong duck to match the number he chose, Pascal was given a $25 consolation prize.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 P.M.  Congratulations, President Rachel, for getting us out ahead of schedule.


Joanne Primavera Scribe