Rotary Donates Warm Coats to John Muir Families

Rotary Donates Warm Coats to John Muir Families![]() ![]() Once again this holiday season, as part of its community service program, the Rotary Club of Kirkland purchased six boxes of warm coats from Operation Warm in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania for needy students at John Muir Elementary School. Seventy-two coats, costing $1,620, arrived in their boxes on Thursday, December 19, and many were distribute to students as quickly as possible. |
Rotarians Make a Habit of Hopelink Work![]() Eight members of the Rotary Club of Kirkland again devoted a morning to the nearby Hopelink operation sorting food by category and checking expiration dates. Once the job was finished, it was off to Kirkland's Olive Garden restaurant for some great food and enjoyable conversation. Helping Hopelink has become a wonderful habit for the club, and members will try to do this again before 2024 is done.
The Great Kirkland Rotary Rummage Sale Held July 13!![]() The Rotary Club of Kirkland has been supporting the Kirkland community for over 85 years, raising over $1,000,000 for local charities, schools, and various international projects. The Kirkland-wide rummage sale is designed for community members to donate their no-longer-needed possessions, and dozens of volunteers turn can those donated items into dollars for good. The collection and sale of donated items makes an impact in the lives of real people in many ways. It gives a wide variety of goods a longer life, keeping them out of landfills. It facilitates the transfer of no longer needed goods to families who are in need of the goods and at bargain prices. And, with your help, we then: |
Rotary Awards $22,000 in Scholarships![]() Annually the Rotary Club of Kirkland offers scholarships to students attending high schools within the Kirkland area aimed at furthering their higher education. This season, the club is pleased to present $3,000 scholarships to six Lake Washington High School seniors: Noah Aguirre, Brandon Goodfried, Brooke Lewis, Lexi Storey, Claire Vaitkus, and Katherine Montgomery who was awarded a $3,000 Charles O. Morgan Communications Scholarship to further her journalistic, literary, and theater career. In addition to the club scholarships, Brandon Goodfried was awarded a $1,000 Kirkland Rotary Business & Accounting Scholarship sponsored by Rick Walter and Hutchison & Walter CPAs, Erisa Baba was awarded a $1,500 Step Scholarship sponsored by the Stromberg family, and Miguel De Anda was awarded a $1,500 Kirkland Rotary Technical Education Scholarship sponsored by Dr. Joanne Primavera.
Rotary Club of Kirkland Honors 2024 Outstanding Educators![]() |
Rotary Club of Kirkland Inducted into Harvest Against Hunger Lifetime Giving Society![]() |
Kirkland Rotary Foundation Provides Hero House Grant![]() |
Rotarians Fight Food Insecurity Partnering with Hopelink![]() |
Rotary and Lake Washington Schools Establish Music4Life Chapter![]() |
Rotarians Collect Thanksgiving Food Baskets![]() |
City Dedicates Rotary Central Railroad Station![]() Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold and city of Kirkland council members Kelli Curtis and Toby Nixon joined Dave Aubry and the Rotary Club of Kirkland for a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new pavilion at the site of the former Northern Pacific Railroad Station along the Cross Kirkland Corridor. The pavilion features illustrated signs describing the railroad’s 100+ year history in Kirkland, with photographs of trains and the two structures that once stood there. The Rotary Club developed the projects installed at the site. The pandemic delayed the ribbon-cutting for a while, but with the ribbon cut, the project is now complete! [Photo and story courtesy of the city of Kirkland.]
Understanding Homelessness Services in Kirkland![]() |
Club Focuses on City Issues in October![]() |
Rotary Partner Hero House Holds Fun Run![]() |
Kirkland Community Donates BIG for July 1 Rummage Sale![]() |
Rummage Sale Posters Sprout in Kirkland![]() |
Rotary Team Celebrates Crosswalk Ribbon Cutting![]() |
Rotary Names 2023 Outstanding Educator![]() |
Rotarians Cook for Helen's Place![]() |
Great Puget Sound Duck Dash 2022 Winners Announced!![]() The Rotary Club of Kirkland's Great Puget Sound Duck Dash 2022 was a swimming success on July 31, 2022 amid the excitement of Summerfest at Kirkland's Marina Park (enjoy the Duck Dash photos). Sixteen Duck Dash contestants won prizes valued at $6,965 after the racing ducks floated into the home stretch. CLICK HERE to see the prizes and the winners! Also enjoy the photos from the racing duck branding party at the Lee Johnson Auto Family facility. The Duck Dash proceeds benefit the Kirkland community, supporting high school scholarships, winter coats for children, Cross Kirkland Corridor Train Pavilion, Miracle League Baseball, Harvest Against Hunger, and many other important causes.
Entering the New Rotary Year with New Motivation![]() |
Rotary Awards 2022 Scholarships![]() |
Rotarians Honor Outstanding Educators![]() |
Second International Program Series Remarkable![]() |
Transportation Speaker Series Rolled Out![]() |
January Series Highlights Washington's Environment![]() |
Rotary Holiday Gift Fund Exceeds Goal!![]() |
October Space Series Amazing![]() |
Fall Education Series Informs Rotarians![]() |
Furry Friends Found Rotary in August![]() |
July Program Series Lifted Our Spirits!![]() |
Rotary Club of Kirkland Annual Leadership Transition![]() |
Rotary Club of Kirkland Honors 2021 Outstanding Educators![]() |
Rotary Club of Kirkland Awards 2021 ScholarshipsThe Rotary Club of Kirkland announced the 2020-21 scholarship awards this month! Rotarians selected 16 students to receive awards totaling $20,000. Congratulations to all of the 2021 scholars!
May Series Focused on Major Community Support Structures![]() |
Major Business Outlook Filled April's Agenda![]() |
March's International Programs Series Educational![]() |
February's Fine & Performing Arts Series![]() |
City Outlook Series Highlights January
December Speakers Honor Veterans![]() |
Rotary Pavilion Project Nearly Complete![]() |
Rotarians Raise the Holiday Gift Giving Bar![]() |
Rotarians Hear Women Business Leader Series![]() |
Rotary Clubs Donate $12,500 to Businesses![]() What do Kirkland’s Dakshin Indian Bistro, Gunnar Nordstrom Gallery, Casa Ricardo’s, Claire’s Nails, and Bombaii Hair Cutters all have in common? They’re all recipients of grants from the Kirkland Small Business Relief Fund, one of the hometown investment priorities of Kirkland’s Rotary Clubs. |
Rotary 2020 Scholarships Awarded![]() The Rotary Club of Kirkland is pleased to announce the award of twelve scholarships to students attending Emerson High School, Juanita High School, Lake Washington High School, and Lake Washington Institute of Technology. The scholarships awards, totaling $14,000 were either $1,000 or $1,500. |
Rotarians Revive Railroad Relics![]() The Rotary Club of Kirkland and the club’s partners have completed several historically significant projects at the midpoint of the Cross Kirkland Corridor, site of the former Northern Pacific Railway station. The centerpiece is a Picnic Pavilion with picnic tables and illustrated signage describing the railroad’s 100-year-plus history in Kirkland. |
May 18, 2020 SpokesmanMay 18, 2020 - On-line meeting of the Rotary Club of Kirkland. The meeting began a bit after ~6:00PM, as arranged by James Nevers, using his Zoom account. |
Rotary Donates to Kirkland Nourishing Networks![]() The Rotary Club of Kirkland is proud to announce a significant gift of $11,700 to Kirkland Nourishing Network to support food for local Lake Washington School District students and their families. As a part of the Rotary Club’s ongoing support for the Network, and in response to a call for help from the Kirkland Parks & Community Foundation, leaders of the Club’s Community Service Committee redirected $4,500, the International Service Committee redirected $3,700, and the Club’s partner Kirkland Rotary Foundation contributed $3,500 to make this special gift possible. |
May 11, 2020 SpokesmanMay 11, 2020 - On-line meeting of the Rotary Club of Kirkland. The meeting began a bit after ~6:00PM, as arranged by James Nevers, using his Zoom account. Attending were – James Nevers, Dave Aubry, Steve Shinstrom, Margie Glenn, Kristin Olson, Rick Ostrander, Stefan Landvogt, John Pruitt, Joanne Primavera, David Debois, Rich Bergdahl, Mike Hunter, John Woodbery, Terry Cole, Patti Smith, Monica Fratita, Gary Cohn, Darcia Tudor, Rick Walter, Don Dicks, George Anderson, Scott Becker, Dan Bartel, Jim Meniketti, Brandon Honcoop. Let me know if I missed anyone . 6:05PM – Dave Debois introduced Curtis King of Restor-ear, our speaker. 6:11PM - President John Woodbery rang the bell – Mike Hunter led the Pledge of Allegiance. Rotary business:
SPEAKER: Our speaker tonight is Curtis King, CEO of Restor-ear, a startup developing high-tech ways to assist those with hearing loss. They are also involved in helping to prevent hearing loss. We live in a world that is much noisier than the one our ancestors lived in. Damage to hearing can come from exposure to noise over a period of time. He discussed the significance of sound to our connection with the world around us. The mind can filter out the ‘non-relevant’ sounds so we can ‘hear’ the words or sounds that we want to hear. Apple has installed a sound meter in one of its latest versions of the Apple Watch. Discussed the physiology of the ear and the necessity of using ear muffs and ear plugs to reduce the level of noise we are exposed to when necessary. His company is working on the use of hypothermia – cooling – which helps reduce damage due to hearing restoration surgery. Cooling also shows promise in reducing the damage one might expect from excessive noise. They are focusing on tests with military personnel. There was no further business, and we adjourned at 7:23PM. Respectfully Submitted David Aubry Acting Scribe |
"May The Fourth Be With You" SpokesmanMay 4, 2020 - On-line meeting of the Rotary Club of Kirkland. The meeting began a bit after ~6:00PM, as arranged by James Nevers, using his Zoom account. Attending were – James Nevers, Dave Aubry, Steve Shinstrom, Margie Glenn, Kristin Olson, Rick Ostrander, Stefan Landvogt, Bill Taylor, John Pruitt, Joanne Primavera, Amy Mutal, David Mutal, David Debois, Rich Bergdahl, Mike Hunter, John Woodbery, Terry Cole, Patti Smith, Tricia Stromberg, Russ Stromberg, Monica Fratita, Gary Cohn, Darcia Tudor, Rick Walter, Bob Auslander, Don Dicks, Patty Sims, George Anderson, Scott Becker, Dan Bartel, Bella Chaffey, Jim Meniketti, Ambareen Jaddi,. Let me know if I missed anyone. 6:08PM - President John Woodbery rang the bell – we did the Pledge of Allegiance. Chelsea Tripp, Assistant District Governor for Section 11, our Club’s Section in the District, discussed on-line/Zoom training available for folks in Club leadership positions on every subject imaginable. 6:18PM – Announcements:
6:41PM – Our speaker was Samantha St John, CEO of the Kirkland Chamber of Commerce. Our Chamber now appears to be the oldest on the Eastside. She has been working on forming a Foundation under the Chamber to carry out educational functions – this has been done this year. Programs have been established in Business, Marketing, and Mentorship among others. The Foundation has now established a small-business relief fund; 501C-3 status is being sought. She recounted that the impact of COVID-19 on Kirkland’s small businesses has been devastating. The Chamber is trying to raise a second tranche of funds for the relief fund. We discussed how we as a community can make a difference in the survival of local small businesses. We discussed possibly establishing contributions from Club members to be used to match other community contributions. 7:14PM – break-out rooms. We discussed what we are grateful for in the current situation. 7:25PM – it was announced that golf courses are reopening, which will save the sanity of a number of Club members. Adjourned at 7:26PM Respectfully Submitted David Aubry Acting Scribe |
April 27, 2020 SpokesmanApril 27, 2020 - On-line meeting of the Rotary Club of Kirkland. The meeting began a bit after ~6:10PM, as arranged by James Nevers, using his Zoom account. Attending were – James Nevers, Dave Aubry, Steve Shinstrom, Margie Glenn, Kristin Olson, Rick Ostrander, Stefan Landvogt, Bill Taylor, John Pruitt, Joanne Primavera, Amy Mutal, David Mutal, David Debois, Rich Bergdahl, Mike Hunter, Brandon Honcoop, John Woodbery, Terry Cole, Patti Smith, Tricia Stromberg, Russ Stromberg, Monica Fratita, Gary Cohn, Darcia Tudor, Rick Walter, Cheryl Guenther. Let me know if I missed anyone. President John Woodbery rang the bell – recently ‘rescued’ from the Woodmark Hotel by Rich Bergdahl, and we did the Pledge of Allegiance. News:
Our speaker for the evening is Kim Lorenz, the author of “Tireless”, which describes key principles that drive success beyond business school. It partly revolves around the benefits of Rotary and its work. The book advocated that we learn to see opportunity and is targeted at 18-40 year-olds. We make tens of thousands of decisions a day – how we make them determines how we contribute and/or succeed in our jobs, or in our lives. My screen then froze about 6:50PM, even though I was hard-wired in the router; lost connection completely at 6:56 PM, got out of Zoom and came back in with full audio and video at 7:01PM. Unfortunately, I missed some of the talk, but the book is available to everyone, so get one and check it out. Respectfully Submitted David Aubry Acting Scribe |
April 20, 2020 Spokesman‘Virtual’ Rotary meeting Monday April 20, 2020, 6PM. We met using James Nevers’s Zoom account, with 31 people in attendance: James Nevers, Mike Hunter, John Pruitt, Stefan Landvogt, Amy Mutal, David Mutal, Margie Glenn, Rick Ostrander, John Woodbery, Monica Fratita, Brandon Honcoop, Joanne Primavera, Dan Bartel, Patti Smith, Terry Cole, Rick Walter, Rich Bergdahl, Gary Cohn, Dave Aubry, Tricia Stromberg, Russ Stromberg, Bella Chaffey, Cheryl Guenther, David Debois, Brian Tucker, Jim Meniketti, Bob Auslander, Ambareen Jaddi, Elizabeth Rusnak, Patty Sims, Steve Shinstrom. At 6:10PM, we did the Pledge of Allegiance, standing, online. 6:12PM – new member induction of Cheryl Guenther by Amy Mutal. Announcements:
James then set up short break-out sessions of four members each so we could catch up on our fellow members’ lives. I was in a group with Bob Auslander, Ambareen Jaddi, and Jim Meniketti. We are all doing reasonably well. We discussed why there is such a huge disparity in number of cases between New York and California. We discussed what experiences in our pasts might be similar – polio and measles in the 1950s were mentioned. [Only us older folks could speak to that.] Our regularly scheduled speaker was Stefan Landvogt, who works at Microsoft. He gave an extremely informative talk about Virtual Reality [VR] – how he got involved in it, its history, what it means, and where the technology might be applied in the future. It is definitely not just for entertainment. Basically, VR means that everything a user sees is created by a computer. As a corollary, Augmented Reality [AR] means reality is supplemented by input from computers and/or the internet. Mixed reality blends both. An old fashion Viewmaster is an early example of AR where two images cause the brain to see one 3-D image. To be ready for the growth of VR, computers and internet connections must have greater speeds and capacities than many now have. Only then will the user be fully immersed in a computer-generated world. Gary Cohn briefly discussed our on-going scholarship program. We are working with six local schools with what began as a $10K budget. Thanks to the generosity of several Club members, we now have $20K to work with. Because of social distancing requirements, our interviews will be done with platforms like Zoom. Bob Auslander announced that the Salmon Bake will be at his house this year. We sang Happy Birthday to Rich Bergdahl. We discussed Duck Dash fundraising – we will need to inform donors that the race may not happen in the same way as before. We discussed Bill Wood’s suggestion of putting the Ducks in the Kirkland Pool and then randomly pulling them out. Our next meeting will be April 27 at 6PM on Zoom. Meeting was adjourned at 7:27PM. Respectfully Submitted: Dave Aubry, Acting Scribe. |
April 13, 2020 SpokesmanApril 13, 2020 - Third on-line meeting of the Rotary Club of Kirkland. The meeting began a bit after 6PM, as arranged by James Nevers, using his Zoom account. Attending were – James Nevers, Dave Aubry, Steve Shinstrom, Margie Glenn, Kristin Olson, Amy Mutal, Rick Ostrander, Dan Bartel, Stefan Landvogt, Bill Taylor, Patty Sims, John Pruitt, Joanne Primavera, Amy Mutal, George Anderson, David Debois, Rich Bergdahl, Mike Hunter, Brandon Honcoop, John Woodbery, Terry Cole, Patti Smith, Russ & Tricia Stromberg, Monica Fratita, Gary Cohn, Bob Auslander, Scott Becker, Bella Chaffey, Cheryl Guenther, Rick Walter. Let me know if I missed anyone. We had a speaker – another first! Steve Crider of Skagit Valley Organic Farming spoke and showed a video illustrating how his organization is assisting people to get into farming, to learn how to run and grow a business. The focus is on people, primarily poor and disadvantaged, who want to get into establish themselves in sustainable, organic farming, especially Latino farmers – the program is bilingual, Spanish & English. Viva Farms, where much of the training takes place, is located along State Highway 20 between I-5 and Anacortes. For this program to succeed, the farmers also need access to infrastructure to move products from field to market, as well as field equipment to allow efficient farming and harvesting. The program functions as a bridge to full-time, larger-scale farming. Our speaker next week will be our own Stefan Landvogt of Microsoft, discussing Artificial Intelligence and its applications to our lives. We will have another on-line meeting next week, at 6:00. Committees can give their reports. Respectfully Submitted David Aubry Acting Scribe |
April 6, 2020 Spokesman‘Virtual’ Rotary meeting Monday April 6, 2020, 6PM. We met using James Nevers’s Zoom account, with 20 people in attendance: James Nevers, Mike Hunter, Steve Shinstrom, John Pruitt, Stefan Landvogt, Amy Mutal, Pat Swenson, Margie Glenn, Rick Ostrander, John Woodbery, Monica Fratelli, Brandon Honcoop, Joanne Primavera, Dan Bartel, Patti Smith, Terry Cole, Rick Walter, Kristin Olson, Rich Bergdahl, Gary Cohn, Dave Aubry. We discussed what type of scholarships to offer – more awards but smaller, or fewer awards with more dollars per award. We discussed doing face-to-face interviews vs. online/virtual interviews. Ivar’s also gives $1000 scholarships [same as we do], but fewer in number than we do, and got a 3-page spread in a golf magazine. What can we do to increase our profile in the community? Rick Walter is donating a $1000 scholarship to help increase our impact! Gary Cohn is looking at ways of increasing our community profile. He wants information to put on a website and thereby increase our profile. Gary also wants us to ensure that our email, photo, and personal information is up-to-date on the Club’s website. Gary and Margie will chat on ways of assisting on membership issues. The Club wants to reach out to members who have not joined these ‘virtual’ meetings to check on their well-being and to encourage them to participate in these meetings. Amy Mutal gave an update on business activities in the City of Kirkland.. The City, and the region and state, is shut down. We are all hoping for some loosening up in May that will allow some community activities. In June, we all hope that normal activities such as the Wednesday Market and the Wine Walk will proceed on schedule, followed by later summer events. The next four weeks’ speakers are willing to go ‘virtual’ with us. Several members shared information about how they are coping – amazing amounts of creativity. This has been a good convivial get-together. Everyone was encouraged to give a call to Club ‘shut-ins’ such as Bill Woods and George Anderson. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10PM. Respectfully Submitted Dave Aubry, Acting Scribe. |
March 30, 2019 SpokesmanMarch 30, 2020 - First on-line meeting of the Rotary Club of Kirkland. The meeting began at 6PM, as arranged by James Nevers, using his Zoom account. Attending were – James Nevers, Rick Walter, Stefan Landvogt, Bill Taylor, Patty Sims, John Pruitt, Joanne Primavera, Amy Mutal, David Mutal, George Anderson, Rich Bergdahl, Mike Hunter, Brandon Honcoop, John Woodbery, Terry Cole, Steve Shinstrom, Margie Glenn, Patti Smith. Let me know if I missed anyone. It took a few minutes to get everyone’s video and audio feeds working properly, but soon everyone was fully on board. We will probably continue with virtual meetings until the requirement for social distancing is lifted. Apparently, no Club member has the virus; 2-3 members know someone who has the bug, possibly including one death. Discussed ramifications of the situation for businesses, and discussed the qualifications required in order to receive potential Federal stimulus money. Mandatory IRA withdrawals are suspended. If you have already taken a mandatory withdrawal, you may be able to return the money to your account. Discussed the out-of-pocket cost to the Club of not staging the Duck Dash this year. We took a quick break to refill our wine glasses – almost everyone did seem to have one. Patti Sims said that Miracle League is still on a wait-and-see basis while we monitor social distancing requirements and the availability of near-by ball parks and schools. Several members recounted their experiences over the past couple of weeks. We will have another on-line meeting next week, at 6:30. Committees can give their reports. Respectfully Submitted David Aubry Acting Scribe |
March 9, 2020 SpokesmanKirkland Rotary Minutes for Monday March 9th 2020 The meeting was called to order by President John Woodbery at 6:40 pm. The flag salute was let by James Nevers. Tonight’s Greeter’s were Rick Ostrander and John Pruitt. Visitors: The meeting had only one visitor tonight: Kiavash Maadanian. It is already his third meeting with the club. Club Announcements: Dave Aubry – On Wednesday March 11th a work party will help to move all parts of the semaphore from storage to the actual location. Dave has some volunteers, but everyone is more than welcome to show at 9 am at Public Storage 724 8th St in Kirkland. Gary Cohn – The scholarship packages are all sent out, and are due back March 20th. Please let Gary Cohn know if you want to help or more important if you want to sponsor an additional scholarship. Dan Bartel – the next event at North Western Harvest is scheduled for April 11th – the second Saturday of April. He will let the group know more details soon. Rick Walter – Past Presidents Meeting will happen at the Rick Walter residence on March 14th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Arrive at 5:00 pm if you want a parking spot. Also be aware that Bunco is happening on March 28th starting at 6 pm at the Shinstrom residence. Special Announcements: There was a change in the calendar. Next week on March 16th the club will welcome Curtis King with his presentation of the ‘Development of a New Hearing Device’ at the usual location and time. The event at Top Golf has been moved to a new date that will be announced later. Program Speaker: Gordon Herinrichs Program Topic: Solutions to the opioid crisis: Why you’re a key player The speaker worked as a chiropractor for more than 20 years, and also worked for United Health care for the last 13 years of his career - one of the biggest health insurance companies in the nation – in an administrative role. The presentation started with Gordon stating that he has a personal connection to the opioid crisis and shared his story: His son in law got addicted after using opioid for pain management, and his grand-daughter got a prescription of 100 opioid pills when presumably something less powerful would have been sufficient. This changed his approach to traditional medicine and he tries to work towards better collaboration between healthcare disciplines. He pointed out that the addiction to opioids can start early in the treatment, but it is possible to overcome the addiction. Furthermore he quoted the CDC that more than 47.000 people were killed by overuse of opioids in 2017 and 36% of these deaths were caused by prescribed medicine. The rest of the presentation focused on alternatives to opioids and that even well-known authorities are supporting these evidence-based non-pharmacologic strategies for comprehensive pain care. He referred to a white paper on the topic, and listed some alternatives: massage therapy, mind body interventions or transcutaneous electric nerve stimulations seems to help most with chronic pain, and chiropractic and osteopathic treatments or physical therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy might help with acute pain. Also yoga, Pilates and ta-chi was mentioned. He pointed out that nothing works every time and to make sure to get professional help referrals are recommended. The speakers main objective is to tell the community that there are non-addictive alternatives to opioids, and he hopes to spread awareness through the participants of his presentation. After a discussion on the topics the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM. Submitted by scribe for the week: Stefan Landvogt |
February 24, 2020 SpokesmanKirkland Rotary Minutes for the Meeting February 24, 2020 The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by President John Woodbury. Dave Aubry lead us in the Pledge. Visitors Introduced: Sarah Freeman - Student of the Month (LWHS) for February Laura & Mark Freeman - Sarah’s parents Tom Everly - visiting Rotarian from the Wenatchee Rotary Club Heather Ripplinger - speaker’s guest Jarryd David Jackson - speaker’s guest Announcements: Steve Shinstrom – asked if any more members wanted to sign up for the Bunco party on March 28 Dave Aubry – asked for volunteers to help move an antique railroad semaphore from Kirkland storage to the CKC Central Station project Gary Cohn – asked for volunteers for the Kirkland Rotary scholarship selection effort Dave DeBois - Duck Dash will be on July 26. Kirkland Urban says they will allow Duck Dash ticket sales on their site starting July 16. Scott Becker – still need more Duck Dash sponsors. Sponsorships must be completed by May 1st when ticket printing will start. James Nevers – attended conference with former presidents and is eager to be the next Club president Patricia Sims – asked that everyone take a look at the Miracle League flyer showing upcoming game dates and asked for volunteers |
February 10, 2020 SpokesmanROTARY WEEKLY MEETING- SWEETHEART MEETING (aka All You Need Is Love 😊 ) February 10, 2020 February 10, 2020-Kirkland Rotary Dinner Meeting was called to order by President John Woodbery at 6:30 PM. The flag salute was led by James Nevers. The Club had several sweethearts in attendance. We also had our Student of the Month-Sarah Freeman. Club announcements include:
500 Kirkland Way, Kirkland WA 98033
Program: Leader: David Mutual Program Topic: Sweetheart Stories and Myths Summary of Program: Kirkland Rotary members provided photos to Amy Mutual to assemble a collection of the photos that David Mutual shared. David had added a levity to the photos by adding a few cartoons about love and marriage. Contributing members were: John Woodbery Mike Hunter John Pruitt Dave Aubry Stefan Landvogt Steve Shinstrom Amy & David Mutual The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM. Respectfully submitted: Margie Glenn Scribe for February 10, 2020 Kirkland Rotary Weekly Meeting |
February 3, 2020 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, February 3rd Meeting President John Woodbery called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Dave Aubry led us in the Pledge. Guests Sarah Freeman, Lake Washington High School, Student of the Month Felicity Strzelec, Juanita High School, Student of the Month Tom Strzelec, Felicity’s father Visiting Rotarians Bret Trauscher, Issaquah Rotary Fernando Martos, Issaquah Rotary Announcements:
Young Professional Exchange Program Bret and Fernando from the Issaquah Club explained how a new exchange program with Japan sends young professionals from the U.S. to Japan, and likewise Japanese professionals come here.This program is for young professionals from ages 21 to 30 years of age.The exchanges last for 9 days.The Issaquah Club is looking for other Clubs to join with them on this program. The goal is to increase interest in the program and eventually expand it to other countries. Student of the Month Felicity Strzelec gave the Club a brief overview of her school activities, chess and cross country, and explained her plans to study biology and mathematics in college in order to enter the medical or health field. Paul Harris Presentation Don Dix presented Paul Harris pins to Russ and Tricia Stromberg and thanked them for their contribution to help people around the world. Club members gave Russ and Tricia a standing ovation for their continued support of Rotary International. Program – Better Angels Christine Cook, Mary Beth Stibbins and Rao Talasila told us about Better Angels and how they bring “red” and “blue” Americans together to better understand the beliefs and experiences of those on the other side. Better Angels conducts workshops and skills training to help people see other people’s viewpoints and to reach common ground. “Polarization” is a real concern, especially after the 2016 Presidential election when Better Angels was formed. A Better Angels workshop will be held February 22nd at the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church in Kirkland. The website for Better Angels is “” if you’re interested in getting involved. Thank you, Christine, Mary Beth and Rao for an informative program. Adjournment President John adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM. [Scribe for the week: Michael Hunter] |
January 6, 2020 SpokesmanKirkland Rotary Minutes for the meeting January 8, 2020 The meeting was called to order by President John Woodbery and he asked Steve Shinstrom to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Visitors were introduced: N. Ramachandran a visiting Rotarian from India Karin Quick – Kirkland attorney and past member of our club Beatriz Soriano – with First Financial Northwest Bank in Kirkland – Guest of Scott Becker Michael Brunelle – also with FFNW Bank in Kirkland Bella Chaffey – Real Estate Broker at Windemere Stefan Landvogt – has applied for membership!! Felicity Strzelec – Student of the month for January from Juanita Announcements: Amy Mutal let us know about some upcoming events – the 27th of January we will be meeting at Chainline Brewery for our Monday meeting. In addition, we will have a sweetheart event on the Monday closet to Valentines Day so please provide some stories and some pictures for the event. James Nevers – our upcoming president, announced that the last board member to complete his board is Dave Debois who will be the President Elect. The club approved the entire board once again. Cheryl Guenther discussed an event for Music Mends Minds being held on February 14th – more details to come. John Woodbery reminded everyone that there is no meeting on the 20th due to the holiday and also wanted his board to remember the board meeting on the 8th at 6pm – dinner at 5:30pm. |
December 16, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Minutes Meeting Date: December 16, 2019. The meeting was called to order by President John Woodbery at 6:30 p.m. The flag salute was led by Rick Walter. Inspiration Moment: The “inspiration moment” was introduced by John Woodbery. John discussed the poem “Winds of Fate,” which was a favorite of John’s father-in-law for the proposition that the “hardest part of any job in life is getting started.” Introduction of Visitors: Mike Hunter introduced Stefan _______, who has been a frequent guest at our meetings. Our speaker, Teresa Valley, introduced her guest Fernanda _____. Club Announcements: There will be a Board meeting on December 18 at Amy Mutal’s office. There will be no meeting on December 23 or 30; meetings to resume on January 6, 2020. There will not be a social event in January and Steve Shinstrom will reschedule Bunco for next year. Trish Stromberg and Mike Hunter described how much they enjoyed the purchasing and wrapping of gifts for the John Muir children on December 11. The breakfast on December 14 was a success. Thanks to Dave DeBois and Joe Getzendanner for organizing. Special Announcement: Don Dicks presented the Paul Harris award to Rick Ostrander. Happy Dollars: Rick Walter collected Happy Dollars to present to the Woodmark Hotel staff to thank them for their great service. The Happy Dollars were presented to “Joe” and another hotel employee. |
November 25, 2019 SpokesmanMinutes Meeting 11/25/19 Scribe : James Nevers Meeting called to order at 6:35. Flag Salute: John Pruitt Inspirational Moment by John Woodbury – Quote from George Washington recommending Thanksgiving Day as a National Holiday Visitors: Patty Shinstrom, Cherese Bourgon from Bella Sirena Salon- visiting and interested in becoming involved with Rotary- recommended to attend by Dave DeBois, and Bella Chaffey who has submitted her application to join our club. Parents of our Student of the Month – Anisha Bhardwaj - Mritunjay and Rubbi Kumari Club Announcements James Nevers asked the club if anyone was interested to volunteer for a board position next year to let him know. Board meeting on the 11th will be a packing event instead. More information to follow Kirkland Performance Center has thanked us for the donation for Bill Woods birthday Steve Shinstrom thanked us for last week’s donations for Movember. $300 was raised Patty Shinstrom asked for volunteers for Reading Buddies. 3 more are needed to make the program work this year. We are continuing our contract with the Woodmark Hotel for next year. Our Student of the Month, Anisha Bhardwaj gave her talk. She is a senior in the Cambridge program and has received top exam scores. She hopes to attend Wesley next year and should hear back soon. She is the president of her school’s DECA program and has been to Internationals multiple times. She has also started a junior model UN nonprofit to help bring the club into middle schools. She has also started the Redmond Youth Political Advisory Committee to perform public service in the community. Anisha hopes to continue to server her community wherever she ends up. We thanked her for her time with us and wish her the best! Program tonight was Music 4 Life and the presenter was David Endicott. His organization helps put musical instruments in the hands of students in need. Most instruments are donated from adults and research shows that students who play in instrument do better in other areas. They are endorsed by Rotary, an Official district 5030 project, and are now in 14 schools. They have also helped donate recorders for 3-4th graders and harmonicas. They received over $157,000 in donations last year and are on track to beat that this year. President John ended with a historical anecdote and ended the meeting at 7:24. |
November 18, 2019 SpokesmanMeeting 11/18/19 Scribe: Bill Taylor Meeting called to order: 6:32 PM Flag Salute: Bill Taylor Greeter: Rick Ostrander “that’s who greeted me”? Inspirational Moment: Rotary’s Ideal of Service & Paul Harris has not changed Student of the Month: Anisha Bhardwaj – Juanita High School Visitors: Ambareen’s son, Jamal Jaddi Club Announcements:
*** Patty Shinstrom is in dire need of Reading Buddy Leaders. Email or call her if you would help. or 425.260.1255. Without leaders we may have to cancel. Special Announcements:
Happy Dollars:
November 4, 2020 SpokesmanMeeting Date: Monday, November 4, 2019 Scribe: George Anderson The meeting is called to order by President John Woodbery at 6:30 PM. The flag salute is led by Margie Glenn. (No greeter identified) Inspiration Moment: The Inspiration Moment was introduced by John Woodbery. The topic was a story about a boy buying a cripple puppy because he himself was crippled. Introduction of Visitors: Student of the Month: Anisha Bhardwaj from Juanita High School Other Visitors: Missed guests names (Sorry) Club Announcements: Dave Aubrey: Delay on delivering warm coats to Muir Elementary School. Waiting for info from school. Rick Walter: Christmas Party being planned for either December 15th brunch or December 16th dinner. Email announcement to go out this week. Steve Shinstrom: Bunco will be sometime in 2020. Dave DeBois: On Thursday, KPC will host a showcase of young inventors, high school and adult, looking to demonstrate their inventions to investors. Mention Dave’s name at the door to get in. Special Announcements: Dave Aubrey reported on the progress that has been made on the club project to put picnic tables, a segment of railroad, and signage commemorating the original railroad that crossed Kirkland. A railroad semaphore tower has been contributed to the project and work on the footing is underway. The project is located beside the cross Kirkland corridor, behind the Chain Link Brewery. Dave Aubrey was named Rotarian of the Month for his work on the club project. Program Speaker: Rebecca Weaver Program Topic: Business Consulting in the Workplace Rebecca has extensive experience in Human Resources in large companies. She provides consulting services in Human Resources to small businesses, and believes a revolution is required in the Human Resources field to meet the issues identified by the #metoo movement. She recommends anonymous venues for discussing personal HR issues, open dialog between management and employees, including training on how to interrupt inappropriate conversations, management to stop lying to employees, and rethinking everything about company culture. The meeting was adjourned but 7:34 PM. Submitted by Scribe: George Anderson |
October 28, 2019 SpooksmanThe meeting started at 6:30 PM at the Woodmark, called to order by President John Woodbery. Dave DeBois led us in the flag salute. A poem by Edgar Allen Guest, "It Couldn't Be Done but he did it" was read by President Woodbery as an inspiration for us all to tackle even the hardest tasks with enthusiasm. Visitors were then introduced, including our Student of the Month Caroline Squires and her parents. Announcements were:
Upcoming speakers: Rebecca Weaver, business counseling in the work place 11/4; Dist. Gov. Bill McElroy 11/18 Caroline Squires presented her presentation on her experience as Student of the Month for October, her activities at school and community and her plans for life. A certificate and racing duck were presented. Happy dollars joyfully collected by Rick Walter Debbie Dixon, life coach and yoga instructor presented that from an early life of abuse, drugs, extreme dysfunction and as a single mom at age 17 she discovered yoga and began to heal. She has authored her book, "A Path to Freedom" and 15 years ago opened a life coaching studio to help others. She has been able to help remedy for some from what she calls a widespread problem of dysfunction of people due to depression and anxiety. She discovered she could help people decompress with finding the solution inside themselves and not outside. She discovered that low energy is a big part of the problem and deep breathing and meditation will help bring joy in her subjects lives.Although the program went on a bit long, it was enjoyed by the audience as evidenced by the question and answer exchanges. The meeting was adjourned, a little late, at 8:00 PM. John Woodbery, Scribe |
October 21, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Date: Monday, October 21, 2019 The meeting was called to order by President, John Woodbery at 6:30 p.m. The flag salute was led by Dave Aubry. Tonight’s Greeter was Margie Glenn. Inspirational Moment: Introduced by John Woodbery. All of us have challenges in life. Generally, there will be two roads available to us to handle this challenge. “The Road Less Traveled”, by Robert Frost, was paraphrased for illustration purposes. Visitors Introduced: Kit Topaz (our speaker), Bella Chaffey, Stefan Landroyd, Cheryl Guather, Margaret Taboyz, Susan Ershlor. No visiting Rotarians. Announcements: No Meeting on November 11th (Veterans’ Day). October 24th is Polio Donation Day. Please be generous. *Warm Coats this year will be different than prior years. We will donate $4,000 for the warm coats and two schools will receive the coats. John Muir Elementary and another Kirkland elementary school. The school councilors will select the needy students to receive the coats and distribute to them throughout the school year. There will not be a “warm coats” fitting day at the school by Rotarians. October 29th: Reminder about Bill Woods 94th birthday celebration at KPC from 6:30 to 8:30 PM November 11th a concert at Benaroya Hall honoring Veterans will be held. Tickets are $15 each. December 3rd: Free concert to benefit SAVE the horses at Benaroya Hall. Tickets available from Kit Topaz at December 8th: Holiday Open House (12:00 to 4:00 pm) at SAFE Horse Rescue in Redmond. Details at Program: SAVE the Horses, Speaker: Kit Topaz (non-profit director) 5 Full-Time Staff, 2 part-time staff, and 150 Volunteers. They have leased property in Redmond with room to house 30 rescued horses. The horses are referred to them by animal control departments along with individual citizens that observe neglected and/or abused horses. They retain the saved horse for life, unless there is an appropriate person that wishes to adopt the horse. A brief movie was presented that showed the dramatic improvement to the saved horses. For further details, view their website: No Happy Dollars. No Ticket Drawings. President John closed the meeting with a bit of light humor. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Scribe for the meeting: Pat Swenson |
October 15, 2019 Spokesman The meeting of Monday, July 15, 2019 was called to order at 6:33 by President, John Woodbery. Rick Ostrander led the flag salute. John provided an insprirational moment. There are different goals for persons of different ages. He culminated in saying an 85 year old believes touching each other provides so much satisfaction. The student of the month is Caroline Squires from Juanita High School. Visitors included: Bella Chaffey, Windemere Realtor and manager of a non-profit, Alexander’s Hope Alexander’s Hope aims to spread awareness of organ donation and cardiac arrest issues of young people. Stefan Landvogt works for Microsoft. He is from Germany and his father-in-law is in a Rotary Club in Germany. Jamie Heil, Area Director of the Kirkland Boys and Girls Club. Jamie gave an update of what’s happening with the Kirkland club. She also thanked us for our partnership with Miracle League. Cheryl Gunther and Margaret Defoy are from Jefferson House, a Memory Care Residential facility in Totem Lake. Cheryl has submitted her application for membership. They are both very interested in District 5030 Music Mends Minds and would like to start a chapter in Kirkland. |
September 9, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Club, Kirkland Meeting Date: Monday, September 9, 2019 Scribe: Terri Ebert The meeting was called to order by President John Woodbery at 6:30 pm. The flag salute was led by Scott Becker. The inspiration moment was shared by John Woodberry. John shared a Paul Harris quote which I sadly did not capture enough to find it online. So, I give you this – “Rotary changes us and those we serve. I believe we can change the world one life at a time.” ~Paul Harris Visiting Rotarians where Kemper Freeman and his wife, Betty Austin from Rotary Club of Bellevue; Kay Zatine from Rotary Club of Downtown Kirkland. Announcements.
Happy Dollars! Terri Ebert collected Happy Dollars from many of our members who enjoyed the Saturday night lightening show, enjoyed the opportunity of NOT staying at the U of WA football game due to the lightning, happy that another WA football team was showcased on the U of WA big screens during the lightning storm, got their daughter off to Ireland, and more! Thank you for your generosity! Program speakers were Marni Kurtz, Executive Director and Nick Riley, Mentorship Coordinator from AFK Youth Mentoring. Marni and Nick provided an incredibly upbeat and moving discussion regarding this program which is about building supportive relationships between children who have disabilities and high school athletes. The Mission of AFK Youth Mentoring is to enhance the lives of children who have disabilities and special needs and the high school athletes who mentor them. It was noted that BOTH the Mentors and the Buddies report that their life was enhanced due to this program. Facts: Since 2002 2,500 Buddies and Mentors have participated in the program. There are currently 417 active Buddies and Mentors. In 2018 6,000 mentoring hours were completed. As of this meeting, there are 12 High School Chapters active in the program. Several questions were answered in relation to the program, funding and more. On Thursday, November 7th, 6 pm, please join AFK Youth Mentoring for their Beneath the Same Sky Auction. Location is Seattle Marriott Bellevue. 200 110th Avenue, NE, Bellevue. If you are interested in attending, please email Terri Ebert; she is considering hosting a table. The meeting ended at 7:25 pm. Submitted by Terri Ebert |
August 19, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland, meeting date: Monday August 19, 2019 Scribe: Joe Getzendanner The front desk and greeting duty staffed by John Pruitt and Margie Glenn – thank you. The formal meeting was called to order by President John Woodbery at 6:35 pm after an earsplitting microphone glitch. Once cleared up, the flag salute was led by the scribe. Special guests included: member Gary Cohn’s mother, Roseanne and President John Woodbery’s friend Chris Rorer, alumni of the Air Force Academy and former member of Bellevue Rotary. Members Rick Walter and Ernie Norehad each offered up spirited jokes to the club. Details are fuzzy, one joke came from Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee while the other involved old golfers pretending to be older – punch lines required attendance 😉 The club Salmon Bake is on August 26th at Brandon Honcoop’s home…call to service was made for designated drivers (OPEN BAR – thanks Rick Walter) and for volunteers to help clean up post bake. Let’s not leave this on our hosts. Rotary Foundation Auction is September 30th at St John’s Church (downtown Kirkland)…more details coming but please mark your calendars and prepare fun “item” to donate to the auction. 4 Seahawk sideline tickets potentially being offered up by loud member at front table. Dessert Dash will be back at this year’s auction, please leave all vegan pies at home (kidding). The club unanimously approved the appointment of Margie Glenn as Club Secretary – thank you Margie. Member Gary Cohn received a Paul Harris Fellow recognition for his long-standing service with the Everett Club. Gary expressed his desire to continue giving back within the Kirkland club and specifically to apply his energy within the vocational committee. Our guest speaker was Eitan Teiger, representing Stand With Us, an organization promoting Israeli interests abroad for the past 19 years. Eitan has spent 10 months in the US presenting to different groups including many high schools. While the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is clearly complex and full of violent instances, Eitan brought to our attention that Israel is comprised of many different religions and that Stand With Us views education as the best path to peace. President John Woodbery thanked Eitan for his talk with 600 lbs of donated food to Rotary First Harvest and an authentic Duck Dash duck. Upcoming schedule: no meeting September 2nd (for Labor Day), normal meeting time/place September 9th and then club picnic September 16th at Everest Picnic Pavilion. Meeting adjourned by President John Woodbery at 7:40 pm. |
August 12, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Club, Kirkland Meeting Date: Monday, August 12, 2019 Scribe: Terri Ebert The meeting was called to order by President John Woodbery at 6:30 pm. The flag salute was led by Dave Aubry. The inspiration moment was shared by John Woodberry. John admitted that he was not sure it related directly back to Rotary. The moral of the story is that desperation begets cleverness. Visitors include Claudia Smith who is looking for her next Rotary club. Margaret Tafoya & Cheryl Guenther from Jefferson House Announcements.
Special Announcements. As voted on by the Board, James Nevers was Rotarian of the Monty for August 2019. Program speaker was Carolyn Raichle who spoke about her Mother, Jean McFee Raichle, and the Artist Within. Carolyn showed a short film about her Mother and the power of art when people have dementia. Carolyn’s discussion drew many questions and was very moving. Carolyn encouraged us to find joy in any interaction, be patient and ready to redirect your friend or family member who may find themselves in this situation. The meeting ended at 7:30 pm. Terri Ebert |
August 5, 2019 SpokesmanKirkland Rotary Monday, August 5, 2019 Weekly Meeting Notes Scribe: Terri Ebert The meeting was called to order by President, John Woodbery at 6:40 pm. The flag salute was led by Terry Cole. The inspiration moment was introduced by John Woodbery. The topic was about the blind girl and her boyfriend. The girl was very grateful and had a wonderful boyfriend who loved her dearly. The girl said that if she could have 1 thing, she would like the ability to see. One miraculous day eyes were donated to the girl and she could then see. She was so happy yet then noted that her boyfriend was blind. She said that she wanted someone in her life that could see; so, the girl broke up with the boyfriend. Later the former boyfriend sent the girl a letter wishing her well and noted that he was very glad he could donate his eyes to her so she could see. Service above self. There were no visitors present at the meeting beyond the speaker. Club announcements:
New Member Talk: Kristin Olson gave her new member talk and share with the membership her love of Mexico, the Rotary Club at her 2nd home in Mexico and the giving back they have done in the past year. Kristin had an esteemed career as a lawyer and currently resides in Kirkland. Program Speaker: The Honorable Faith Ireland spoke about Washington State’s legislative system. Faith was born in Seattle and raised in Burien. She attended the University of Washing and worked/volunteered with WA State’s Legislature during school. Faith spoke about the separation of power, the revolving door of habitual offenders and took several questions from the membership. The meeting adjourned aby 7:50 pm Terri Eber |
2019 Duck Dash WinnersThank you all for supporting Kirkland Rotary Special thanks to all of our Sponsors Below are the 2019 Duck Dash Winners!!! 1. Virginia Graves - $1000 2. Christian Lindvall - $1000 3. Eric Shinstrom - $1000 4. Thad Pound - $1000 5. Mack & Suzy Krabbe - $1000 6. Jeff Tomlin - $500 at Totally Sound Fitness 7. Ambareen Jaddi - $250 at Ace Frames 8. Don Kingsley - $230 at Sail Sand Point 9. James Nevers - $200 at Woodmark Hotel 10. Eleanor Sieverts-Akerman - $100 Dinner for two at Vovino 11. Imelda Gregor - $120 at Grape Choice 12. Pam Wilcut - $75 at Fena Flowers 13. Bob Auslander - $75 NW Wine Basket 14. Brit Getzendanner - $75 Coffee Basket 15. Nicholas Levias - $75 Margarita Basket 16. Jsaon Van Wuhle - $75 Golf Basket 17. Chitra Subramanian - $50 at Ristorante Paradiso 18. Karen Durner - $50 at Ristorante Paradiso 19. Raphael Rodriguez - $50 at Norther Public House 20. Stan Hall - $50 at Norther Public House |
July 15, 2019 SpokesmanThe meeting of Monday, July 15, 2019 was called to order at 6:42 by President, John Woodbery. Terry Cole led the flag salute. Margie Glenn greeted all the members as they entered the meeting. John provided an insprirational moment. If there is a boulder in the road, look at it as an opportunity to improve your circumstances, not something to avoid. There were no visitors. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Megan: The Duck Branding Party will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, July 23 at 6:00 p.m. at LEE JOHNSON CHEVROLET/MAZDA in the Mazda service bay. Pizza, beverages, and cookies will be served after all the ducks are branded. Bring friends and relatives. Jim: The Ducks will race at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 28. Sign up to help with the following: 1. Selling duck tickets Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. 2. Putting up the booth Friday 3. Putting the ducks in the water at 9:00 a.m. Sunday 4. Pulling out the ducks after the race at 2:00 p.m. Joanne: On July 16, the Kirkland City Council will vote on addiing funds to purchase a larger, more substantial gazebo at the CKC Railroad Crossing. The $32,400 we have raised through duck sales and the Kirkland Foundation Auction, will be leveraged by either $36,000 or $48,000 more dollars from the City. After the project is finally approved, the gazebo will be purchased and the project will proceed. SPEAKER John Hanson, a private investigator, held the members mesmorized with his story of investigating a hoax to collect money for alleged victims of the Alaska Airlines crash in 2000. He also briefly told a story of how he helped find two murdered bodies in Lake Washington that resulted in two men being convicted of murder and sent to prison for life without parole, The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Joanne Primavera, Scribe |
July 8 & July 1, 2019 SpokesmanROTARY MEETING MINUTES JULY 8, 2019 July 8, 2019-Kirkland Rotary Dinner Meeting was called to order by President John Woodbery at 6:30 PM. The flag salute was led by George Anderson. Meeting Greeter was Tricia Stromberg The inspirational moment was provided by Ernie Norehad. The topic was Experience. The following visitors were present: Todd Dentor, Jacob’s Father Barry Long, Speaker for the evening Entita Ogada, Past President from Kenya Rod Moore, John’s son-in-law and Barry’s business partner Club announcements include:
Happy Dollars were collected by Rick Walter Program: Speaker-Barry Long, Realtor, Real Estate Sorftware Developer, Public Speaker Program Topic: Career Decisions & How Careers Change with Life Circumstances Summary of Program:
Big lesson-we do not do anything by ourselves
Barry entertained, made us laugh and inspired us all to take a different view of our lives, goals, actions and need for help every day of our lives. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM. Respectfully submitted: Margie Glenn Scribe for July 8, 2019 Kirkland Rotary Meeting Hello fellow Rotarians. Bob Webb had computer problems so I got these minutes to Steve's address to learn he is away for a while so here they are: Our speaker Monday is Barry Long whose topic is mentioned below. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by newly inducted President John Woodbery. Our greeter tonight was Monica Fratita, the front desk ably manned by John Pruitt and Rick Ostrander the flag salute was led by Ambareen Jaddi, the inspiration moment was given by President John Woodbery with six short prayers that demonstrated qualities like faith, hope, attitude and so forth. Our only visitor was former member Angela Marks who came especially to hear Bill Woods speak. For announcements James Nevers brought us up to speed on the Duck Race preparations and place an urgent request for sellers at the parade on the 4th and at the Wednesday Market and QFC. The duck race is less than a month away. Our program tonight was from Bill Woods a member of Rotary for 55 years. He first attended as a guest in 1955 but became a member in 1964. There could in 1952 only be one member from a given profession then so Bill as the second pharmacist had a badge that he showed that read APOTHECARY. Bill was mayor of Kirkland twice and the Rotary song leader for ten years, handing out a "Rotary song book used in that capacity way back then. He reported that women were only permitted to be Rotarians after 1962.the first woman. He commented on unusual projects like a 60 foot Christmas tree a member delivered to down town Kirkland and a hole was cut in the pavement and a near by crane lifted it into place where it was decorated much to the amazement of Kirklanders that Christmas. Bill commented on how the waterfront was cleaned up and made what it is today, an attraction to thousands each year. He and then fellow member Chuck Morgan worked together to collect funds to build the Kirkland Performance center, a key feature today of Kirkland. There were many questions joyfully and informatively answered and Bill remained in his wheel chair for a solid round of applause. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM. Bob Webb, Scribe by proxy Steve: Upcoming programs: July 8th Barry Long motivation for people with physical handicaps July 15th John Hansen, former police detective now private investigator to explain what the hidden life of crime is like August 5th Open August 12th Marilyn Rachel The art of Alzheimer’s August 19th Eitan Teisor an Israeli tells us what it’s really like over there |
June 17, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, June 17, 2019 Meeting President Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Patty Doherty led us in the Pledge. Guests Cheryl Guenther from Jefferson House Thomas Abraham, guest of the speaker Kathy Dryden, John Muir Elementary Announcements:
June 10, 2019 SpokesmanPresident Rick called the meeting to order at 6:30. The pledge we said by the group and I believe there were no guests. Paul Harris Fellow: Terry Cole received the "Paul Harris Fellow Plus 8" award for his generous contribution to Rotary. He has won this award many times, because of his commitment to improving the lives of those he does not know. Announcements:
June 3, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, June 3, 2019 Meeting President Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Terry Cole led us in the Pledge. No guests were present at this meeting. Announcements:
May 13, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, May 13, 2019 Meeting President Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Dave DeBois led us in the Pledge. Guests: Margie Glenn Scott & Neil Hayne, father & grandfather, respectively, of Nolan, who is an All Star on the Miracle League team. Visitor Thanks Patty Sims introduced Scott & Neil Hayne, who both thanked the Club for putting on Miracle League every year. Nolan, Scott’s son, really enjoys Miracle League every year because it allows him to play baseball like his sister does. Quiet Rotarian Presentation President Rick presented Diana Lanspa with a “Quiet Rotarian” pin for always attending meetings and supporting our Club’s efforts in the community in a quiet way. Congratulations, Diana! |
May 6, 2019 SpokesmanGuests: Joe introduced Scott ____________, a member from the Rotary Club in Bellevue. Joe also introduced members Alice Volpe and Alan Hoviland, who had just returned from 3 months in Hawaii, John Woodburry introduced guest Claudia Smith. Our student of the month was introduced, Thayer Davis from Lake Washington High School. Thayer runs track and field and LW is First Place in Kingco for track and field. Announcements: James shared some Rotary International information to keep this organization in our minds. Amy Mutual told us the club will be playing golf on Monday, May 20 at Mt. Si Golf course. This is a “best ball” tournament. Prices are $50 for over 50 and $60 for the youngsters. Let Amy know if you want to be part of a foursome; we need 20 more people to sign up. Tee times start at 11:00 a.m. and dinner and prizes will be at 4:30 p.m. You are invited to dinner even if you don’t play golf. Dee Dee Rusnak reminded us that Miracle League Baseball is taking place at Perrigo Park in Redmond on Saturdays. Volunteers are needed and should be at the park at 10:00 a.m. Joe spoke about his great experience volunteering at Miracle League. James reported that Duck Dash already has $20,000 in sponsorships, the most recent new sponsor is Delille Winery. |
April 29, 2019 SpokesmanPresident Rick Waters
April 22, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, April 22, 2019 Meeting President Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. George Anderson led us in the Pledge. Guests: Sage Boyd, Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School Angela and Geoff Lakman, parents of Sage Boyd Margie Glenn Sherry Barr(?), friend of Russ & Tricia Stromberg Paul Harris Presentation Brandon Honcoop presented Don Dicks with his 8th Paul Harris Fellow, which means Don has given to Rotary International nine times. Thanks, Don, for your generosity to all the work that Rotary International does around the world. And it’s nice to have you back from Palm Desert! Announcements:
April 15, 2019 SpokesmanThe meeting was brought to order by club president Rick Walter Since Joanne Primavera already had her hand on her heart, she was asked to lead us in the pledge. Greeter Dan Bartel and front desk jockeys John Pruitt and Rick Ostrander were all thanked for their hard work. Our visitors were introduced, and the President shared some Rotary International information to keep this organization in our minds. Ernie Norehad shared some inspirational moments with us – a cautionary tale of watching where you step when in a hospital. Announcements and reminders –
Our speakers were from Sail Sand Point – Seth Muir and Bryan Rust who presented on what their organization does – provides summer camp scholarships for kids in need – rents out boats to the public and for company functions – has classes for all ages. Their mission is to bring the joy and life enhancing benefits of sailing and small boats to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Meeting was adjourned. Rick Walter President and Scribe for an evening |
April 1, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, April 1, 2019 Meeting President Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Jim Meniketti led us in the Pledge. After some mother and daughter Amish humor, guests were introduced. Guests: Sage Boyd, Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School Brian Granowitz, eLearning Developer at tableau Long ago member Johnathan Tuttle surprised the group with an unannounced visit and gave a short 5 minute update on what he has been up to since departing the club. Many a tear was shed with all the volunteerism he as done across the country with other Rotary clubs. Miss you dearly Johnathan. Rotary Foundation Moment President Rick informed us that in 1965 Rotary International began providing matching grants. Announcements:
March 11, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, March 11, 2019 Meeting President Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Joanne Primavera led us in the Pledge. After some farmer’s pond humor, guests were introduced. Guests: Georgina Enciso, Student of the Month from Juanita High School Lily Laursen, Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School Jeffery Goodwin, Lynnwood Rotary Mark Johnson, Lynnwood Rotary Casey Anre’, Lynnwood Rotary Rotary Moment President Rick informed us that in 1922, the Rotary Clubs officially started Rotary International. Announcements:
Student of the Month Georgina Encisco told us about her life and how she has tutored students from other countries and helped them to learn English. She started a “Students Without Borders” club at Juanita High School which has also helped these students and others around the world. Georgina plans to attend Western Washington University and obtain a degree in Education. We wish you all the best Georgina! Happy 50th Enumclaw! President Rick had the whole Club stand as a group and be videoed while we yelled “Happy 50th Enumclaw!” The Enumclaw Rotary Club has asked each Club in our District to do this. Should be interesting to see what comes of all these 50th best wishes videos. Program Scott Becker introduced Blaine Millet, a well published author, who spoke to us about “Word of Mouth to the 10th Power.” Blaine explained how to build trust with your customers, so they become your marketing agents. Better customer experiences with your company, keeping promises, along with helping them improve their businesses will build this trust. Thank you, Blaine, for an interesting look into how to build our businesses! Adjournment President Rick adjourned the meeting at 7:20 PM. Submitted by Mike Hunter, Scribe for the Week |
March 4, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, March 4, 2019 Meeting President Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Jim Feek, our long-time member, led us in the Pledge. After some Pirate humor and the correct way to say sentences, guests were introduced. Guests: Georgina Enciso, Student of the Month from Juanita High School Lily Laursen, Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School Kay Taylor, Evergreen Hospital Laurene Burton, Evergreen Hospital Kae Peterson, Evergreen Hospital Foundation Lucy DeYoung, Evergreen Hospital Foundation |
February 25, 2019Rotary Club of Kirkland Monday, February 25, 2019 Meeting President Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Tricia Stromberg led us in the Pledge. Guests: Georgina Enciso, Student of the Month from Juanita High School Karl Behnky, Seattle #4 Oscar Awards President Rick awarded “Oscars” to Amy Mutal, Patti Smith, and David Mutal as winners of the “Who’s Going to Win an Oscar” contest. Amy picked 17 of the winners, Patti and David tied at 16 but Patti guessed the correct Best Movie winner “Green Book” so took second place. Rotarian of the Month President Rick honored David Mutal as the December Rotarian of the Month for his work in organizing the Holiday Party for families. David of course, thanked all the people who made the event go smoothly, from shopping at Fred Meyer, to breakfast, wrapping, and Santa Dan. Thanks David, and thanks to all who made this event a success! Paul Harris Honor Dave Aubry awarded Brandon Honcoop a +4 Paul Harris pin for his continuing contributions to furthering the goals of Rotary International. Thanks Brandon! Announcements:
January 28, 2019 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes January 28, 2019 The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Rick Walter. Elizabeth Rusnak led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Rick Ostrander manned the front desk. Our Greeters were Scott Rethke and Monica Fratita President Rick gave us a bit of humor with an “old people” joke. Visitors and Introductions: Elizabeth Rusnak introduced Nick Handfelt, a Senior at Juanita High, who is our Student of the Month, and his parents, Catherine and Mark. Nick will give his ‘talk’ tonight. Monica Fratita introduced Erin, a Visiting Rotarian from Port Townsend, who is apparently moving to Kenmore. |
January 14, 2019 SpokesmanPresident Elect John called the meeting to order on behalf of President Rick who is traveling.
James Nevers, VP led us in the salute to the flag.
There being no guests or visiting Rotarians, we had a series of Ernie Norehad stories orchestrated by Joanne Primavera's thumbs up or down signs.
Moving quickly along, the program tonight was an entertaining report of fellow members Bill Taylor and Mike Hunter doing a local version of a Rick Steves report on an Italy wine country tour obtained by Mike Hunter at a Woodinville auction which Mike and Sharon had shared (no pun intended) the trip with Bill and Sandy Taylor. While the town and region names were hard to follow, much less remember, the mental image of a "Tom Tom" GPS device that never seemed to find the place directed to but gave "turn here" signals forcefully whether directionally successful or not. Memories are made of this trip with words like a "Nest" where they rested in comfort and with beautiful scenery at a region that sounded like a pizza. Wine shops with $2.00 per bottle wines were relished and how many sober nights there were, was soberly not mentioned. A little down town market of everything to purchase in your imagination and somehow 200 vans entered the confusing picture. In one of these charming places, Bill and Sandy did not sleep well because the local town men gathered under their window smoking and talking Italian until the wee wee hours. From beautiful and majestic old walled cities, walls no longer needed for protection, the Kirklanders walk among local folk was transformed by toll roads they finally figured how to use, joined the locals at unimaginable speeds as they moved on the Cinque Terre (fixed by editor). There apparently they found a familiar restaurant that sounded like MacDonald's and at another place they dined at Dino's which they enjoyed very much. From there it was on to Milan where they stayed in a hotel called a"Moxi" (either a type or a name, possibly from the Marriott system?) They found another "Moxi" in a place that sounded like Nashville. After arriving in Milan they turned in the rental car and used taxis like every body else. There was a beautiful and huge Cathedral they enjoyed. Apparently you had to check your weapons with an attendant at the gate so Mike dutifully handed over his pocket knife. Whether he got it back or not was not made clear in the account. From Milan, they took high speed trains to Rome on which they had reserved seats but somehow an Italian lady of about age 85 had one of them but the ride was shared with her without incident. From Rome they flew home, Mike and Sharon via London and back to Seattle. Bill and Sharon took another route and with coach class seats were uncomfortable enduring the long flight back home. Pictures of the tour were passed out for the audience to enjoy the beauty of the places they visited.
President Elect Woodbery handed each a fine bottle of Italian wine in appreciation for a great program
At the end of things, President Elect Woodbery displayed a poster of the Palouse plain created by a former speaker as photographer of nature Bruce Heinemann , using a line underneath it from a poem John and his sister had written together and shared at his program that read: " A palette of brushless light, as used by the maker of all life, as in a dance as the imagination takes flight." One of the posters was sent to John's sister in Texas and the other displayed at the meeting tonight. In a thank you letter to Bruce, John wrote: "May your pursuit of the capture of art God created and provides us in nature; continue to bless those of us who can only appreciate beauty by observation"
The meeting concluded at about 7:30.
John Woodbery Scribe |
December 17, 2018 SpokesmanRotary Meeting- Dec 17, 2018 Meeting called to order 6:30pm President: Rick Walters David Mutal: The Pledge Guest in attendance- None Rotary Foundation
Meeting close
Meeting Adjourned 7:40pm Minutes by: Amy Mutal |
December 10, 2018 Spokesman
Minutes for 12/10/18 Rotary meeting
James Nevers took over for Rick Walter and started the meeting promptly at 6:30
John and Rick did an excellent job manning the front desk
Joe led us in the Pledge James did his own Scribing
James preformed an abbreviated induction for our newest member Jim Mennetti.
Reminder for this weekend’s 2018 Rotary Kinds Holiday Party – be sure to keep an eye out for email from Amy. If you know of anyone else who is able to attend they can use the help!
Big thanks to Amy for overseeing a great Rotary Holiday party at the Heathman hotel last week.
Joe reminded everyone that in an attempt to raise funds for Rotary Foundation he will be dressing up in the duck costume and jumping into the lake during the Polar Bear plunge. Keep an eye out for his email and the link to donate.
Tonight’s speaker was Bruce Heinemann who shared a beautiful presentation on his photography across the US and focused on Washington landscapes.
Thank you to our guests, David and Ivanka who are new to the area and looking to join a Rotary Club. Also Kristin Olson an Attorney with offices in Carillon Point was visiting as a guest of John Woodbury and Dave DeBois. She too is looking to get involved in Rotary
Meeting adjured at 715. |
November 19, 2018 SpokesmanThe meeting was started with a greeting from Kirkland Rotary President Rick Walter. John Pruitt led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Greeters were Don Dicks and Scott Becker – Front Desk was John Pruitt and Rick Ostrander. President Rick used the Rotary Moment to quiz the membership on who the first four Rotarians were who attended the very first meeting in Chicago – of course there was Paul Harris – nobody knew Gustave Loehr, Silvester Schiele or Hiram Shorey. However, the club did know the next four Rotary Chapters that opened after Chicago – San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle and Los Angeles. Guests at our meeting were Chris Rusnak, former member and husband of DeeDee. We had Kristin Olson, an attorney in Kirkland who knows many of the Rotarians and is interested in joining. Joseph Castleberry, President of Northwest College came to the meeting as a special guest of our speaker. Rotary International Foundation presentation by both Dave Aubry and Brandon Honcoop the co-chairs: Dave started out by informing the chapter about RI’s WASH imitative (Wash, Sanitation, Hygiene). This is an education campaign to teach the basic necessities for a healthy environment and productive life. Rotary Foundation has invested in more than 1,000 WASH projects in more than 100 countries. Brandon discussed Rotary Foundation Month and all of the good works of the Foundation and encouraged members to use their “Treasure” to help others around the world – and at home thru District Grants. |
November 12, 2018 Spokesman Revised. New Member ProposedThe meeting was called to order by President Rick Walter at 6:32 PM The pledge of the flag was led by David Aubry. Guests tonight were: Scott East, Bellevue Rotary' and our almost new member Jim Mennetti Kyle Raychel, our Student of the Month Bill Taylor was awarded our Rotarian of the Month for September, 2018 for his contribution in the Duck Dash ANNOUNCEMENTS: David Aubry announced the efforts of the Rotary Foundation in trying too find a vaccine or prevention of malaria and in cooperation with the Gates Foundation is concentrating on the area of Sub Saharan Africa Terry Cole explained a new avenue for donations for tax deduction purposes under the new law that makes itemization less usable. The Club Board meeting is this Wednesday night and President Rick asked for RSVP's so he could get the food supply right. The club holiday party is to be held at the Heathman Hotel in Kirkland on December 3rd; our Treasurer would like us to prepay for the event; Mike Hunter announced that the club members and volunteers helped prepare 24,000 lbs of pears for Rotary First Harvest and our club's volunteers, including our Student of the Month Kyle Raychel, prepared an estimated 1,000 boxes in that effort; Alice Volpe announced the Christmas/Holiday party will be held December 15th at the Kirkland Community Center; Terri Ebert announced that the food boxes for kids is coming but the date is uncertain; |
November 5, 2018 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, November 5, 2018 Meeting President Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Tricia Stromberg led us in the Pledge. Guests: Kyle Raychel, Student of the Month from Juanita High School Cathy Silva, Silva Business Solutions, guest of Scott Becker Kristin Olson, attorney from Kirkland Sarah Smooots, assistant to our speaker, Elliott Neff Jim Mennetti Announcements:
October 22, 2018 SpokesmanRotary Meeting October 22, 2018 Stand in for Rick Walter, John Woodbery Meeting stated at 6:35 pm Scribe Amy Mutal Greeter Terri Ebert Guests: Alan Merry Governor District 5030 Chelsea Tripp Asst. Governor Pledge-George Anderson Announcements:
October 8, 2018 SpokesmanPresident Rick greeted everyone and brought the meeting to order. Diana Lanspa led us in the pledge of allegiance. We recognized two “kinda” visitors – Jim Meniketti and Dacia Tudor who both have submitted applications of membership. We are very excited to have these two as Rotarians. President Rick gave us a Rotary Moment – about a Rotaract in Brazil who saw the power of Rotary when delivering warm clothes to the homeless. Announcements -
October 1, 2018 SpokesmanPresident Rick called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. He thanked Tricia and Russ Stromberg for welcoming and Rick Ostrander and John Pruitt for front desk work. Al Hoviland, only 6 weeks after a left total knee replacement led the Pledge of Allegiance. After the Pledge President Rick awarded our Rotarian of the month to Joe Getzendanner. VISITING ROTARIANS AND GUESTS Guests included Jacquie Coyan (member of Rotary Club of Kirkland Downtown) and her husband Rod, friends of our speaker tonight, Chris and Luan Carlisle (Chris is tonight's speaker), Clement Buchanan, Angela Marks and Jim Meniketti. |
Monday Picnic Cancelled due to bad weatherSorry folks, the picnic on Monday is cancelled due to weather concerns.
2018 Duck Dash Winners2018 Duck Dash Winners 1. Thad Pound - $1000 2. Jami Granston - $1000 3. Barbara Bjerke - $1000 4. Kathy Feek - $1000 5. Tyson Thompson - $1000 6. Scott Van Appleton - 10 Sessions Personal Trainer -Totally Sound Fitness 7. Rebecca Stevenson - Metal Landscape Print from Rusnak Photography 8. John Surdi - Gift Certificate from Ace Frames 9. Don Dicks - 1 Night Woodmark, Dinner for 2 Bin on the Lake 10. Mariko Langan - Childrens Bike Courtesy Dr. Kilburn, Kirkland Pediatrics 11. Don Kingsley - Golf Basket courtesy of Hutchinson & Walter 12. Karen Turner - Mo. Wine Tasting for 2 for a Year fm Grape Choice 13. Dan Druckhammer - Fena Flowers Gift Certificate 14. Jon Sefton - Gift Certificate to Ristorante Paradiso 15. Cheyenne Gillooly - Gift Certificate to Ristorante Paradiso |
July 23, 2018 SpokesmanJuly 23rd meeting at the Woodmark Hotel James Nevers – filling in for the injured Rick Walter opened the meeting and after the pledge of allegiance – thanked Terri for greeting and running the joker pool – thanked John Pruitt for front desk duties – and Rick Walter for scribing. Many guests were introduced – including Michael and Angela in town from Florida to see Tricia and Russ Stromberg – Darcia Tudor visiting us again – Stephanie Walter providing care assistance for Rick. We also had a visiting Rotarian join us – and a current member who has been absent for a while – Gary Brunner – who kept us up to date on his life outside of Kirkland. The Board voted on the very first “Rotarian of the Month” award Joanne Primavera presented it to Ambareen Jaddi for all her excellent work on projects and enthusiasm since joining. James introduced our Speaker – Kevin Mashek – Kevin has been a longtime friend of the current president and has in recent years involved himself and his company with Kirkland. Kevin is the CEO of Dynamic Harvest – one of the largest pot growing operations in WA state. However, for the first 15 minutes, Kevin shared with us his early years as the road manager for the band Styx. That was quite the adventure right out of college. Then he shared his story of marijuana and Washington state and how he became involved – what his business does and does not do. The future of this business and all the peripheral businesses that have grown out of this industry. We had to cut the questions short as everyone wanted to know something – of course, all were disappointed that no samples were brought (against the rules). No one won the joker pool and it continues to grow – Meeting was adjourned. |
No MeetingNo Meeting Monday July 2nd
Copy of June 18, 2018 SpokesmanJune 18, 2018 in the Marina Room, Scribes Bob and Gail Auslander.
The meeting on the call to order by President Steve Shrinstrom at 6:30 P.M. James Nevers led the salute to the American Flag. Ernie Norhead gave the inspirational moment about retirement and misbehaving.
Guests include: Deb Leventhen, a Mortgage Broker Ben Briner, a Business consultant Sue Cohan, Traveling to the Arctic Circl Announcements: June 25, Transition Dinner in the Tent. Hawaiian/Tropical theme. Come have fun as Steve had the gavel to Rick. Megan will now be finding the scribes for the future meetings. More volunteers are needed for the 4th of July parade. August 27, Salmon Bake at Brandon & Becca Honcoops We need Duck Dash sellers at Farmer's Market and QFC Steve Shrinstom asked for a volunteer to were the duck costume in the 4th of July parade. Sign up will be at future meeting. Happy Dollars: Rick expertly extracted many dollars from happy Rotarians.
Speaker: Scott Becker introduced Rich Lerz, CEO of Nytec Co. An innovation center. Developes new tech products. |
June 4, 2018 SpokesmanThe meeting began on the call to order by President Steve Shinstrom at 6:30 PM. Russ Stromberg led the Club in the Pledge of Allegiance with all Rotarians and guests standing in mutual respect. President Steve gave a charming story as inspiration of a small boy trying to buy a puppy, from a litter listed in a pet shop for $30-$50 per puppy. The owner called out the litter for a demonstration run and one puppy straggled behind and the owner explained he was crippled. The boy offered to buy that one for his $2.37 and to pay $.50 a month until the full price was paid. The owner asked why and the boy lifted his pants revealing his crippled leg with a metal brace and explained he wanted the crippled one because maybe he was the only one who could understand what the puppy was facing. Thanks to Rick Ostrander and John Pruitt for manning the front desk. Guests included Sue Cohn, a former member, Joanne Wright Bill Woods' friend and companion and Patty Shinstrom, spouse of President Steve. Two cards from scholarship awardees were sort of read and a card for Pat Swenson was circulated for signatures in comfort for her accident and surgery for a new shoulder. Announcements were: (1) Next Monday, 6/11 is the Duck Dash Kick Off event at Wilde Rover, 5:30 for drinks and meal thereafter. (2) A dual Board meeting at Rich Bergdahl's office on June 13th; (3) July 15th is our picnic at Everest Park; (4) Our Duck dash on August 11th; (5) September 24th is the Kirkland Rotary Foundation Auction; (6) Dee Dee Rusnak announced a photo art show by spouse Chris at NW Cellars on Friday June 8th (5-8 PM) and Sunday June 10th(1-4 PM); (7) Final Miracle League game last Saturday with 24 kids participating Every kid got a team photo and a baseball size card with their picture; Thanks to Rotarian George Anderson for his action shots photography contribution; (8) Special thanks to Rotarian Jason Overleese for his able and creative assistance with the batters, some of them are difficult to communicate with and physically handicapped. |
May 7, 2018 SpokesmanKirkland Rotary Meeting Notes May 7th 2018
The meeting was called to order by Club president, Steve Shinstrom at 6:30 p.m. The flag salute was led by Joanne Russ Stromberg. Front desk: Rick Ostrander and John Pruit with new member Monica helping Introduction of Visitors: Student of the Month: Sofia (did not capture her last name) of Lake Washington High School Other Visitors: Members and Spouses of the Downtown Kirkland Breakfast club
Club Announcements President Steve reminded about the golf tournament for this year will be held Monday, May 14th at Flatstick Pub in Kirkland from 4pm to 7pm. Sign-up through Steve. Club is covering the cost of pizza and 1st game. Beverages are no-host
Another successful weekend for Miracle league. Seattle University fraternity members were on hand to help with the event. More games planned for the coming weekends. Patty Sims will send out email with reminders on times and location
Scott Becker provided and update on the Duck Dash. Three new restaurants are participating with coupons, all prior restaurants have also donated. We now have $23,000 in sponsorship and will not be short. Ticket sales are expected to being June 1st One of the downtown Rotary club members shared they are planning a Golf tournament for July 17t. President Steve will share more information via email Past president’s dinner will be Steve’s house on Wednesday May 9th. Thursday May 10th is the last single board meeting Rick Walter collected Happy Dollars for the John Muir Librarian Tim Platt who is retiring at the end of the school year. Tim has been instrumental is supporting our Clubs Reading Buddy program. Over the last 15+years the program has donated over three thousand books to the school |
April 30, 2018 SpokesmanMeeting Date: Monday, April 30, 2018 The meeting was called to order by Club president, Steve Shinstrom at 6:30 p.m. The flag salute was led by Joanne Primavera. Front desk: Rick Ostrander and John Pruitt. Inspirational Moment: Ernie Norhead shared one of his infamous jokes, and all enjoyed it. Introduction of Visitors: Student of the Month: Teresa Trufault of Lake Washington High School Other Visitors: Dillon Mancey (Teresa’s friend), Lacy Clay (Teresa’s mom), Dave Hofferbert (Teresa’s grandfather), Carol Merry (guest of the speaker), Andy Stark (guest of Megan N.), and Eric & Patty Shinstrom. Club Announcements:
April 23, 2018 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, April 23, 2018 Meeting President Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Jason Overleese led us in the Pledge. Guests: Kemper and Betty Freeman, Bellevue Club – Kemper has 52 years of perfect attendance! Teresa Trefault – Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School Several parents of our scholarship winners Inspirational Moment President Steve enlightened us with an inspirational moment around the 86,400 seconds we have every day. Announcements:
Program Tonight the Club honored the students from our local schools with scholarships. Club members introduced the winners, praising them and their parents for the great achievements in their lives so far. Eight scholarships worth $1,000 each will be given to the student’s school of choice. Adjournment President Steve adjourned the meeting at 7:25 PM with his usual humorous comment. Submitted by Mike Hunter, Scribe for the Week |
April 9, 2018 SpokesmanMeeting notes April 9, 2018 President Steve convened the meeting late at 6:31pm; Ex Cox is urging him to get back on track… Rick Walter led us in the Pledge, Rich Bergdahl confirmed he was indeed present, and John Pruitt did the front desk duties. Visitors were Bret O’Rourke, Monica Fratita, Doug Sato of Seattle 4, Areli from Juanita High, Teresa from Lake Wash High, and Nan Bergdahl. Announcements:
April 2, 2018 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes April 2, 2018 The meeting was called to order at 6:32 PM by President Steve Shinstrom. David Mutal led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. John Pruitt manned the front desk. Visitors and Introductions: Monica Fratita is here for her last visit as a ‘visitor’. She will be inducted into the Club next week. Mike Hunter introduced our latest Student of the Month, Teresa, a Senior at Lake Washington High School. John Woodbery introduced his wife Dee, and announced that this month they will have been married for 56 years! John also introduced several other guests, Patti Wright and her mother Sandra Roe, and Roger and Chris Meddys [sp?]. [Really need to improve my handwriting so I can read it!] Announcements: The District Conference at Tulalip is April 27-29. A number of ‘Packages’ are available. Do not forget that Miracle League starts April 21, 10AM, at Perigo Park in Redmond. We are actually recruiting more disabled kids to participate. Ambereen reminded us about assisting in cleaning and decorating veterans’ graves at Kirkland Cemetery. Help is needed in placing flags on the Thursday before Memorial Day. Dave Aubry spoke about two upcoming work parties at the site of the Club’s project on the Cross Kirkland Corridor. Volunteers led by CKC Steward Karen Story will be working 9-11AM April 9 and 23rd clearing non-native and invasive species from the area just south of the old station platform, near Kirkland Ave and Railroad Ave. Wear work clothes, gloves and tools are provided. James Nevers reminded us that in three weeks [April 23] we will have our Scholarships Awards Dinner. Rick Walter spent some time extracting Happy Dollars from a number of Happy Rotarians. |
March 26, 2018 SpokesmanFirst off Special thanks to Mike Hunter for stepping in at the last minute to scribe. We really need volunteers to take notes of the weekly meetings.
Rotary Club of Kirkland Monday, March 26, 2018 Meeting President Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Bob Webb led us in the Pledge. Guests: Alex Hopkins, our District Governor Guadalupe Rosales – Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School, and her mother Guadalupe Acoltzi and Brittany, her sister Wilma Bartel Monica Fratita, visiting us again Jadon Krewheder from Madison House Mary Dawson from Madison House Heather Jenks Andy Runstadt Rachel Brady, friend of our speaker Bob Champoux, friend of our speaker Inspirational Moment President Steve enlightened us with a serious inspirational moment. |
March 19, 2018 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, March 19, 2018 Meeting President Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. George Anderson led us in the Pledge. Ernie Norehad provided us with a humorous inspirational moment. Guests: Guadalupe Rosales – Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School Bret O’Rourke, visiting us again Monica Fratita, visiting us again Carl Behnke, Seattle #4 retired from Retail Pots and Pans Announcements:
March 12, 2018 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes March 12, 2018 The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President – Elect Rick Walter, as President Steve Shinstrom would apparently rather be in Hawaii than here leading his faithful flock. Scott Becker led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. John Pruitt manned the front desk. Ernie Norehad regaled us with a humorous story, while not strictly an Inspirational Moment, certainly reminds us that humor itself can inspire us to have a better outlook on life. Visitors and Introductions: Monica is here for her fifth visit. There were several other guests. However, your faithful scribe failed to get their names, and apologizes for the oversight. |
March 5, 2018 SpokesmanRotary Minutes
March 5, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Steve Shinstrom at 6:30 PM and opened with an inspirational moment. Thanks to John Pruitt and Rick Ostrander for manning the front desk and James Nevers for Scribing Dan Bartel led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Visitors and Introductions: Ambareen introduced our Student of the Month David DeBois introduced Monica, a prospective member who works at Boeing. Rick Walter introduces Sue, a visiting Rotarian from Seattle 4. Bret O’Rourke was also visiting and hopes to become a member soon.
Dan Bartel introduced his wife Wilma. Dan also reminded everyone of the upcoming Rotary First Harvest event Saturday, March 10th. |
February 5th Spokesman |
February 12, 2018 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes February 13, 2018 The meeting was called to order by President Steve Shinstrom at 6:30PM. Dave Aubry led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. President Steve thanked John Pruitt and Rick Ostrander for manning the front desk and Dave Aubry for Scribing. Visitors and Introductions: Monica is here for her third visit. Rob DeCou is here from Los Angeles exploring the area and looking for an area to live in, as well as investigating Rotary. Hans Gunderson, CFO at the Port of Coos Bay, Oregon, is looking to move back to Redmond. Diana Landspa’s daughter, Jennifer, from Mississippi is visiting. And of course, are almost-member, Doug Seta of Seattle 4, is visiting again.. Nourishing Network boxes were packed by Rotarians this afternoon. We had committed to 10 boxes of food and provided 21 boxes. Nice article in Kirkland Views Dave Aubry reported on progress on our Legacy Project on the Cross Kirkland Corridor, and that City Manager Kurt Triplett had specifically requested that the Club be thanked for proposing and contributing this project to the City of Kirkland. Patty Sims announced that Miracle League starts April 21 at Perigo Park in Redmond, 10AM. She reminded us that the program requires volunteers to pair with the kids in order to work. Rick Walter did Happy Dollars, extracting cash from a number of Rotarians. |
January 29, 2018 SpokesmanMinutes from Kirkland Rotary meeting on January 29, 2018: President Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order. Megan Nakanishi lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Visitors were introduced: Doug Seto from Seattle Four – who joins us from time to time Bill and Kim Steeley – Neighbors of the Stromberg’s who were probably happy this was not an Amway meeting Bret O’Rourke – unsure of the spelling but a visitor of Steve Shinstrom Ann Crumley visited our group – when she lived in Florida years ago she was a Rotarian and just looking at clubs she might consider joining – we have an edge I hope – she lives at Carillon Point Joe Gertzendannier and Ambareen Jaddi came as visitors and left as members Announcements: Joanne Primavera discussed Nourishing Networks and all the food we have collected to help went the lunch program shuts down for winter and spring break Scott Rethke and Joanne talked about an event called “Paint & Sip” as a social event for the club. Drinking and painting seemed OK with everyone Dave Aubry – Legacy project cleared its first big hurdle by getting the OK from the city council (see prior minutes for details on this project) – Dave also mentioned we have a chance to get free railroad ties if we can get enough members to come help haul them off. Rich Bergdahl discussed the symposium on the 30th at the Performing Arts Center on mental health and encouraged anyone who has an interest to attend. |
January 22, 2018Rotary Club of Kirkland Monday, January 22, 2018 Meeting President Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Russ Stromberg led us in the Pledge. Guests: Kay Griffith – Inducted tonight as our newest member! Doug Seto – Seattle #4 “Honorary Member” Bret O’Rourke Shellie Gehring Andre’ Smaal – A Rotarian visiting from the Netherlands Inspirational Moment Rich Bergdahl announced that he and Nan have invited Attain Housing to our Club meeting on Monday, April 9. At the meeting, Rich and Nan, who won some of the prizes from the Duck Dash, will present a check for $2,000 to Attain Housing. |
January 8, 2018 SpokesmanMeeting Date: Monday, January 8, 2018 The meeting was called to order by Club president, Steve Shinstrom at 6:30 p.m. The flag salute was led by Bill Taylor. Front desk: Rick Ostrander and Rick Walter. Inspirational Moment: Steve Shinstrom presented a Club flag to our guest, Jak Cleveland from the Saginaw, MI Rotary Club. Introduction of Visitors: Student of the Month: Kendall Stern of Juanita High School Other Visitors: Camille Cleveland (with Jak Cleveland). Other visitors include Joe Getzendonner, Kay Griffith and Ambareen Jaddi (all three will be inducted as new members on January 22, 2018). |
December 18, 2017 SpokesmanThe December 18, 2017 Rotary Club of Kirkland meeting was called to order by President Steve Shinstrom at 6:30 PM, John Pruitt led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States. Thank you Dave Aubrey as Greeter and Rich Bergdahl for managing the front desk. Guests tonight were Eric Olsen, former Kirkland Police Chief and club member, Jackie and Raye Phairow, Jackie serving as photographer for the Fred Meyer Rotary gift purchase event Saturday, last; Ambareen Jaddi, prospective member, Claudia Smith visiting Rotarian and Joe Getzendanner, prospective member. The Christmas shopping event was a spectacular success; 44 kids from 22 families joined us to shop for gifts up to $150.00 each. Jackie Phairow was given a racing duck, time measuring machine and 600 lbs. of food donated in her name to Rotary First harvest for recognition as official photographer. Special thanks to Bob and Gail Auslander for their financial contribution for the event and Terry Cole for his masterful arranging with Fred Meyer for a 30% discount to the families and for stepping up and covering the additional amount needed past the Auslander's gracious contribution. Thanks to David Mutal for his organization efforts and Patti Smith made a special mention of the Sandy Taylor cookies donated for breakfast after shopping. Thanks to Alice for her decoration contribution. The volunteer chefs, food and package wrappers were spectacular. The kids, their families and Rotarians alike had their pictures taken by Jackie Phairow in front of, around or on the knees of Santa Clause, locally known as Rotarian Dan Bartel. ![]() President Steve reminded the club that the District Conference next year is April 27-28 at a nearby Casino; and that former President John Pruitt's mane has been ensconced on the Rotary announcement bell. |
November 27, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Minutes for November 27, 2017—Scribe Pat Swenson President Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. John Pruitt lead us in the flag salute. Steve thanked Dan Bartel for greeting and Scott Becker, Don Dicks for handling the front desk. Guests for the night were introduced: Madie Colanses (Student of the Month), her parents, Pete and Carin, and her brother, Peter. Joe Getz, visiting for the first time. Visiting Rotarian: Doug Seto, from Seattle Four. Madie thanked everyone for selecting her as Student of the Month and told us about herself. This is her last meeting with our group. She focused on the things that are unique about her. She is a 5th year Spanish student, which she loves. She watches several TV shows in Spanish to help improve her local usage of Spanish. Her future plans include studying languages with a hope to become a linguist for the FBI. Madie also enjoys writing and has won several national awards for her short stories. |
November 13, 2017 SpokesmanScribe for 11-13 Kirkland Rotary 1. Pledge led by Brandon 2. Inspirational moment: Lead by Rich Bergdahl 3. Scribe : Harry Wagoner 4. Guests : Mattie Vuortez. She is working on College applications. 5. Joe Gestendanner. Benefits specialist in Redmond & another guest Monica Fratita. Both visiting for the first time. 6. Next Monday : Dub Pub Seattle Seahawks Party 7. Christmas Party : Dec 11th. Lilac Café. 6:00pm and cost is $50 per person 8. Dec 16th. Rotary Gift wrapping and Christmas shopping at Fred Meyer for the kids. Breakfast, Santa and wrapping. 35 kids. 9. Don Dicks and Rich Bergdahl: Present: Polo Plus month. Gates 2 to 1 match Paul Harris Award Winners. Russ & Tricia Stromberg were awarded first time pins and award certificates. Gale Auslander will receive her pin & certificate when she is back in December |
November 6, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, November 6, 2017 Meeting President Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Amy Mutal led us in the Pledge. Guests: Madelyn Colantes – Student of the Month, Juanita High School Claire Bruining Patrick Hogan Ambareen Jaddi & Bilal Jaddi (Ambareen’s son doing community service to become an Eagle Scout) Patty Shinstrom Sharon Hunter Announcements:
October 16, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Minutes for October 16, 2017 President Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The flag salute was lead by Bob Webb and the Inspiration/Rotary Minute was given by Rich Bergdahl. He emphasized Rotary Foundation Month and Polio Plus, quoting from the October Rotarian magazine. October is a matching month for donations from the Gates Foundation for every $1 donated they will match $2 toward Polio Plus. President Steve thanked Bob Webb and Rich Bergdahl for staffing the front desk and Dave Aubry for Greeting. Guests: Sam Douglas and Anna Aubry (wife of David Aubry) and a current Reading Buddies Leader. |
October 9, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes October 9, 2017 The meeting was called to order by President Steve Shinstrom at 6:30PM. Brandon Honcoop led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ernie Norehad had some words of wisdom for us regarding revenge and the damage it does to the revenge-seeker. He followed this with another patented amusing story. Visitors and Introductions: John Woodbery introduced the wife of our speaker Angela McBride and her friend Carin Moore, who also happens to be John’s daughter. Brandon Honcoop introduced Mark Friedrich and Dave Aubry introduced Sam Douglas, back for another visit. Elizabeth Rusnak introduced Ed Fisher, who has been proposed for membership. |
October 2, 2017 SpokesmanPresident Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Amy Mutal led us in the Pledge. Guests: Ed Fisher & Sandra Sea-Fisher Sam Douglas Lauren Sommers (Patty Sims’ daughter) Announcements:
September 25, 2017 SpokesmanPresident Steve called the meeting to order at 6:30 and introductions were made all around. Sandra and Ed Fisher were there for their 3rd time, Former Kirkland Rotary President GG Getz is visiting from Atlanta, Don Dicks introduced the love of his life, Merrily, Ed and Lorraine Doyne, Megan Nakanishi introduced her Fiancé, Andy Starks and Mark Friedrich were also guests. The following announcements were made: As part of Steve’s agenda to keep Rotary fun he’s arranged for us to meet with the Downtown Club, October 30th, at the Dub Pub in Totem Lake. Dub Pub is owned by Athina Mangouras and has games Beer and 72 TV’s so we can eat and watch Monday Night Football. There will also be a can food drive competition between the two clubs so the club that donates the most weight of food, wins! David Aubrey announced the Foundation Auction and dinner will be held October 14th at the Kirkland Women’s Club. Please be thinking of things you may have stopped using and can donate or things you might procure that can be auctioned off to benefit the club’s foundation. And the Bruner’s will be making their Legendary Spaghetti. Brian Tucker announced that the Woodinville club will be holding its annual 0-K in October. Make sure you’re in shape-for drinking beer after jumping over the finish line. Patty Dougherty announced a disaster preparedness program on November 6th Bunco at the Shinstrom’s will be held November 11th Our annual kid’s Christmas outing will be held this year on December 16th Our Club’s annual Christmas Party will be held December 11th at Lilac Café. Dan Bartell announced that our first Rotary First Harvest of 2018 will be held in January Pat Swenson announced this year’s Reading Buddies Program for 4th & 5th graders at John Muir Elementary staring in November for 6 weeks. Commitment is 1 hour/week. Rich Bergdahl announced that he needs volunteers for the front desk to help check members in for the meetings. For the newer members this is a great way to get to know your fellow Rotarians! |
September 18, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes September 18, 2017 The meeting was called to order by President Steve Shinstrom at 6:30PM. Your Humble Scribe, David Aubry, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. President Steve thanked Patty Doherty for manning the front desk and Greeting. Visitors and Introductions: No introductions were done, as this is the Kirkland City Council’s Candidates’ Forum, co-sponsored with the Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce, and we had many outside guests in attendance. |
September 11, 2017 SpokesmanPresident Steve Shinstrom called the September 11, 2017 Kirkland Rotary meeting to order promptly at 6:31p.m. Rick Walter was the greeter, Don Dicks led the Pledge of Allegiance and Rich Bergdahl was at the front desk and provided a fine Inspirational Moment, reminding us about how 9/11 brought him to Rotary and helped unify the country. Visiting Rotarians were: Sue Eichler – Seattle 4, Virginia McKenzie – Seattle 4, Cary Young – Sammamish Guests were: Sandra Sea-Fisher and Richard Kinberg. Special Guest and Speaker: District Governor Alexander C. Hopkins Club Business and Announcements:
August 28, 2017 SpokesmanAugust 28, 2017 Spokesman Vice President John Woodbery presiding for President Steve Shinstrom, called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM, and also provided the Rotary Minute about Knowledge, Experience, and Wisdom.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mekonen Giorgis. VP John Woodbery thanked Scott Becker and Patty Doherty for staffing the front desk, Dan Bartel for scribing, and Terri Ebert for handling the Joker Pool.
Visiting Rotarians: Keith Applegate from Springfield Ohio, CPA: Sveehar-Jv, Chamnai Upscale Rotary Club, India, Physician and her husband Umarini Sveedhin who is a Mechanical Engineer.
Guests of Elizabeth Rusnak were Sandra Sea Fisher ( Non-Profits) and her husband Ed Fisher (Project Manager-Construction Engineering for Graham Construction); and guest of Jim Feek: Jordan Molla (Advanced Limo USA, Limousine Service). And Megan Nakanishi grand daughter of Bill Woods is now driving him and potentially coming back. |
2017 DUCK DASH RESULTSThe Rotary Club of Kirkland would like to thank everyone that participated in our 2017 Duck Dash. Below are the results of Saturday's race. Winners will be contacted by the club shortly. Thank you again and special thanks to our sponsors. PLATINUM SPONSORS!!! LEE JOHNSON CHEVEROLET, EVERGREEN HEALTH, RBC WEALTH MANAGEMENT!
GOLD SPONSORS Ace Frames, Hutichinson & Walter-PLLC, Nakanishi Dental Labs, Inc., The Casey Oiness Team, Guild Mortgage, Money Tree, Safeway Stores Foundation!
Silver Sponsor Conover Insurance, Heartland Payment Systems, Kirkland Urban, Viper Technology Services, Corsair Technical Services, G12 Communications, PCRG Insurance, Corsair Engineering, John Pruitt, Richard Bienenfeld DDS, Lincoln Moving & Storage, Passport Corporation, Senior Financial Advisors, Shinstrom & Norman, Inc! Grand Prize Winners #1. Rich Bergdahl $1000 #2. Nan Bergfdahl $1000 #3. Steve Dewalt $1000 #4. Jan Stroh $1000 #5. Sandra Wright $1000 #6. Sharon & Joe Silva $500 Totally Sound Fitness #7. Rich Bergdahl $250 Ace Frames #8. Scott Rethke $200 Woodmark Hotel #9. Dennis DeYoung $200 Childs Bike from Dr. H. Lee Kilburn #10. Nan Bergdahl Golf Outing/basket Hutchison & Walter CPA #11. Warren Sole $120 Grape Choice #12. Eva Imairo $75 Fena Flowers #13. Ann Norman $50 Ristorante Paradiso #14. Kalees Meckling $50 Lodge Sports Grill ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
July 31, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes July 31, 2017 The meeting was called to order by President Steve Shinstrom at 6:30PM. He had to remind your Scribe that he was supposed to take minutes that night – luckily, pen and paper were quickly found, and we have this record of the meeting. Shoshanna Ryan, the daughter of our speaker Joel Ryan, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Visitors and Introductions: Mark Shu, who is checking out our club, was introduced as a guest. Visiting Rotarians Arati & Arun Ganacharya of the Shaniwarwada Club of Pune, India, near Mumbai. We were treated to a short talk by Arati detailing information about their club, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last year. The club has 70 members, ALL of whom are Paul Harris Fellows. One of their club projects is sanitation and water conservation in the surrounding villages. |
July 10, 2017 SpokesmanSpokesman for meeting of July 10, 2017
President Steve called the meeting to order at 6:30 and Bob Webb led the pledge. Steve thanked Tricia Stromberg and DeeDee Rusnak for manning the front desk and yours truly for greeting and scribing. Russ Stromberg introduced his guest Warren Saul(sp) whom he met while selling Ducks. Warren is a web designer. President Steve introduced FLOKR (First Lady of Kirkland Rotary), Patty. Steve Acknowledged 4th of July Volunteers of note Rick, Patty and Amy for wearing the Mama Duck costume in 80% weather with David making sure Baby Duck’s head kept moving. Brian Tucker saved the day by making sure that Big Duck stayed inflated. The Club Picnic is next Monday at the Waverly Beech Shelter. Please sign up if your coming to enjoy the evening and, or if you can help set up or take down. Duck Dash Sales: Rick was the first to sign up. We are at QFC this Saturday and need sellers from 10-12 & 12-2. Fred Meyer is scheduled for the next weekend. Please put your money in the envelopes when Handing it in. Pat Swenson told us that there are some great tours of Smith Tower, reminiscent of the past glory days of the former tallest building West of the Mississippi. Rick lightened the weight of bills in our pockets by calling for Happy Dollars. |
June 19, 2017 SpokesmanThe June 23, 2017 Rotary Club of Kirkland meeting was called to order by a healthy Scott Becker at 6:30pm. The pledge of allegiance was led by Gail Auslander, our Greeter tonight was Terri Ebert. and John Pruitt served at the Front Desk. Our Guests tonight were Matt & Terri Clements, Matt an electrical engineer and Terri an in IT Software sales, Scott East from a Bellevue Club was here as well as Doug Seto our Seattle 4 regular guest/assoc. member.
Ernie Norehad reminded us what Walter Winchell said that "Peace, a noun meaning a lull between two people cheating and between two countries fighting" or "I try to be nice to people on the way up and see them on the way down" or something like that.
June 12, 2017 SpokesmanPresident Scott Becker called the June 12, 2017 Rotary Club of Kirkland meeting to order at 6:30. Amy Mutal lead us in the Pledge. John Pruitt and Teri Ekert helped with the front desk. Patty Doherty was the greeter.
Guests this evening were Brandon Hencoop’s family, his wife Becca, and two daughters.
June 5, 2017 SpokesmanPresident –Elect (PE) Steve Shinstrom called the June 5th 2017 Rotary Club of Kirkland meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Rich Bergdahl led us in the Pledge. Guests: Sandy Rose (Guest of John Woodbery) Dee Woodbery Doug Seto, Seattle Four (Honorary Kirkland Rotary member) Kemper Freeman from the Bellevue Club (52 years of Perfect Attendance) |
May 22, 2017 SpokesmanPresident Scott Becker called the May 22, 2017 Kirkland Rotary meeting to order promptly at 6:30p.m. Terri Ebert and Ben Premack shared the greeting duties, Anne Hamilton took care of the “front desk,” and Don Dicks led the Pledge. Visitors & Visiting Rotarians: Visitors included John Maini [guest of Harry Wagoner] and Michael and Kathy Oskouian [guests of Scott Becker]. Our own visiting Rotarian, Doug Santo [from Seattle 4 Club] was presented with an honorary Blue Badge. Club Business and Announcements:
May 15, 2017 SpokesmanKirkland Reporter Meeting 5-15-17
Introduction Gail Auslander - Bob sponsor Graduate from UW. Loves Bowling, Swimming & Skiing. Lived in Scottsdale for a bit. Approved proposal. Welcome Gail!!!!!!!! Distribution of the Binder and the Red Badge!!! Pictures taken by all!!!! |
May 8, 2017 SpokesmanPresident Scott called the SCHOLARSHIP NIGHT meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Your scribe was allowed to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ernie Norehad provided an unusually brief but very sophisticated inspirational moment. VISITING ROTARIANS AND GUESTS With this being Scholarship Night we had many guests including the very impressive scholarship recipients, their parents and several friends and even a couple proud teachers. ANNOUNCEMENTS
May 1, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, May 1, 2017 Meeting President –Elect (PE) Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. James Nevers led us in the Pledge. PE Steve explained that he is a late stand in for President Scott Becker. Guests: Russ and Tricia Stromberg Michael Maher, spouse of our speaker Announcements:
April 17, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, April 17, 2017 Meeting Minutes Speakers: Indra and Adrianna winners of Teen CEO, Magic Carrot Candles Scribe: Amy Mutal
Guests Gale Auslander Todd- Father of Miracle League participant, Jacob. He shared what a positive impactful Miracle League has had on Jacob and all the other participants. He thanked the Rotary Club for all we do to make it possible and encouraged us to continue to volunteer. “It truly is a miracle”.
Announcements Joanne and Patty Sims - Miracle League starts Saturday the 22nd. Looking for volunteers to participate for two hours on Saturday mornings. Sign up on Facebook or Club Runner. Scott Becker- Thank you for Birthday/Get Well Card. Board meeting reschedule to Wednesday the 19th. Rick Walter: Duck Dash confirmed August 14th. Please register for 4th of July Parade, need volunteers! Rick Walter: Happy Dollars!
Program Indra and Adrianna from Teen CEO, Magic Carrot Candles 1st place winners out of 9 applicants. Awarded $2,000. Used Honorarium on equipment, buying bulk inventory, product line and marketing. About Magic Carrot Candles: Two seventeen-year-old girls from Seattle Washington who love making candles! Their fandom based candles are each carefully matched with the perfect scents for different places and people in books, movies, and the internet. They’re big fans of every product they make, so you can be sure they take special care to make all of our scents perfect!
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm. |
March 27, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Monday, March 27, 2017 Meeting Minutes Speakers: Kent Sullivan and Matt McCauley, Historians of Early Kirkland Scribe: Mike Hunter |
March 20, 2017 SpokesmanPresident Scott called the March 20, 2017 Rotary Club of Kirkland meeting to order at 6:30pm. Dave DeBois led us in the Pledge. Gary Bruner did an inspirational moment commemorating the loss of his Mother-in-Law and how we need to help our disabled veterans. Guests: Scott East of Bellevue Noon, Russ & Trish Stromberg and our past student of the month Isabella Forcino. Announcements:
Program: Tonight was all about prepping for the Duck Dash and getting all member assigned to a committee. We are looking for a volunteer to spearhead coordinating the 4th of July Parade as long time coordinator Steve is going to be busy with Family Commitments. Please let Rick know if you are willing to be coordinator. Steve will help get all supplies and the ducks. Race day committee is on track but still needs many willing to help with final take down at the end. Jason & Steve and others are on task. PR is Ann Hamilton, Bob Webb and Ben Premack to get the good word out on our race. Race day will be either Saturday the 12th or Sunday the 13th depending on final decision made by the Summerfest organizing team and how many days the festival will run. Meeting adjourned around 7:30. Scribe for an evening Steve |
March 13, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes March 13, 2017 The meeting was called to order by President Scott Becker at 6:30PM. Everyone is glad to see he is on the mend from a recent bout with pneumonia. President Scott recited some words of wisdom asserting that petting a dog will raise your mood in almost any situation. Bob Cohon led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Visitors and Introductions: Matt Scarano with Edward Jones was again with us and was introduced by Pres. Scott Becker. Several people were here with our speaker, from Electronic Rights – Rainier, a group that educates about electronic privacy and security. These included Angie, Tyler Walker who is also a senior at WSU, and Selena, the group’s Director of Communication. |
March 6, 2017 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, March 6, 2017 Meeting
Vice President (VP) Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Scott Rethke led us in the Pledge.
VP Rick inspired us with a story of a returning customer to his business.
Silas Hjelmstad and his dog Holly
Matt Scarano
Isabella Forcino, Student of the Month from Juanita High School
February 27, 2017 SpokesmanPresident-Elect Steve Shinstrom called the February 27, 2017 Kirkland Rotary meeting to order promptly at 6:30 p.m. Rich Bergdahl was the greeter and also took care of the front desk duties. James Nevers led the Pledge of Allegiance. President-Elect Steve informed the club that President Scott was not feeling well but should be back to the podium in a week or so.
Visitors & Visiting Rotarians: Visitors included Russ and Tricia Stromberg, guests of Joanne Primavera, and Isabella Forcino, our student of the month from Juanita High School.
Special Guest and Speaker was William [Bill] Kenower.
February 13, 2014 SpokesmanMeeting Date: Monday, February 13, 2017
The meeting was called to order by Club president, Scott Becker at 6:28 p.m. The flag salute was led by Dave DeBois. Front desk: Terri Ebert and Isabella Forcino.
Inspirational Moment: Ernie Norehad shared his thoughts about nature.
Introduction of Visitors:
Student of the Month: Isabella Forcino of Juanita High School
Other Visitors: Darren Varnado (guest of our speaker), and Michael Soike (photographer of our speaker). |
January 30, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes January 30, 2017. The meeting was called to order by President Pro-Tem Steve Shinstrom at 6:30PM.
Brandon Honcoop led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thanks to Teri Ekert for manning the front desk.
Dr. Ernie Norehad regaled us with a humorous minute.
Meeting Date: Monday, January 23, 2017
The meeting is called to order by President Scott Becker, at 6:28 p.m.
The flag salute was led by Terri Ebert
Front Desk Patti Smith
Introduction of Visitors:
Student of the Month: Isabella Fercino
Other Visitors: Patty Doherty introduced her friend, Minerva Butler
January 9, 2017 SpokesmanOpen @ 6:30, Scott Becker presiding
Guests & Visiting Rotarians
December 12, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Pro-Tem Rick Walter at 6:30PM.
Mike Hunter led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thanks to Rich Bergdahl for manning the front desk, with the able assistance Teri Ekert, who also Greeted.
Visitors and Introductions:
Jason Overleese introduced Rick Juma and his son Saleem, who will be our speaker.
November 28, 2016 SpokesmanThe meeting was called to order by President Scott Becker at 6:30 PM
Dave DeBoies led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. Our only guests for the meeting were our Student of the Month Varenna Knowles, her parents Phil and Sharon Knowles.
Announcements: Joanne Primavera thanked all who helped with Thanksgiving food donations. Terry Cole reminded the club of the Christmas shopping event for kids on December 17th. The cost is paid for by the Foundation. Amy Mutal announced that the Club Christmas party will be next Monday, December 5th at the DeLille Chateau Winery in Woodinville from 6-9 PM. |
November 21, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes November 21, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Scott Becker at 6:30PM. Eric Olsen led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thanks to Terri Ekert for manning the front desk, with the able assistance of Jodi Long, and at times, Amy Mutal, who also was working on the Holiday Gala.
We met in the Marina Room of the Woodmark and due to the typical northern latitude early sunset, were not treated to a gorgeous view of the lake and skyline as the evening came on.
Rick Ostrander shared a Rotary Moment involving Rotary International and the Rotary Scholars Program [exchange students]. There have been about 42,000 of them since WWII. He recounted two students that his family knew and have stayed in contact with for decades.
Visitors and Introductions:
Doug Seto, our popular refugee from Seattle 4, was once again in attendance. Our Student of the Month, Varenna, was here and will be telling us about herself and her plans next week.
November 14, 2017 SpokesmanPresident Scott Becker opened the Rotary Club of Kirkland meeting at 6:30. David Mutal did the pledge, and thanks to Terri Ebert and Jodi Long ran the front deck, and John Pruitt for greeting, and Jodi Long for scribing the meeting. Terry Cole did the inspirational moment
Brian Tucker- Asked for Volunteers this Friday for Teen Club. Be there at 5:30 to service pizza. Location is at the Kirkland Teen building near QFC and behind senior center.
Terry Cole- Need volunteers for Holiday Party. We need helpers for shopping with the kids, help to take down and set up. See sign up sheet for gift wrapping.
Joanne Primavera- Thank David Aubrey and Anna and the crew for coming to the tree house. Thanks to John Pruitt for handling coats for kids while she was gone. Donated over 1,000 coats. Kathy will make sure the coats get worn this winter.
Also see sign up sheet for bringing different food items or money for making baskets for Kirkland Nourishing Network. Bring items to next weeks meeting.
Please see the calendar for November and December at each table.
Let Joanne Primavera know if you are interested in walking at the HopeLink Turkey Trot. See sign up sheet. Rotary will pay for you to be in the turkey trot. The walk is this Sunday November 20th. 3 mile walk from Marina to Carillon Park. The duck should be represented. Meet up where the sailing club meet. Also we can sign up for bell ringing at the QFC.
Amy Mutal- Holiday party for the club on December 5th. Copy of the invitation was sent via. email and at your table. We have 30 RSVP's. 15 who have viewed and 15 who haven't opened it. Location is at Delille Chateau and catering by Laura.
Steve Shinstrom- sign up for scribe. sign up sheet is on each table.
Scott Becker- We have two new students Maya Short and Kala Nazaky both from Juanita Highschool. We will provide funding for their leadership weekend.
Don Dicks- Rotary foundation works will e guest speaker next week.
Jason Overleese- move the speaker for next week and Jodi Long and Terry Ebert will present next week.
Dave Dubious- Thanked Steve Shinstrom for Bunco.
Bob Webb- He is putting together PR for what our club does. Please take photos and write articles. Get more things into the site. Rick Walters sent out article for Tree House. |
October 17, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland Meeting – October 17, 2016 Scott Becker brought the meeting to order and Jason Overleese lead the group in the pledge of allegiance. Visitors were recognized – Our student of the month Jorge who will be giving us a small presentation next week in his final meeting with the group. Lynn Petsel will talk later about “NOLS”. Our Speaker “Mickey” Pierce will talk on access to technology. Announcements – Anne Hamilton talked about the Lake Washington Technical College Event; Bright Futures Benefit Breakfast on November 1, 2016. *** Note from Editor. Steve Shinstrom wasn't at the meeting but is announcing BUNCO is Saturday November 5th. He will again email sign up list and then will do food the week prior. ***... We will need a minimum of 16 committed to host the party and as of today sign ups are a bit light. More to follow. *** Pat Swenson reminded us about Reading Buddies – the due date to sign on is October 25th and if you need more information, see the accompanying flyer. Dave DeBois let us know that he is in the processing of rounding up children to participate in the Holiday event sponsored by Kirkland Rotary Foundation. More information to come. John Pruitt told us that Operation Warm Coats gets underway this Friday – they have 5 or 6 volunteers but the more the merrier. Brian Tucker, along with Joanne Primavera filled us in on the “K-TUB Teen Feed” event. The goal is to feed homeless kids in Kirkland. The teen feed which is sponsored by the YMCA is held at the Teen Union Building (TUB). The club’s involvement is the 3rd Friday of odd months starting with November so November 18th would be the club’s first feed. Be sure to contact Joanne if you want to be involved. Scott Becker let us know the club is getting involved in the youth movement – We are going to help the Downtown club financially with their efforts with Interact and Rotaract clubs in our area. In addition, the club will be involved with an exchange student next fall. |
October 24, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Minutes for Monday, October 24th 2016
President Scott Becker opened the meeting. Diane Lanspa welcomed members to state the pledge. Scott thanked Rich Bergdahl for manning the front desk and Jodi Long for being our greeter today.
Elizabeth welcomed our student of the month Jorge Azpeitia and his family Jorge and Julia Aspeitia Sr. Other guests at her table include Carol Glennon (teacher) and Melanie Artz (year book advisor) both teachers at Juanita High School.
Amy Mutal introduced Brenda Kaufman as her guest. Brenda is the manager of Columbia Athletic Club. Jason introduced the CEO and CFO of the NW University. Other guests included Doug Seto visiting us from Seattle 4.
Student of the month presentation : Jorge Azpeitia
Thank you to Rotary. Jorge is 16 years old and was born at Evergreen Hospital. When he was young his family moved back to Mexico where he started school early. When he moved back to Kirkland he was very young and did not know English. He and his brother were enrolled in an English as a Second language class and soon he had caught up with the other kids. He still goes back to Mexico every couple of years to stay in touch with friends and relatives.
Jorge attending Robert Frost and Kamiakin. He is a national honor society member and has a passion for photography. He went to Conneticut over the summer to attend photography school and even started a small photography business. He is head of the 2016 yearbook. He attributes his success and positive attitude to his parents and teachers Carol Glennon and Melanie Artz. Scott presented Jorge a duck. Rotary will donate 600 lbs of food to NW Harvest in his name.
Scott reminded Rotarians that October 24th is Rotary Polio Day.
Duck Dash 2016 ResultsDuck Dash Results 2016
1. Phyllis Pierce - $1000
2. Frank James - $1000
3. Rich Morse - $1000
4. Kyle Sullivan - $1000
5. Steve DeWalt - $1000
6. Eva Imaino - Sound Fitness Evaluation and ten sessions with personal trainer - $500 Value
7. Bob Cohon - One night stay at the Woodmark - $200 Value
8. Tim Martin - $250 Gift Certificate to Ace Frames for custom framing
9. David Walzer - Childrens Bike - $200 Value from Dr. H. Lee Kilburn, Kirkland Pediatrics
10. Rick Walter - 12 Monthly Wine Tastings from The Grape Choice - Value $120
11. Rich Lerz - $75 Gift Certificate from Fena Flowers
12. Steve Dewalt - $50 Gift Certificate to Ristorante Paradiso
13. Megan Nakanishi - $50 Gift Certificate to the Lodge Sports Grille in Kirkland
August 1st, 2016 SpokesmanMeeting Date: Monday, August 1, 2016
The meeting is called to order by President, Scott Becker at 6:30pm.
Flag Salute
Introduction of Visitors:
Visiting Rotarians: Carl Banky- Seattle 4
Visitor of Jason Overleese- his wife Veronica
Club Announcements:
Scott Rethke: Happy Dollars
Program was Club Assembly: Scott Becker has asked for all member to get involved!
Please let the committee chairs know what committees you are interested in.
We heard from:
Community Service - Joanne Primavera
International Service - Alice Volpe
Club Service - David Mutal
Membership - Amy Mutal
Rotary Foundation - Donald Dicks
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm Submitted by Scribe: Amy
July 25, 2016 SpokesmanMeeting Date: Monday, July 25, 2016
The meeting is called to order by President, Scott Becker at 6:30pm. The flag salute is led by Joanna Primavera. Tonight’s Greeter is: Patty Doherty. Front desk: Rich Bergdahl Inspirational Words: Scott Becker – Quote by Author of Animal House.
Introduction of Visitors:
Visiting Rotarians: Alex Hopkins – District Governor 2017-2018 – Woodinville and his wife Julia
Club Announcements:
Program Topic:
Scott Becker showed a video by Satya Mitra about his experience Recruiting Rotary New Members - From “Pacific NW Pets”
Special Announcements: N/A
Happy Dollars: N/A
Lucky Ticket Drawing: N/A
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm Submitted by Scribe: Patty
July 11, 2016 PicnicA collaborative effort by Rotary & the City of Kirkland—I’ll have mustard on mine!
It was a beautiful day at Waverly Beach Park under the new Picnic Shelter. Kirkland Rotary spearheaded and effort to raise money and include this project in the city plans for renovation of the park. Kirkland Rotarian Patti Smith tells us “it was a lot of work by the club, the city and the Kirkland Parks Foundation to get it built”. The design work was donated by Galen Page. Everyone was on hand to enjoy the first BBQ including the Mayor and many city officials who enjoyed a dog from Scott Rethke.
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July 18, 2016 SpokesmanOur new President Scott Becker called the July 18, 2016 Kirkland Rotary meeting to order promptly at 6:29 p.m. Dan Bartel was the greeter, George Anderson led the Pledge of Allegiance, and the front desk was manned by Rick Walter [scribe’s note: I thought there was a committee to run the front desk!].
Scott Rethke provided a fine Inspirational Moment, with quotes from Richard Branson. Some of the zingers were: “You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.” Another quote: “A business has to be involving, it has to be fun and it has to exercise your creative instincts.” There were other great quotes; however, the scribe’s typing skills are only so good.
Visitors & Visiting Rotarians: We had one guest, Adam Kushabi. Adam was introduced to Rotary at a Duck Dash sales venue. Adam is an architect with an office located in Bothell. Ran ________ was a visiting Rotarian from one of India’s largest cities. Ran is a Past-President of his Rotary Club. He has a daughter living in the area.
July 11, 2016 Spokesman Transition Dinner6:30 Meeting Open James Nevers led the pledge July 11th Meeting will be at the new pavilion on Waverly Beach Park to celebrate the Legacy Project Rick Walters, inspirational moment with history of Service Above Self Rich Bergdahl apparently doesn’t prepare, he prefers to fly by the seat of his pants and do things off the cuff. |
June 20, 2016 Rotary Golf Tournament![]() ![]()
June 13, 2016 SpokesmanMeeting opened @ 6:35PM
Inspirational moment – Rick Walter
June 6, 2016 Spokesman Duck Dash Kick Off EditionRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, June 6, 2016, Meeting at the Wilde Rover
This meeting at the Wilde Rover was the annual Duck Dash Kickoff to begin the 19th year of the Duck Dash race. After an hour of fellowship and dinner, President Rich Bergdahl (the Club’s 78th President) called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Bill Woods reminisced about our Club’s early meetings at the Flame where steak was served at every meeting for $5. Kirkland had three drugstores, three hardware stores and three dime stores. Our community has changed over the years and is still a vibrant and wonderful place to live.
Bill Taylor recalled early Duck Dash races and the first meeting that included Rick Ostrander, Dan Bartel and Tom Sturgell. Figuring out how to move the ducks was one of the first challenges so they came up with leaf blowers in rowboats!
Many members had spouses, friends and family in attendance.
The incoming President of the Downtown Club, Tom Ryan, was kind enough to join us with his wife, Dana.
Five members of the Lake Washington High School Drill Team and their teacher, Michelle, also joined our celebration. The Drill Team members brought large Ducks that the members voted on as the best decorated. The lucky winner received a “Glowing Duck” and each Drill Team member received a Starbucks card.
May 23, 2016 SpokesmanKirkland Rotary Club Minutes
May 23, 2016
The meeting was called to (some semblance of) order by President Rich Bergdahl.
After Rick Ostrander led us in the pledge, President Bergdahl offered a “Rotary Minute” around the topic “What is Rotary?”. In simple terms, it’s getting things done!
The focus of this evening’s meeting was the awarding of Rotary Scholarships to nine very deserving young men and women. Kudos to Vocational Service Chair James Nevers and his committee for all of their work in interviewing Kirkland area students and selecting an outstanding group of recipients:
After the scholarships were presented, William Chae’s father told us of receiving a $ 50 scholarship many years ago and how much that meant to him. He reminded us that while we Rotarians may not remember the evening, the young men and women who received the scholarships would never forget it.
Finally, Rick Walter (who sold the Joker Pool tickets and collected the money for the Joker Pool tickets) presided over the drawing of the Joker Pool tickets. It turns out that the drawing of the Joker Pool tickets was won by none other than ………. Rick Walter. Fortunately, it was the nine of spades.
Just a reminder, there will be no meeting next week as it is Memorial Day. Our next meeting will be June 6th and will be at the Wilde Rover to kick off the Duck Dash.
Scribingly submitted, Terry Cole
May 16, 2016 SpokesmanThe meeting was called to order at 6:30Pm by President Rich Bergdahl
Alice Volpe led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States.
Bill Woods our 50 year club Rotarian gave an inspirational moment based on his recollections from his school days in Montana. He related a special moment when a history teacher in 1942 announced that he had been drafted for the war effort. He recalls the teacher said to the class that we should remember that it takes courage to speak but even more courage to open your mind and listen. He also recalled his favorite President Ronald Reagan saying a responsive idea will solve the problems we face if you are willing to annoy enough people with it.
Our guests tonight were our favorite bartender from years back Tyson, the man with only one name. Actually he has a last name but friends need to know only one. Our two students of the month from Lake Washington High School were here for their last visits and presentations, Matthew Malloy and Amanda Chau with some of their families. Another guest was Shreedar from India who was to speak at the end of the meeting.
Matthew and Amanda gave their combined reports to conclude their Student of the Month participation cycles with an eclectic and different approach from usual. They came up together and did a mock interview of each other in front of the club. From this we learned of their personal interests (Matthew has no spare time due to volunteering and other club memberships such as Beta Club, Decca, as well as basketball and track; just got a job with Kirkland Park’s Department) Amanda was snowed with activities as well (Rotaract and taking classes at Bellevue Community College volleyball team and friends) Matt will attend the University of Montana but his major is not yet chosen but so far interested in biology or city planning. Both our students are planning senior year trips to one place or the other. They announced that they have been classmates since kindergarten. Elizabeth Rusnick presented them with their participation certificates and donation cards for food in their honor in Rotary First Harvest food banks (600 pounds of food each as donations in their names. The traditional racing ducks were also gifted to each.
A special guest tonight was Tyson our one name favorite bartender and friend to many Rotarians at the happy hour before meetings. Tyson reported that he fondly remembers the friends he made at Rotary and the advice many of them gave that aided him in the transitions of his life that are ongoing. He has been accepted to the Foster School of Business at UW. Wherever Tyson ends up we are confident he will be contributing to life and progress and we fully expect him to become a future Rotarian. He already has that look. His thanking us for the inspiration he received was genuinely expressed and heart felt in the reception.
Patty Doherty gave her classification talk: Having done many things in life including IT sales and lived all over from here to California, Florida and back, Patty’s classification is insurance sales. Aflac has been her major employer but she did a few years in teaching but soon returned to her love insurance sales. From no planning whatsoever she spent a number of years in troubled spots or conditions: a husband with a drinking problem, four hurricanes in Florida but always learned to love to serve people in their responding to helps. She has one daughter who is now a student at USC in California. Every time she moved away circumstances seemed to bring her back to Washington where she has acquired many friends and will stay. She was introduced to Rotary by President Rich Bergdahl whose Rotary pin attracted her interest at a Kirkland Chamber of Commerce Meeting and when she asked about he, he said, “Come and see” She did and here she has stayed. We welcome you Patty Doherty, Rotarian.
Jason Overleese introduced our program representatives from Kineta, a pharmaceutical drug development firm. Ken North, chief fund raiser, a former banker who retired from business to shape drug development at Kineta introduced the company and our speaker Kristin Bedard, PhD, head of Kineta’s urology research program. Kristin explained why the pathway to an FDA drug for disease treatment takes so long. Kineta receives government grants from the NIH (National Institutes of Health) and others that are called undiluted grants which means the government does not control the use or the means of the expenditures in research or the ability to take the drugs for governmental use once developed. Kineta calls its programs translational development which was ambiguous to your scribe. Some of their initiatives include innate immune systems, dealing with chronic pain and immune oncology. FDA approval for therapeutic drug products average 12-15 years in development which partly explains why the cost is so high. Some of their research programs include auto immune functions, research into lupus treatment products and anti-viral programs, something called one side suppressors (whatever that means) and efforts to find solutions to such killers as lupus and Ebola. New areas being worked on include immune response research, immune modulating drugs, killing cancer cells and fighting various viral infection causes. Kineta also works on research to combat or control chronic pain. 44 people per day die from addiction to pain killing drugs that cross the blood barrier into the brain which makes addiction a problem. Kineta is finding sources for substances that can develop drugs that will control chronic pain and not cross the blood barrier and become as addictive. They invited us to inquire and even make a visit although some parts of the facility may not be accessed for obvious reasons of cleanliness and the scientific precautions involved.
Our visiting Rotarian Shreedar gave a presentation of his club in India called Chennai Upscale in the town of Chennai. They speak the Tamil language in the language family group of Dravidian. The club is only 100 days old. Their vision is education assistance for kids in their community. He presented slides of historic buildings like temples although not necessarily religious as well as pictures of the kids they help. He had only heard of Rotary and knew nothing about it but somebody suggested he help form a club. We got to see the results so far. President Bergdahl presented a Kirkland Rotary Club flag. Shreedar is a mechanical engineer in India , has a son in Redmond and a daughter in Bellevue so we are likely to see more of him in the future. He stated that for the annual cost of $60-$70 a student’s life can be saved through education in his area. A true Rotarian in action, this one was and heartily welcomed by our club.
The meeting adjourned approximately 7:45Pm. John E. Woodbery Scribe |
May 9, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Spokesman
Meeting Date: Monday, May 9, 2016
The meeting is called to order by substituting president, James Nevers at 6:30 p.m. The flag salute is led by Student of the Month, Matthew Malloy. Tonight’s Greeter is: Elizabeth Rusnak. Front desk: Rick Walter.
Introduction of Visitors:
Visiting Rotarians: Sreedhar, visiting from India; and Ann Norman from Bellevue Breakfast.
Students of the Month: Matthew Malloy and Amanda Chau of Lake Washington High School.
Other Visitors: Nick Nickolaychuk, Sandy Taylor (Happy Birthday), Wilma Bartel, Jeff Norman, Eleanor Sieverts-Ackerman, Nancy Fritz, Doug Frits, Gail Auslander, Patty Shinstrom, Jessica Olson, and Stephanie Walter.
Club Announcements:
May 2, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Minutes for May 2, 2016
Scribe: Pat Swenson
Our meeting was called to order by President, Rich Bergdahl at 6:30 p.m. Our flag salute was lead by Joanne Primavera and Bob Auslander provided a lovely Inspirational Moment on the meaning of true love. Rich took a minute to thank our evening’s Greeter: John Woodbery, and the awesome services of Rick Walter for manning the front desk. Our few visitors were introduced: Amanda Chou, a Senior from Lake Washington High School (our student of the month) who told us she is a Rotoract member at Bellevue College and will be a Rotoract at Seattle University (which she will attend in the Fall). Jason Chemchill accompanied our speaker and Rene, a Visiting Rotarian from West Seattle Club.
April 25, 2016 SpokesmanThe April 25, 2016 Kirkland Rotary Club meeting was called to order by President Rich Bergdahl at 6:30PM
The Inspirational /Rotary moment consisted of testimonies from those members who participated in Miracle League last Saturday at Perrigo Park in Redmond. The stories included those kids who have been helped by having a place where they could participate in sports activities that normal kids take for granted. For these kids, it is a miraculous opportunity. Elizabeth Rusnick reminded us “it truly takes a village”. The volunteer efforts of us all makes this miracle happen.
President Rich thanked Dave DeBois as tonight’s greeter and Rick Walter for the winding down weeks of his invaluable efforts at the front desk we all tend to take for granted.
Our guests tonight were member prospect Kara Munea who recently moved to Kirkland from Ohio with her husband. She works at Prevail Management. Mike Hunter introduced again our current Student of the Month Forest Malcom with his father Greg Malcom as welcome guests. Jason Overleese introduced Susan Spector who came with our speaker from the Washington Autism Alliance and Advocacy organization (WAAA)
Announcements included:
Next, Forest Malcom presented his Student of the Month talk which was warmly received. A future Rotarian was in evidence. He testified that he has been aided in his exposure in Rotary to discovering some of the true passions in his life as seen from here. |
April 18, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, April 18, 2016 Meeting
President Rich Bergdahl called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Patty Doherty led us in the Pledge.
Chuck Kimbrough, Downtown Bellevue Club, who told us about his Club’s hosting of a 5K/10K Run/Walk for Autism to be held on April 24, 2016. Races start and finish at the Bellevue Downtown Park. Go to for details.
Forrest Malcolm, Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School
Patty Doherty, Special Projects Coordinator with Aflac, soon to be our newest member!
New Member Induction
President Rich inducted Patty Doherty, our newest member into the Club. Joanne Primavera is Patty’s mentor. Be sure and welcome Patty to our Club!
Jason introduced Ray Copin, a retired Coast Guard pilot (Officially Coast Guard Pilot #744).
Ray gave us a wonderful overview of the 100-year history of the Coast Guard from 1903 with the flight of Wilbur and Orville Wright at Kitty Hawk all the way to 2016. The Coast Guard officially began in 1916 when Congress authorized airplanes, but no money, for the new service.
Ray’s presentation included several pictures of the different aircraft used by the Coast Guard, and flown by Ray, over the years and key events that eventually led to the use of helicopters in rescues.
At the end of the program Al Hoviland added his own experiences as the skipper of a fishing boat in Alaska and the several rescues by the Coast Guard under trying conditions.
Ray received a standing ovation for his service to the Coast Guard and his country.
Thanks, Ray, for a wonderful and informative program.
President Rich adjourned the meeting at 7:50 PM
Submitted by Mike Hunter, Scribe for the Week
April 11, 2016 SpokesmanPresident Rich Bergdahl called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Annie Becker led us in the Pledge.
Jason Overleese inspired us with details of his recent wedding in Hawaii.
Hugo Becker and Annie Becker, father and daughter, respectively, of Scott Becker
Patty Sims’ son Aiden
Forrest Malcolm, Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School
Tom Reeves (Speaker) and Marissa Kapfhammer
April 4, 2016 SpokesmanMeeting Open @ 6:32PM. 4/4/2016
Scott Becker presiding, Rich Bergdahl on vacation
Joanne Primavera
Patti Smith
John Pruitt
Rick Walter – Happy Dollars, everyone is happy and Rick Walter is frustrated with tax season
Speakers, Jombi Kivuyo, safari guide, and Wilfred Moshi, mountaineering guide, from Tanzania
Meeting adjourned @ 7:45PM
March 21, 2016 SpokesmanThe March 21, 2016 Kirkland Rotary meeting was called to order by president Rich Bergdahl at 6:30 PM. Steve Shinstrom led us in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
For one inspirational moment, Rick Walter reported a close encounter of a bird kind where a massive eagle nearly collided with his windshield carrying his captured road kill. That my friends was a different kind of inspirational moment.
Ernie Norehad followed with a short prayer that the Lord bless our food, fellowship and our service to others, Amen. Diana Lanspa was our capable greeter.
The guests recognized tonight were Ashleigh Lansing an accounting systems consultant who by the way is a Duck Dash sponsor this year. Doug Ghaemi accompanied her as our guest. Doug Seto was with us again as a regular makeup Rotarian from Seattle Four. David King our Student of the Month was here for the third week and was happy to announce he has a part time job at Bellevue Square learning retail sales.
For announcement we were informed that the Kirkland Downtown Rotary Club has its fund raiser this weekend (3/26)called Hops & Vine. Scott Becker announced that the Teen CEO Program had its judging event for individuals with their established businesses with $8,000 in prizes for the winners. Scott also called our attention to Howard Jacobs the very capable manager of the Woodmark, so supportive of Rotary activities on this site. David Mutal announced the 520 Bridge Open Run, a 20 mile bike ride event is coming soon. Member Bill Taylor announced that his company has the bridge link for the opening connector apparatus sitting at his plant. Patty Smith announced we need $3,000 more in sponsor donations and mid-April is the deadline. The sites for Duck ticket sales will be Safeway, a different QFC and the Kirkland Wednesday market. The next Board meeting will be held on April 13th. It was announced that Jason Overleese and Veronica are being married on April 4th. |
March 14, 2016 SpokesmanPresident Rich called the March 14, 2016 Kirkland Rotary Club meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Ernie Norehad let us in the Pledge of Allegiance. John Pruitt provided an inspirational moment.
VISITING ROTARIANS AND GUESTS Patty Doherty visited again and is hoping to join our club. Brad Hunt, a 32 year member of the Bellevue Rotary Club visited and is helping bring a program on an African safari in the near future. Davis Kenney is our Student of the Month from Lake Washington High. He plans to major in Pre-Med in college next year.
March 9, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, March 9, 2016 Meeting – Version 2
President Rich Bergdahl called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM. Nick Jones from the Downtown Club led us in the Pledge.
Brian Tucker read quotes from Warren Buffett as our inspiration for the evening.
Nick Jones, President of the Kirkland Downtown Club
Carl Behnke, Seattle #4
Sudhanshu Gore, R C Pune South, India
Doug Seto, Seattle #4
Davis Kenney, Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School
Val Schmid, wife of Sigi Schmid, our speaker
Russell & Mary Hokanson, guests of Rich Bergdahl
Nan Bergdahl
Joanne Wegener, guest of Brian Tucker
Jeff Robinson, guest of Brian Tucker
Tyler Mutal, David & Amy Mutal’s son
Leap Day 2016No Meeting at the Woodmark Tonight. We are having a combined meeting at Flatstick Pub with the Kirkland Downtown club. Also a food drive to benefit Hopelink. The club that brings the most food is the winner!!!.
February 22, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes February 22, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Bergdahl at 6:34PM.
Rick Ostrander led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thanks to Rick Walter for manning the front desk.
We met in the Bayshore Room of the Woodmark and were treated to a gorgeous view of the lake and skyline as the evening came on.
Rick Walter shared some thoughts relating to relying on unreliable information when making financial decisions. It is usually wise to get accurate and expert information before making such decisions.
President Rich announced that Teri Olsen, wife of member Eric Olsen is recovering nicely from two surgeries to repair a brain aneurysm.
The Club board will meet March 9 at the Remax office on Kirkland Way. All are welcome.
Next week’s meeting will be a joint meeting with the Downtown Club at the Flat Stick Pub, at 5:30. The pub is next door to the Grape Choice at the Marina Park parking lot. We will have pizza and mini golf – cost $20. Do not forget to bring food items either to the meeting or to Steve Shinstrom’s office – we are in competition with the Downtown Club for most pounds of food donated.
Joanne Primavera announced that the Foundation Auction will be moved from March 5 and rescheduled to sometime in May due to members’ scheduling conflicts.
Steve Shinstrom needs scribes and greeters.
Patti Smith announced that the effort to get sponsors for the Duck Dash is going well – many members have pledged support.
Sounders Coach Sigi Schmidt will be the speaker at the March 7 meeting. We may also have a couple of Sounders players present.
Mike Hunter announced that we will have multiple Students of the Month from Lake Washington High because the committee was unable to decide among several outstanding candidates.
Joanne Primavera announced that Friends of Youth at 132nd & 132nd in Kirkland used some of our money to buy chairs for the facility they have there serving youth in transition.
District Conference in Coeur D’Alene in May – President Rich is organizing golf for attending Club members.
Our outgoing Student of the Month from Juanita High, Jaspreet Singh, told us a bit about his personal and school life. He has played football and was leading tackler in the conference and team co-captain. He is maintaining good grades and hopes to attend UW and study Chemical Engineering. Giving back is an important part of his life and he has been active in the local Sikh community.
February 8, 2016 SpokesmanRotary meeting 2/8/16
Rich Bergdahl called the meeting to order at 6:33pm
Dwight Olsen led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Scott Rethke – Inspirational Moment
Recently visited Disneyland and had an amazing time! Read up on Walt Disney and shared on of his famous quotes ““If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started by a mouse.”
No meeting February 15th - Presidents Day.
Paul Harris awards presented:
Don Dicks +6
Anne Hamilton +8
Steve Shinstrom +7
Terry Cole +6
Bob Webb +5
Brandon Honcoop +2
A huge thank you and round of applause to all!
You can keep track of your contribution on the RI website. Your member name is needed to login which is located on your Rotary Magazine!
Also, be sure to get your member card and carry it with you. Many Rotary clubs abroad require you have it to attend a meeting.
Program Speaker:
Joseph Castleberry- President of Northwest University
Author of - The New Pilgrims: How Immigrants Are Renewing America's Faith and Values.
Faith in America is experiencing a powerful religious revival particularly among immigrants, offering an exciting opportunity for spiritual renewal. The New Pilgrims compares today's immigrants to the very first religious immigrants of the sixteenth century the Pilgrims of Massachusetts. Castleberry describes the positive effect these immigrants are having, especially in terms of moral and family values, as well as more conservative politics.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:37pm.
Amy Mutal scribe for an evening.
February 1, 2016 SpokesmanThe February 1, 2016 Rotary Club of Kirkland meeting was called to order at 6:30 by President Rich Bergdahl and John Pruitt led the Pledge. Mike Hunter gave the inspirational moment with news from Bill Gates that Polio should finally be wiped out by year-end 2016. The Gates Foundation has exceeded the pledge it originally made to match Rotary’s commitment to raise $750 million and has actually contributed over $1 billion to wipe out this scourge.
Our student of the month, Desperit (sp), was introduced to the club. He is a Senior at Juanita High School, captain of the football team and a member of the National Honor Society.
Amy Mutal introduced her guest, Anne Hess, the new owner of Kirkland Living Magazine.
Patti Smith announced that there will be a Duck Dash Committee meeting next Monday @ 5:15. She also called for sponsors and Rick Walter was the first to respond and support our signature event.
Joanne announced the Foundation Auction will be held March 5th at the Women’s Club. Please think about things you might have to donate.
Dave and Amy Mutal announced there will be a run/walk event and a bike ride, which they are coordinating, celebrating the opening of the 520 bridge. If you’d like to participate they would be glad to sign you up.
Rich announced that Sigi Schmid will be the speaker at our March 7th meeting and that our next board meeting is March 10th. All are welcome to attend. Also that the district conference will be held this year at the Coeur D Alene resort. Our February 29th meeting will be at the Flatstick Pub.
Nourishing Networks is in need of food during this slow season of giving. Joanne announced that our Duck Dash teams will compete with the Downton Club to see who can bring in the most food, “by weight”.
Rich announced our officers and board for the 2016-2017 Rotary year. They are:
Scott Becker- President
Steve Shinstrom-President Elect
Rick Walter-Vice President
Rick Walter-Treasurer
Rich Bergdahl-Past President
Anne Hamilton-Secretary
Dave DeBois-Club Service
Joanne Premavera-Community Service
Alice Volpe-International Service
James Nevers-Vocational Service
Rotary Foundation-Don Dicks
Program Chair-Jason Overleese
Sargent at Arms-John Pruitt
Public Relations-Bob Webb
Webmaster-Steve Shinstrom
After Hours Chair-Scott Rethke
Head Duck-Patti Smith
David Aubrey introduced our enthusiastic speaker, Kintisha Williams, who is the Development Coordinator at Treehouse. Founded in 1988 Treehouse serves 7,000 foster kids every year from birth to 24 years old providing a safe place for them and giving great childhood experiences. Treehouse began its funding with Bake Sales providing small benefits for its foster kids. Now it is able to answer wishes these kids have as well as providing sports equipment, ASB cards, clothing, etc so they can have an assemblence of a normal scholastic experience. They also work with middle and high school students with goal setting. Going one step further to provide a sense of pride in their lifestyle Treehouse has a warehouse that includes a free store where these kids can shop six times/year, choosing 25 items of their choice. Currently they are in need of little boy’s jeans.
Patti Smith had the winning ticket in the Joker Pool but was not able to find the Joker., AHHHH.
January 25, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes January 5, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Bergdahl at 6:30PM.
George Anderson led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thanks to Rick Walter for manning the front desk and to Diana Lanspa for being our Greeter.
David Mutal shared some thoughts on Inspirational Moments. He spoke about hunger in Washington State – we have a lot of people on food stamps and who struggle sometimes to put food on the table. This time of year is a slow time for food bank donations, following the holidays, so that’s one reason we are collecting food and other household items from members tonight, for delivery to Hopelink tomorrow.. “The best way to pursue happiness is to help other people” – George Lucas.
Patty Sims introduced her guest, Patty Doherty, who is going into insurance after retiring from Lake Washington High School. Elizabeth Rusnak introduced our Student of the Month, Makiah Gilmer from Juanita High School, here with his coach Brad Burmester. Ben Premack introduced his grandmother, and two other guests whose names I missed. He also introduced Mike Veitenhans, local Director of World Bicycle Relief, who will be our speaker.
Ben Premack introduced our speaker, Mike Veitenhans of World Bicycle Relief. He showed us a short video and short slide program explaining how his organization distributes basic, sturdy bicycles to mainly African and Asian villagers. Having a bicycle allows better school attendance and performance, better job performance, and allows farmers a more efficient way to deliver produce to markets. They also set up supply chains and train mechanics so the bikes can remain in service under demanding conditions. He showed some data demonstrating the positive influence these bikes can have on people’s lives.
President Rich reminded us that the Kirkland Rotary Foundation Auction is coming up, and that the ‘Amazon Smiles’ program allows one to have a donation go to Kirkland Rotary when making a purchase on Amazon.
Next week we will have Sherri from the Kirkland Police Department speaking to us.
The meeting was adjourned at about 7:45PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Acting Scribe - David Aubry
January 11, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Scribe Format
Meeting Date: Monday, January 11, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Club president, Rich Bergdahl at 6:30 p.m. The flag salute was led by James Nevers. Tonight’s Greeter was: Dave DeBois. Front desk: Rick Walter.
Inspirational Moment: Samir Saluja shared his thoughts about Martin Luther King, Jr. When Samir’s father was 10-years old, he met Mahatma Gandhi. Both men (King and Gandhi) believed in solving problems using intellect rather than violence; all should be seeking the truth; and diversity and inclusion gives us hope.
Introduction of Visitors:
Visiting Rotarians: Doug Seto from Seattle #4
Student of the Month: Makiah Gilmer of Juanita High School (accompanied by Brad Burmester, staff member of Juanita High School)
Other Visitors: Katia Blackburn, and Dr. Jack Saluja (Samir Saluja’s father) visiting from Pittsburg (and he also celebrated his 82nd birthday – Happy Birthday Dr. Saluja!)
Club Announcements:
January 4, 2016 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes January 4, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Bergdahl at 6:30PM.
Eric Olsen led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thanks to Rick Walter for manning the front desk; Bill Taylor was our Greeter.
No Rotary Minute or Inspirational Minute as such, but Ernie Norehad offered us a thought: ‘Doubt is not the enemy of faith, but is an element of faith’.
President Rich introduced our only guest, Loretta, his Mother.
Jason Overleese introduced our program, consisting of meetings by the Club service branches to ‘recruit’ participants and to plan activities for this year. We want to energize members and get a tentative calendar in place for planning purposes. This will allow us to plan and allocate resources more effectively.
District Conference starts April 29 at the Coeur D’Alene Resort. President Rich Bergdahl is promoting a golf event while there.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:47PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Acting Scribe - David Aubry
No Meeting TonightReminder No Meeting Tonight 12/28
December 7, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, December 7, 2015 Meeting
President Rich Bergdahl called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Gary Bruner led us in the Pledge.
President Rich informed us of the passing of Herb Stier on December 6th. Herb was a veteran of the Army Air Corps and one of our newest members. Our sympathies go out to Ben Premack, Herb’s grandson, and his family.
President Rich recalled this day, December 7th in 1941 and the attack on Pearl Harbor. His father trained pilots on PTYs during the war. Rich also quoted from Red Skelton’s honoring of each word in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Casey Oiness, a new father, who has been busy the last 6 months!
Joe Salter, an HR Consultant, visiting us again
Mary Alyce Burleigh, returning after a few years absence and now a pastor at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church in Kirkland
President Rich introduced Louise Penberthy, a mediator, who spoke on “Mediation for the Non-Profit and Small Business.” Louise has lots of experience in mediation and presented us with an overview of meditation, the benefits, how it works, and when you should try mediation. Several members asked pertinent questions and provided insights to the benefits of mediation.
Louise can be reached at
Thank you, Louise, for an interesting program.
Joker Pool
No Joker Pool this week
President Rich reminded us of the Holiday Party on Sunday, December 13th and asked us to bring guests who might be interested in Rotary.
Rich thanked everyone for attending and asked us to call a World War II veteran this week and thank them for their service.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM
Submitted by Mike Hunter, Scribe for the Week
November 30, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Anne Hamilton filled in for Rich Bergdahl and called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
All Rotarian’s turned to each other and shared what they were most thankful for this Thanksgiving Holiday.
Greeters: David & Amy Mutal
Scribe: Amy Mutal
Front desk setup: Scott Becker
Front Desk: Rick Walter
Guest: Mark and Stephanie Taylor- Carly Taylor’s parents (student of the month), Joe Salter (considering joining), and Steve H. doing a makeup from Bellevue Noon.
December 5th @ 7pm - Hockey night in Everett. Need two more to attend to cover paid tickets! See Dave DeBois.
December 13th 5-10pm - Holiday Party at Bergdahl’s. See email invitation for details on payment and to RSVP.
December 7th & 11th - Regular weekly meeting @ Woodmark.
December 21st - meeting at Market St Grill.
January 9th - First Harvest work party. See Ben Premack for details.
March 5th - Auction and Foundation Dinner. Stay tuned for details.
November is Rotary Foundation month.
Joanne Primavera: Club service opportunities…
-Attain Housing: Need baby clothes for 1 month old boy. Mother will attend Rotary meeting next month.
-John Muir Families: Need gifts. See email with list of items still needed. Bring to Meeting on Dec 7th or drop off at Banner Bank to Dave DeBois.
-The families that received the food and gift cards for Thanksgiving were very grateful!
-Bell ringing December 12th & 19th at QFC. See email to sign up.
Dave DeBois – Results from Apple Cup Board:
1st quarter winner is.... President Rich Bergdahl. Prize $25
2nd quarter winner is.... President Rich Bergdahl. Prize $50
3rd quarter winner is..... Mr. Past NW Harvest himself Dan Bartel Prize $75
The grand prize winner is someone who does not gamble, yet his wonderful wife went ahead and penciled him....... Al Hoviland!
Rick Walter did Happy Dollars!
November 23, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, November 23, 2015 Meeting
President Rich Bergdahl called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. GG Getz, visiting from Georgia, led us in the Pledge.
Brian Tucker inspired us with notes from his daughter, Matty, who is studying in Paris. Matty provided comments from survivors of the tragedy that occurred in Paris a week ago. In summary live your life to the fullest and tell loved ones how much you love them every day!
Jack & Cheryl Bloodworth, former members of our Club (this scribe was delighted to see you!)
GG Getz, a former President of our Club. GG has joined a Club in Atlanta and is the Fellowship Chair.
Aron Healy with Franklin Temple came to our meeting after attending the Rotary Omak-Okanagan fundraiser for those affected by last summer’s wildfires.
Carly Taylor, our Student of the Month, has been accepted at two colleges so far!
Rich Bergdahl’s family was in attendance: His mother, Loretta Brown; his brother Bruce and Bruce’s wife Carol, both of whom just arrived from Alaska; and his mother-in-law Jodie Marks.
November 2, 2015 SpokesmanSteve:
The meeting was called to order at 6:30PM by President Rich Bergdahl, John Woodbery your scribe for tonight led the Pledge of Allegiance and Dan Bartel gave the inspiration moment as a report from having watched the Steve Jobs movie which gave recognition to creative people working as teams who just see things differently. Our new digital world is probably the result. Mekonen Giogis served as greeter tonight and yours truly as Scribe.
Guests: Our guests tonight included Dr. Arun Jhaveri, certified sustainable development professional and the first mayor of Burien, Washington from 1992-1998. Also joining us was Jorgni Ramis (SP?) a Bellevue Lunch Club visiting Rotarian who works in Information Technology and supports what are called "Inspiration Playgrounds" for kids with disabilities who with these helps can feel included in social life. Carly Taylor from Bellevue High School is our Student of the Month for November. Also joining us as Scott Becker's guest was Michael Oskouian an insurance broker with Willis of Seattle, Inc.
Announcements included:
October 26, 2015 SpokesmanKirkland Rotary Minutes
Woodmark - 6:30 pm
Rich Bergdahl opened the meeting with a welcome. Brian Tucker led the Pledge of Allegiance. Dave Aubrey offered a story about his parents as an inspirational moment. Dave Dubois was recognized as greeter and Patricia Sims is taking the minutes. Scott Becker took over tonight for Rick Walker.
Visitors: Scott Becker introduced his guest Stasa Hansen from a company called Sonitrol.
Jim Feek introduced his guest Bob Sternoff, a past council member & entrepreneur.
Dave Dubois introduced Dick Carlson from Tuscon AZ.
Rich thanked Al for attending the meeting last week. Rich also thanked DB for coming to the meeting George for picking him up. DB Recently moved to Aegis of Kirkland. Joanne Primavera announced that it was DB’s birthday on Saturday. Bill Woods and Ernie Norwood are also expecting birthdays soon.
October 19, 2015 Spokesman |
October 12, 2015 Spokesman |
September 28, 2015 SpokemanMinutes from the September 28, 2015 meeting of Kirkland Rotary.
August 24, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, August 24, 2015 Meeting
Rick Walters (Club Treasurer) standing in for President Rich Bergdahl, called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Bob Auslander led us in the Pledge.
Anne Hamilton provided our Inspirational Moment by reading a nice thank you note from one of our scholarship winners in April.
Son Michael Pham from the University District and our Assistant Governor
Rafael Miret, guest of Joanne Primavera
Valentina Humphrey, also a guest of Joanne
Jim & Michelle McBeath
Ginny Johnson
Patti Smith announced a Cross Kirkland Corridor celebration on August 31 from 4:30 to 6:30.
Rich Ostrander wants your unsold Duck Adoption tickets.
Ernie Norehad detailed some cautions for the August 31 Salmon Bake at his home, which is a “bachelor pad” so wear comfortable shoes and park on the side of the road off the street (be careful of large rocks in adjoining driveways). Speed near his home is 25 mph and two boats can pull up to his dock. Ernie also warned us about the latest scam at Home Depot and Lowe’s where men are being taken advantage of.
James Nevers will send out an announcement tomorrow for the Salmon Bake. Let Jim know if you’re attending and whether you’ll bring an appetizer or dessert. The salmon and drinks will be provided.
Rick Walters gave the results of the Duck Team sales: Bill Woods’ team was first, Ernie’s team was second, Megan Nakanishi’s team was third, and Rick Walters’ team was fourth.
Rick also gave a big “Thank You” to Dave & Christine DeBois for the great picnic at Everest Park last week. Over 60 people attended and the wonderful ribs didn’t last long!
Today the Club hosted the Ninth Hole at the Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament. Several of our members spent the day there. Rick & Rich explained how smooth the day went and how Mama Duck was set up down the ninth fairway. Golfers were challenged to hit Mama with a shot and one lady did! This was a real PR event for our Club and maybe it will turn into an annual event?
Rick presented Ginny Johnson with her $1,000 first prize check from the Duck Race. Ginny was gracious in her acceptance and donated the check back to the Club. She also reminded us of the wildfires on the Eastside and asked us to help the many people who have lost their homes.
Rick also congratulated Jim & Michelle McBeath for winning $1,000 at the Duck Race (the McBeath’s had already received their check).
Dan Bartel introduced Claire Farnsworth as our speaker. Claire spent 36 years reporting on the Seahawks for the Journal-American and the PI, then for the last 6 years actually working as a Seahawks reporter.
Claire had many interesting stories about the Seahawks, including a story about every coach the Seahawks have had over their 40-year history.
Thank you Claire for an entertaining and interesting talk about our favorite NFL team!
Rick Walters thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM.
Submitted by Mike Hunter, Scribe for the Week
August 10, 2015Congratulation to the 2015 Kirkland Rotary Duck Dash Winners!!!
#1. Ginny Johnson $1000
#2. Merrily Dicks $1000
#3. Stron4Sam $1000
#4. J. McBeath $1000
#5. Jatinder Kohli $1000
#6. Tammy Bennett $500 - Evaluation and 10 sessions with a personal trainer from Totally Sound Fitness
#7. Jay Fulton - One night stay at Woodmark Hotel
#8. Jeff Waibel - $250 Gift Certificate for custom framing at Ace Frames
#9. Karen Oaks - $200 Children's Bike, Dr. H. Kilburn, Kirkland Pediatrics
#10. Patty Tucker - 12 monthly wine tastings for 2, from the Grape Choice
#11. Patty Tucker - $75 Gift Certificate to Fena Flowers
#12. Joy McIntosh - $50 Gift Certificate to Ristorante Paradiso
#13. Lori Richards - $50 Gift Certificate to The Lodge Sports Grill in Kirkland
July 20, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Minutes—July 20, 2015
The meeting was called to order by President, Rich Bergdahl at 6:30 p.m. Don Dix lead the Flag Salute and the Inspiration Moment was given by D.V. Hurst. DV’s topic was Viewpoint. “Life depends on how you look at things and this determines how things come out”.
Rich thanked Jason Overleese for Greeting, Rick Walter and Eric Olsen for handling the front desk and me (Pat Swenson) for Scribing.
Visitors: Cindy Weller from Maui, Gail Auslander (Bob’s wife) and Matt Norehad (Ernie’s son) visiting from L.A.
-Eric Olsen reminded everyone that the Golf Tournament is this coming Monday, July 27th at Bear Creek Country Club. Registration starts at 10:00 am, Tee Off at 12:00. Dinner and awards following after the golf.
-Scott Becker gave an update on the Duck Dash ($5400 so far turned in). Ernie’s team leading, with Rick’s in second place, then Megan, then Bill. Let Scott know if you can help on Race Day. Branding Party is on Monday, August 3rd at Lee Johnson car dealership, starting at 5:30pm. Pizza, drinks and cookies (by Joanne) will be provided. Everyone welcome and all are needed to help brand the ducks for the race.
-Bob Webb asked everyone to sign up for the ticketing selling venues. Wednesdays at the Farmers Market and Saturday & Sunday at QFC. See him to sign up.
-Steve Shinstrom requested sign ups for Scribes and Greeters. (No meetings on August 3rd and August 10th.) (Duck Branding on 3rd and Race Weekend Aug 8,9)
-Dave DeBois announced the date for the Family Picnic: August 17th. The food this year will be barbeque ribs and other treats.
July 6, 2015 SpokesmanKirkland Rotary meeting on Monday the 6th of July, 2015.
The brand new President, Rich Bergdahl, opened the meeting – wait a minute! Are you telling me he missed his inaugural meeting? Thank goodness that Jason Overleese, Rotarian of the Year filled in nicely. Jason asked Samir Saluja to lead us in the Pledge.
Dr. Ernie Norehad shared with us some thoughts from many great Americans – Casey Stengel was one of them. "Being with a woman all night never hurt no professional baseball player. It's staying up all night looking for a woman that does him in.” If that isn’t American, I don’t know what is.
June 22, 2015 SpokesmanThe June 22, 2015 meeting of Kirkland Rotary Club was called to order by President Elect Rich Bergdahl, standing in for President John Pruitt missing his penultimate and pre-transition meeting at 6:30PM thanking Megan Nakanishi for being greeter, Rick Walter for running the front desk and yours truly for being the scribe for the night. Harry Wagoner led us in the pledge. Our guests tonight were Sally Otten of the Kirkland Parks Foundation, Athini and Froni Mangoras of Georges Restaurant, and Scott East (Bellevue Rotarian). Our inspirational moment were several reports from members attending or watching the US Open in Tacoma. Comments on the appearance of the site were mixed but a good time was had by all. Announcements: Chief Eric Olson reminded us of the club golf tournament on July 27th with only slots for four foursomes left. Scott Becker gave a Duck dash update with a request for signups and team lists on each table. Team leader Bill Woods announced his regret that he was opposed by team leader Megan Nakanishi, his very own granddaughter. Dr. Bob Webb made a pitch for sales efforts to raise money for Rotary projects, good fellowship and to promote the club’s good reputation in the community. Joanne Primavera gave a Shelter Box update. Sally Otten, guest and short program speaker (or announcer)gave a report for the Kirkland Parks Foundation joint community project commitments with the City of Kirkland ($50,000) Rotary Club of Kirkland ($50,000)and Kirkland parks Foundation ($25,000 and almost there) for completing the $125,000 Waverly Park Community site. Next week (7/29) is the annual transition dinner starting at 5:30 for socials followed by a meeting and ending in some mysterious hideaway in the Woodmark. How late? No-one would admit. |
June 15, 2015 SpokesmanJohn Pruitt started the meeting at 6:30
Guests: Mogan - Neighbor of Scott Rethke Pete – Prsopective new member from Joanne Merilee Dicks – Spouse of Don Dicks Bob Brohagan – Former Rotarian from VT. Sam Chughtai – Friend of Jason O. Glenn Bowers – Friend of Jason O. Cheryl Fergusson – Speaker handler Vince Ball – Nytek General Manager of Innovation Rich Lerz – Friend of Jason O. Doug Sato – Seattle 4 rotarian
Al Hoviland – Pledge
Bob Cohon – Rotary Minute
Gary Bruner – Spoke about the Rotary Peace Scholarship and Introduced 3 members for their Paul Harris Award Jim Feak – received Paul Harris Pin with 3 Rubies Alice Volpe – Received Paul Harris with 2 Rubies Scott Rethke – Received his first Paul Harris Award Pin
Announcements: Scott Rethke – July 13th Meeting at Chainline Brewery for prospective members Joanne Primavera - $100 minimum credit Card limit for Duck Tickets Scott Becker – Sign up sheets for Duck Dash Sales, and Teams to be Emailed Steve Shinstrom – Scribes and Greeters Patti Smith – Shirt orders John Pruitt – Reminder for Board Meeting 6.16 and Transition Dinner 6.29
Speaker – Devin Liddell – Teague consultancy – 3 futures of the automobile
Your scribe for an evening Jason Overleese |
June 8, 2015
John Pruitt called the June 8, 2015 Rotary Club of Kirkland meeting to order at 6:30 and welcomed the guests. We didn't have a pledge tonight - but the Rotary Minute Question:
For the Rotary Minute -Question. What makes our Rotary Club of Kirkland Exceptional? – here are some of the shout outs. Duck Dash, Miracle League, People, Salmon Bake, Bunko, Monday Nights, the Pledge, Beautiful Venue.
Rick Walters - took role for the attendance at the party, which was above the predicted forecast of people by 20%
Guests: · Rich Berghdal introduced his wife Nannette · Ben Premack introduced Trevor McCann · Harry introduced his wife of 14 months · Scott introduced his neighbor Mohgan · Dan Dix introduced Bride Shirley · Steve Shinstrom introduced his wife Patty · John introduced his wife Janet
Miracle League - Rick commented on the last miracle league game, with the Mariners Moose showing up - and already looking forward to next season. John commented that it was nice to do a JV with the other Kirkland Club
Rich - commented on the planning retreat with the new board last weekend. Asked the current board members to continue on if they would like because the club has been running really well. The Retreat was held at the Market Street , and they opened it up for the meeting in the morning
Anne Hamilton - commented on the LWIT dinner that was prepared for Rotary , and thanked James Nevers for planning and setting up a great event.
Ben Premack commented on the Face Book page that he has up and running. He asks that people send pictures to him for posting on the Face Book page. |
June 1, 2015 SpokesmanPresident John called the June 1, 2015 Kirkland Rotary meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Jason's daughter, Makana Halley, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Samir Saluja shared his background and how it lead to his joining Rotary. During college years he was in the Peace Corps in Brazil and Bolivia. With this awareness of other countries he was moved toward support of foreign peoples. Then, working for Microsoft, he wanted more involvement with his community. The interest in international people and his local community brought him to Rotary. Isn't Kirkland Rotary fortunate!
Ernie then added religious impact with a story of three men of cloth converting a Grizzly.
VISITING ROTARIANS AND GUESTS; Thomas Parkinson, CEO of Best Communications Group, is our speaker this evening. Jason Overleese brought his 9 year old daughter Makana Halley. Both these guests had a major part of the evening.
May 18, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015
The meeting was called to order by President John Pruitt at 6:30PM.
The Greeter was Dave Aubry; Bob Norman led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Joanne Primavera reminded us that the Kirkland Rotary Auction will be Sunday, May 31. Sign up, bring money, and donate items to be auctioned. There will be three different causes where the money will go; the Club will decide at the Auction on the proportion to go to each cause.
Guest introductions: Scott Wedeland and Aimee Hern.
Visiting Rotarian – Allan Glickman from the Portland, OR, New Generation Club.
Our Student of the Month Tor Jensen, who will give his talk this evening, was accompanied by his Father Eric, Mother Erica, and Stepmother Regina.
May 11, 2015 SpokesmanMeeting opening at 6:30 led by President John Pruitt, Pledge led by Doug
Dan Bartell, Rotary First Harvest
· Grant of $10K from WA Dept of Agriculture to purchase food
· Work parties are 3x a year on the 2nd Saturday
· We’ve had too much corn and carrots, so we traded them for tomatoes and potatoes
· As a club, we donate $1k a year to Rotary First Harvest
· Erica, guest of Eric Olsen
· Bud, from the University Club
· David, friend of Dave D.
· Doug, because for some reason he doesn’t have his own badge yet
JoAnne, Foundation Auction
· We need volunteers to help with setup at 5:00
· Auction begins at 6:00 on the 31st at The Kirkland Women’s Club
Jason, Facebook page for Kirkland Rotary
· Ben Premack has volunteered to manage our new club Facebook page
· Send your event information and pictures to him
Wavery Beach Park Shelter, Patti
· Mike had to miss our Monday meeting because he was representing us there
· We are up to 25% of our goal and the total estimate for installation is down $20K
Miracle League
· Last Saturday, the Pi Kaps fraternity from UW joined us
· Held at Perrigo park in Redmond on Saturday from 9:45 to 11:00
Scott Becker, question on donations
· Called a special meeting of the board after the conclusion of the club meeting, John Pruitt assented
Gary Bruner, Foundation
· Presented Paul Harris Fellowships to
o Anne Hamilton, Paul Harris +4
o Dave Dubois, Paul Harris inductee
o Bob Auslander, Paul Harris +2
o Bill Woods, Paul Harris +4
Dave Aubrey led Happy Dollars, everyone is very happy. Especially Steve Shinstrom.
Guest Speaker, Kevin Gilbert, photographer
May 4, 2015 SpokesmanThe Kirkland Rotary Club meeting of May 4, 2015 began at 6:30 p.m. and was led by President, John Pruitt Bob Webb led the pledge.
Rotary Minute:
Ernie Norehad asked club members to identify the location of the headquarters for Rotary International. After many fumbles, the correct city and state were identified: Evanston, Illinois. He asked the address: 1560 Sherman Ave. (named after General Sherman). Ernie said he used to drive by the Rotary International Headquarters on his way to church (long before he became a Rotarian) and always thought the three story Rotary headquarters building was very impressive.
Gail Brilling, the wife of our speaker, Steve Brilling (and a former Rotarian, herself).
Herb and JoAnn (Jo) Stier – this was Herb’s last night as a guest. Jo brought her very well behaved little dog, Missy.
Nan Bergdahl
Judy Kuntz, a guest of Scott Becker (who wasn’t there) to look over our club.
Student of the Month:
Tor Jensen, student of the month from Lake Washington High School. Tor is going to Hawaii Pacific next year, majoring in International Business and Baseball. Tor chose Hawaii Pacific because his grandparents have a place there, they have a terrific baseball team, and he is interested in going into business. Tor plays in the outfield for LWHS.
Scholarship Night PhotosHere is link to scholarship night photos. What a great night.
April 27, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, April 27, 2015 Meeting
President John Pruitt called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Patti Smith led us in the Pledge.
Scott Becker provided the Rotary Minute. Last week-end our Club contributed $2,500 to “Teen CEO.” Scott participated in helping select the best businesses operated by teens. A total of $6,050 was available as awards and Eastlake High School won.
Tonight’s meeting awarded scholarships to deserving students and those students introduced their parents and friends.
Also in attendance: Marianna Hanefeld, Lake Washington Technical Foundation; Wendy Simmons, Emerson High School; and Lis Christiansen, International Community School
Harry Wagoner inspired us to attend the next Miracle League game on Saturday, May 2nd.
John Pruitt said the District Conference is coming on May 15th.
Scott Becker explained the Duck Dash to our many guests and encouraged us to find additional sponsors. The sponsorship total is at $17,500 now and the goal is $22,000. The deadline is drawing near because tickets have to be printed and the kickoff celebration will be June 1st at the Wilde Rover.
John Pruitt stated that the Board Meetings, normally held on the second Wednesday, will be held on the third Wednesday for May and June.
Joanne Primavera announced that we’ve helped Nepal in the past and now we’re going to purchase three Shelter Boxes for the people of Nepal. The Shelter Boxes are essentials for people beginning to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of a disaster.
Rich Bergdahl encouraged his upcoming Board and other Club leaders to attend the Leadership Conference at the Mercer Island Community Center this Saturday. For those attending Rich will buy lunch at the Roanoke Inn right next door.
April 20, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Minutes for April 20, 2015
Scribe: Pat Swenson
The meeting was called to order by President, John Pruitt at 6:30 p.m. The flag salute was lead by John Woodbey. President John thanked Diana Lanspa for Greeting and Rick Walters for handling the Front Desk.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests were introduced. Tom Gailus, father of Ashley Gailus (our Student of the Month. J.C. Storbeck from Omega Financial Investments & Insurance; Scott East an Attorney from Bellevue & Rotarian; and Arika Zwack from Realty One Group. Late arrival: Ingrid Bruner wife of Gary Bruner.
Eric Olsen announced the annual Golf Tournament will be on July 27th at Bear Creek Golf Club. Cost is $100 per person or $400 for a foursome. Please sign up now. You can pay at any of the meetings.
Joanne Primavera announced the District 5030 Conference on May 15-17, 2015 at Tulalip Resort and Casino, with golf available at Harbor Point Golf Club. Please sign up.
Joanne also announced the Kirkland Rotary Auction & Dinner on May 21st, Sunday at 6:00 p.m. The dinner will be held at the Kirkland Women’s Club. Please sign up to attend and let her know if you will be donating an item.
Joanne also distributed photos of the ambulance that our donation helped secure for the Childrens’ Hospital in Nepal. Our donations were part of a matching grant through Rotary International.
Jim Nevers reminded everyone there are only 8 tickets left for the 5 course gourmet wine dinner on June 5th at Lake Washington Institute of Technology. Dinner starts at 6:30 to 9:30. Located on the Kirkland Campus, East Building E147. Cost is $75 per person. Address: 11605 132nd Avenue NE, Kirkland, WA Please contact Jim if you wish to attend. His email:
Patti Sims announced the start of Miracle League on this Saturday, April 25th for the first game of the season. Please show up about 9:00 am to help the players choose uniforms and begin play.
Steve Shinstrom took the podium for needed volunteers for Scribes and Greeters for the next 4 meetings. He was successful in filling his slots. Thank you to all that volunteered.
Brandon Honcoop announced the birth of a baby boy to Casey Oiness. Congratulations!
President John, with deep regret, announced the resignation of Carl Boruck. Carl has retired and he and his wife (Judy) will be traveling extensively in the next few years. We will all miss Carl very much.
April 13, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, April 13, 2015 Meeting
President John Pruitt called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM. Bob Cohon led us in the Pledge.
John provided the Rotary Minute. The Rotarian magazine has been published since 1911 and is the oldest continuing publication in the World.
Cheryl Ferguson from Kirkland, and Ashely Gailus, our Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School
Visiting Rotarians: Bo Darling (upcoming District Governor) and his wife Patricia, and Claudia Campbell & Becca Palm, all from the Mercer Island Club
Scott East from the Bellevue lunch Club
Son Michael Pham, Assistant District Governor from the University Club
April 6, 2016 SpokesmanMeeting Date: Monday, April 6, 2015
The meeting is called to order by substituting president, David Aubry at 6:30 p.m. The flag salute is led by Rich Bergdahl. Tonight’s Greeter is: Ben Premack. Front desk: Scott Becker.
Introduction of Visitors:
Visiting Rotarians: _Norman Lieberman of Lake Forest Park Rotary; Eugenio “Jing” Magno from Rotary Club West Davo City, Philippines.
Student of the Month: _Ashley Gailos of Lake Washington High School.
Other Visitors: _Herb Stier (Ben’s grandfather) and Anna Aubry.
Club Announcements:
March 30, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes March 30, 2015
We had quite the interesting meeting tonight – a tour of Kirkland’s new police headquarters personally conducted by Chief Eric Olsen. Several folks attended who haven’t been around much recently – it was good to see them.
Greeter was Dave Aubry.
We dined on very nice sandwiches from Jimmy Johns’, in the facility’s meeting room. It had been beautifully set up, with additional treats, including a plentiful supply of CHOCOLATES[!] by Chief Olsen’s very efficient Executive Assistant, Patti Ball. Everyone also received an attractive, official KPD pen and touch-screen stylus.
Prior to the meeting, we admired the Kirkland and KPD history display in the building lobby, including a beautifully restored 1948 Ford in the livery of the KPD of the time.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by President Pro-Tem Megan Nakinishi, President John Pruitt being out of town.
The Pledge was ably led by Jim Goings.
Guests introduction:
Mike Hunter introduced his wife Sharon and mother-in-law Evelyn.
Ben Premack introduced his friend Trevor McCann.
March 24, 2013 SpokesmanMarch 23, 2015 Minutes
Scribe: Pat Swenson
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President, John Pruitt. The flag salute was lead by Elizabeth (DeeDee) Rusnak. Mike Hunter provided a Rotary Minute from Adventure in Service Rotary book that was published in 1949. Mike shared from the book that included details about the very first meeting of Rotary between 4 businessmen (including Paul Harris) to discuss the formation of a group around business and community needs. This meeting was held on February 23, 1905 and lead to the formation of Rotary in 1907.
President John thanked Scott Becker for Greeting and Rick Walters for his efficient handling of our money. President John also welcomed back Neil Johnson and Dwight Olson.
March 16, 2015 SpokesmanKirkland Rotary meeting on Monday the 16th of March.
President Pruitt brought the meeting to order and asked Jim Feek to lead us in the Pledge.
Bob Webb shared with us some Rotary Moments:
Announcements –
Joanne Primavera – May 31st is the Rotary Foundation Auction night – be sure to mark your calendars.
Scott Becker – raised $16,000 already from Duck Dash 2015 sponsors – a month left. He also wanted to mention that the duck dash event – just like the weekend event we are tied to is only going to be a Friday and Saturday – so the race will be Saturday.
Dave Debois – told us about hockey night and the fun had.
Reminders to all – the March 30th meeting will be at the police station.
Imagination Theatre is tonight’s event so put down your napkin and hit the road!
March 9, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, March 9, 2015 Meeting
President John Pruitt called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. George Anderson led us in the Pledge.
Joanne Primavera inspired us with a Rotary Minute and a flag from the Port Alfred Club in South Africa. Joanne acquired both the inspiration and flag during her recent trip to South Africa.
Kathy Feek, Dee Woodbery and Jeff Hoertz
Visiting Rotarians: George Seto and Carl Behnke, both from Seattle #4
Dave DeBois had two announcements! On Saturday we will have our final First Harvest event at Northwest Harvest. Meet at 8:00 AM at the Houghton Park & Ride to carpool to Kent.
Saturday evening is our Hockey Night in Everett. Forty-one have signed up and Dave has a couple extra tickets available. Meet at 5:00 PM at the Austin Bar& Grill for drinks and dinner. Megan Nakanishi is carpooling in her Suburban if you need a ride. “Lovely” Bob Webb has already signed up! Meet Megan and Bob at the South Kirkland Park & Ride at 4:30 PM.
Joanne Primavera reminded everyone that next Monday evening’s meeting will be dinner at the Woodmark and then we will proceed to the Kirkland Performance Center for a live radio broadcast. Contact Joanne if you haven’t signed up yet! No charge for the ticket if you eat dinner at the Woodmark.
John Pruitt provided the Agenda for this Wednesday’s Board Meeting at Rich Bergdahl’s office and you are invited. Just let John know you will attend.
March 2, 2015 SpokesmanThe meeting was called to order by President John Pruitt at 6:30 PM Bob Webb led us in the Pledge of Allegiance
Rich Bergdahl gave an inspiring account of how a Rotarian in Sacramento California where Rich worked as a waiter for five years while on a break from college influenced his life. The Rotarian he met encouraged him to finish college and go to law school after he discovered Rich liked to read. The gentleman offered to pay all of Rich’s college and law school expenses and while tempting, Rich went ahead on his own with the continual encouragement of this older Rotarian friend.. Rich’s parting comment was that you as club members are PR men and women for this club every day.
President John thanked Rich Bergdahl for being the greeter and yours truly for acting as scribe.
Our guests included spouses of Ben Premack , Dan Bartel, Bill Taylor, Jim Going, John Pruitt, Jim Feek (Kathy recently ending a year as Chamber of Commerce President),Rick Ostrander, Dave Aubry,, Rick Walter, Mike Hunter, Steve Shinstrom and their son Alex (soon to be leaving home); and Jason Overleese’s spouse and two kids. Tim Platt, Librarian and Jeff Degallier, Principal for John Muir Elementary; Kirk Rogers and spouse; Nancy Bennett Evans, Rotarian from the International district Rotary in Seattle, classification as architect; soon to be re-united as members Megan Nakananishi and Patti Sims; Kyle and Becky (last name not heard); and last but not least Denny Delling from King County Metro. |
February 23, 2015 SpokesmanKirkland Monday Evening Rotary Meeting, February 23, 2015
February 9, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Meeting Minutes February 9, 2015
This is the annual Sweethearts’ Night gala the Club does every year. A lot of faces , and spouses, we haven’t seen in a while. Greeter was Jim Going.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by President John Pruitt.
As a Rotary Minute, President John reminded us that we have given over $150,000 in scholarships to deserving students over the years.
Guests introduction – we did something different this time. Spouses told something about their member-spouses that we were unlikely to know. Jim Goings also introduced his son, who has been a photographer at the White House
Alex Wyruchowski is our Student of the Month from Juanita High School
February 2, 2015 SpokesmanPresent John called February 2, 2015 meeting to order at 6:20 PM Brandon Honcoop led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. John Pruitt shared an inspirational moment about his time spent participating in Reading Buddies Visiting Rotarians and Guests: Student of the Month, Alex Wyruchowski is visiting us for the first time from Juanita High School. Steve Dewalt is a visiting Rotarian from the Bellevue Tuesday morning club. George Anderson is a visiting Rotarian from Texas who has recently moved to Merrill Gardens. Doug Sato visited us again from Seattle 4. Matt Potts gave the club a brief preview of what we can expect at this year’s 10 Grand’s event put on by RBC Wealth Management. Brandon will be the point of contact for anyone interested in going. |
January 26, 2015 SpokesmanPresident John called January 26, 2015 Kirkland Rotary meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Bob Cohon led us in the Pledge of Allegiance .
Rick Walter had some thoughts on inspiration that involved Victoria, a Great Bar, a sticky wickett. I got lost about there.
January 12, 2015 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, January 12, 2015 Meeting
President John Pruitt called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Patti Smith led us in the Pledge.
Anne Hamilton inspired us with a story of how older and younger generations should relate to each other more so the wisdom is shared.
Visiting Rotarians: Todd Morton, Bellevue Club, and George Anderson from Palestine, TX
Steve Saunders, a chiropractor, visiting us for the third time.
Casey Harder, Student of the Month from Juanita High School
Janet Pruitt, Gerard* & Carol Kern, wife and guests of John Pruitt
Veronica Paige, Makana & Luke, guests of Jason Overleese
Colt Jance, grandnephew of Al Hoviland and Alice Volpe
Bethany Honcoop (Age 3), daughter of Brandon and a delight to have with us!
*Gerard started a 60-piece wind band (no strings) a while ago and their next performance is February 21st at the Shorewood Performing Arts Center in North Seattle. Check it out!
Rick Ostrander asked for volunteers on January 19th for a day of service at Everest Park eliminating invasive species (ivy and blackberries). Wear appropriate clothes and bring water & snacks. Tools and training will be provided. Youth volunteers age 14-17 attending without a parent or guardian must have a signed waiver. Go to for the waiver and to register for this volunteer event on MLK Day. Rick asks that you Register by Wednesday, January 14th.
Dave DeBois thanked everyone for helping last Saturday at the First Harvest event at Northwest Harvest. Apples and rice were processed and the Club had 15 people there. Dave quoted large figures for the number of apples (40,000 lbs) and rice (11,000 bags) processed.
Dan Bartel announced the visit to the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI) this Saturday, January 17th from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. After the museum tour we’ll go out to dinner at a nearby restaurant. The entry fee will be $14. Please bring cash or a check to pay the entry fee.
John Pruitt stated there will be no meeting next Monday evening, January 19th in honor of Martin Luther King Day. However, there will be a Board Meeting this Wednesday, January 14th at Rich Bergdahl’s office and you are invited. Just let John know you will attend.
Scott Becker announced the launch of the Duck Race for this year! A meeting will be held at 5:00 PM on January 26th, so please come early before the regular meeting to learn what’s going to happen this year with our Racing Ducks.
Dan Bartel introduced Shawn O’Donnell, our Magician for the evening. Shawn is a member of the Port Gardner Rotary Club in Everett, and he owns two restaurants; both named “Shawn O’Donnell’s American Grill & Irish Pub.” One is in Everett and the other is in the Smith Tower in downtown Seattle.
Shawn amazed us all with his magic tricks. From making soft balls disappear (and reappear) to lengthening and shortening ropes, to knowing what card was in our Student of the Month’s pocket.
Excellent program for our Kids’ Night, thanks Shawn!
President John adjourned the meeting at 7:25 PM.
Submitted by Mike Hunter, Scribe for the Week
January 5, 2015Rotary meeting minutes 1/5/2015
We had no Greeter this evening. [Easy job – sign up all you people!]
President John Pruitt called us to order at 6:30PM.
Rick Ostrander led us in the Pledge.
Inspirational Minute: Terry Cole related that he had had a phone call from a client saying that something had happened that was going to change their relationship. Apparently the client had just won the Lottery!
Introductions: Guests: DV Hurst introduced George Anderson from Palestine, TX, who just moved here. He was a Rotarian in Texas.
Elizabeth Rusnak introduced Casey Harder, our Student of the Month from Juanita High School.
Visiting Rotarians: Rick Ostrander introduced Doug Sato, again, from Seattle 4.
*** Steve Shinstrom's Mother passed away peacefully on December 4th. There will be a celebration of her life for those wanting to attend at Inglewood Golf & CC Friday Jan, 16 starting at 2:00pm. She was a major Seahawks and Husky fan so folks are encouraged to wear Seahawks or Huskies clothing to honor her.***
Jason Overleese introduced our speaker Bob (R.K.) Bennett. He has written a book for CEOs’ on the subject of Achieving a Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA), titled ‘The Playbook for the CEO’. Mr. Bennett spoke about Strategic Alignment throughout an organization as a means of achieving an SCA. An SCA consistently achieved leads to higher margins than most competitors. His book is designed to allow companies to achieve this in an organized way.
The Seven Guiding Principles of Top Organizations:
Mr. Bennett discussed the symptoms of misalignment in an organization, such as internal conflict, customer complaints, variance in agendas in the organization, poor employee morale, a focus on internal issues, etc.
The emphasis must be on the customer and his/her needs. Remember – be selective when taking on customers – cannot be all things to all people.
The Mission Statement is important – should be about 1-1/2 pages in length.
The organization needs to differentiate – know and understand its customers on a continuous basis.
The customer must recognize this differentiation as having real value.
Success leads to high margins and customer loyalty.
Alignment is a process – organizations are either moving towards or away from perfect alignment.
Joker Pool – there are 17 cards remaining in the deck. There is over $1000 in the pot. Rick Walter had the winning ticket but…. Not the Joker. Everyone better come next week and try for the big jackpot.
There will be no meeting February 19 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Meeting Adjourned at about 7:26 PM.
Respectfully submitted
David Aubry
Acting Scribe.
December 2, 2014 SpokesmanMinutes of December 1, 2014 Rotary Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President John Pruitt-an unusually boisterous group was present and required multiple bell chimes to quiet down
The “mystery scribe” was identified as yours truly, Robert Cohon.
Visitors and Guests
The following visiting guests were introduced:
Eric Saunders of Kirkland Chiropractic
“Father” Ernie Norehad, who shared the story of “The Wizard Under The Sheets”
November 24, 2014 SpokesmanThe Kirkland Rotary Club meeting of November 24, 2014 began at 6:30 p.m. and was led by President, John Pruitt.
The Pledge was led by Ernie Norehad.
Dan Bartell talked about the First Thanksgiving in 1621. In 1863, President Lincoln made Thanksgiving a National Holiday after reading a letter from Sara Josepha Hale who had long advocated having a National Thanksgiving Day.
Dan also reminded us to give Christmas gift cards from Rotary First Harvest to friends, family, and business associates.
Sandy and Rick Ryan, parents of our Student of the Month, Celina Ryan.
H Bondar, husband of our speaker, NJ Shelsby.
Student of the Month:
Celina Ryan goes to Juanita High. Celina said she started her school years as a soccer player. She was selected for the Juanita High Varsity team in her freshman year, but tore her ACL and meniscus. It was repaired twice and she is still able to play soccer.
Celina said her injury started her involvement with other clubs and activities at Juanita and helped make her the person she is today. The injury really forced her to get to know others. She is on the School Council, is very involved in Rebel Day when they clean up the campus, and loves to work with special needs students.
Celina thanked the members of the club for choosing her as student of the month.
November 17, 2014 SpokesmanKirkland minutes. 11/17
1. Pledge.
2. Inspirational moment.
A. Soldiers attitude.
B. Remember those that served our country.
3. Guests & visiting Rotarians.
A. Todd Morton
B. Michael Pierce
C. Celina Ryan. Student of the month.
E. Kemper Freeman.
1. Joanna Primavera -
2. Rick - Bell Ringing
3. Dave. - decoration of downtown Kirkland. Light decorating.
4. Holiday Party Dec 6th.
5. Mekonen Giorgis - Paul Harris Society Introduction
Paul Harris medallion & certificate
6. Board contribution. To Gary Burner.
Happy Dollars.
Ann - $50 bucks for thanksgiving summit. Feeding the hunger.
Nourishing network.
Raised money by a lot of Rotarians for the nourishing network.
Steve donated UW tickets for quick auction and raised $200 for the Kirkland Rotary Foundation. Thank you Pat Swenson
RoseAnn Payonk Consulting was the program for the evening.
1. Ask
2. Listen
3. Learn
4. Thank/Appreciate
Joker pool - Dave DeBois won & pulled Ace of Diamonds. $10 buck winner.
Acknowledge of guest.
Thought of the week.
Harry Wagoner
November 10, 2014 SpokesmanRotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, November 10, 2014 Meeting
President John Pruitt called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. James Nevers led us in the Pledge.
Guests included Doug Seto from Seattle #4, Eric Tinnel, and Celina Ryan, our Student of the Month from Juanita High School.
The Rotary Minute was given by John Woodbery who first noted that he was in the US Coast Guard Reserve in his younger days. John read a poem of tribute to those who served in WWI from the 1918 December edition of the Rotarian Magazine.
Gary Bruner urged everyone to participate this month in giving to the Rotary Foundation. The goal is 100% participation! Foundation matching grants will be easier if our Club has complete participation. Rick Ostrander volunteered to donate $100 to the Foundation if someone will take a cord of wood off his hands!
Rick Walter needs more members to make up their minds and pay for the December 6th Christmas Party cruise that will leave from Marina Park. We need 60 people to sign up. Rick’s company has generously contributed saxophone music for us on the cruise. We will board at 3:00 PM and the boat leaves at 3:30 PM for a “three hour cruise.”
Anne Hamilton announced that we are partnering with Nourishing Network, a 501(c) 3 charity, to help feed families at John Muir Elementary School. Nourishing Network has the facilities to hold and then provide frozen products during the Holidays. All “Happy” dollars collected up to Christmas will be provided to Nourishing Network.
Dave DuBois asked for volunteers on Saturday, November 22, to help decorate the downtown. Meet at 8:00 AM at the Grape Choice. Bring gloves and a ladder. This effort typically takes a few hours.
John Pruitt emphasized attendance at the District Conference in May, 2015. The Board agreed to pay $100 to first time attendees at the Conference. John also reminded everyone of this Wednesday’s Board Meeting (November 12th) at 6:00 PM at Rich Bergdahl’s office. Please RSVP to John if you plan to attend.
November 3, 2014 SpokesmanPresident John called November 3, 2014 Kirkland Rotary meeting to order about 6:40 PM.
Carl Boruck led us in the Pledge of Allegiance .
Dave Aubry gave a Rotary minute and pointed out that Rotary International is unique in that it is worldwide and not dependent on government, politics, or religion
VISITING ROTARIANS AND GUESTS Our Student of the Month is Celina Ryan, a senior from Juanita High Schoo. Doug Seto, Marc Stotz and Alexis Chavez, our speaker tonight, also joined us
October 27,2014 Spokesman"President John Pruitt called the meeting to order at 6:30
Jason Overleese led the Pledge of Allegiance
Dave Dubois - Rotary Moment - A concept of either providing Thanksgiving food baskets for John Muir or providing frozen meat by using funds from the club was discussed as options. Also, we are looking to adopt 5 families and provide gifts to families prior to Christmas.
Brian Tucker - Polio Moment - 44 years ago 125 countries had Polio, 71 did not. By 1991, all the America's were polio free, by 1994 the western hemisphere was polio free, by 2014, only Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan have polio. The efforts of the foundation have been swift and steady with staggering results for ending polio.
Rick Walters: Happy Dollars
John Pruitt - Marianne Webb's memorial service will be held at St. Thomas Church (Medina) at 11:00am Saturday (Nov. 1st). Please send all donations to th Overlake Hospital. Please keep Bob's family in your wishes.
Christmas Cruise - Dec. 6th 3:30pm, $100 per person
Bob Cohon - International Student of the month program kicked off and his team interviewed 3 students that will be joining us starting next month.
Bob Webb - Veterans Day - ALL MILITARY VETERANS PLEASE WEAR EITHER YOUR UNIFORM OR BRING ANY MEMORABILIA FROM YOUR SERVICE. We will ask each veteran to provide a few minutes to talk about their service to our country.
Program: Meet the new members!
This was a great meeting where we met the new members Samir Saluja and Ben Premak. Samir started off the program with his magical use of powerpoint, and explained how he grew up in Pittsburg and getting an early start with civil work at 4H. He had an exciting life of traveling, after graduating from Michigan, with the Grateful Dead selling burritos (not sure we want to know what was in them!), then joining the peace corps and traveling for a few more years overseas. He then went to work for Emerson electronics, and found his way to Washington and now works at Microsoft. He is a proud dad to an 18 month old boy!
Ben Premak provided a great story of his life that involved his roots in Texas, his love of Japanese culture, and a great story about meeting his wife on a trip to go teach English in Japan. It was fate! They were in the same program, same travel schedule, and lived within a few minutes of each other in Japan. They were married soon after! Upon graduating from Penn State with his law degree, he passed the bar exam in WA. but not after he toured Iceland for a number of months! Ben has an insatiable travel bug, and he is an avid cyclist, although now he rides his custom built dog sled training tricycle. He and his wife moved to WA. this last year, and breed a new type of dog that looks like half of a wolf mixed with a little husky. They have a small business of breeding and new puppies are on the way in couple months! Ben is an avid Yoga practitioner, and is a constitutionalist! "
October 20, 2014 SpokesmanRotary meeting minutes 10/20/2014
Ben Premack was our greeter.
President John Pruitt called us to order at 6:32PM.
James Nevers led us in the Pledge.
Rotary Minute: Pat Swenson, with an assist from Scott Becker gave us a Rotary Minute. She spoke about Reading Buddies and Math Buddies, two programs that the Club leads at John Muir Elementary. Various adults, mostly Rotarians and spouses, come in once a week at lunch time to lead reading and math groups with small teams of students. This provides a resource to the kids to read and discuss books of their choice and to conduct ‘number games’ that help kids understand math concepts in a fun atmosphere.
Guests: Scott Becker introduced Chris Forenka of Ford of Kirkland. He is interested in getting involved in the community.
Visiting Rotarians:
John Woodbery introduced Stu Vanderhoek of the Tuesday Bellevue Noon Club. Sam Myoda of Seattle 4 was also introduced.
October 13, 2014 SpokesmanRotary October 13th meeting in the Marina Room –
We opened with the Pledge of Allegiance
Rich Bergdahl gave us a Foundation Moment – Discussed what great things Foundation does for the community and international needs. His hope is that everyone will acknowledge what Rotary International accomplishes and pledge to give at least One Dollar so that participation will reach 100%. More to come.
Don Dicks shared a funny story for the Inspirational Moment.
Guests – Christopher Stone from the Federal Way Club visited – Claire and Gabi came by to inform us all about a Geek Event happening at the Woodmark Hotel.
Announcements – Rick Ostrander wanted to thank everyone who participated in Rotary First Harvest – it was frozen peas and apple boxing.
Bunco was a success and Alice Volpe was the big winner.
Reading and Math Buddies – they are in a real need for volunteers – please contact Pat Swenson or Rick Ostrander if you want to help out. The program starts the first week of November.
Warm coats event is the 17th of October.
December 6th is the holiday event – Argosy Cruise out of Kirkland.
We had happy dollars –
Feature Speaker – Ralph and Diane Berthor – they represent Camp Prime Time for serious or terminally ill kids. We watched a video and it showed both kids and their parents having a great time in the mountains. They are looking for both volunteers and funding for the camp. Camp Prime Time is located 7 miles east of the Summit at White Pass.
Rich Bergdahl drew for the Joker but was not successful.
We adjourned at 7:45pm
September 29, 2014Rotary meeting minutes 9/29/2014
Considerably more folks here than last week – nice to see a good group. [Or maybe it’s the rain?]
David Aubry was our greeter and scribe. President John Pruitt called us to order at 6:30PM. Dan Bartel led us in the Pledge.
Rotary Minute: Rich Bergdahl, a 13-year Rotarian, talked about how the example of Rotarians in his life has influenced him for at least 30 years.
Guests: Rich Bergdahl introduced Samir Saluja, our [almost] newest member. Rick Walter introduced Kelley Rose, a Property Manager with Windermere.
Visiting Rotarians:
John Woodbery introduced Roseanne Payonk of the Tuesday Bellevue Noon Club.
Saturday, October 11, 8AM, meet at the Houghton Park and Ride to car pool to the work party for Northwest Harvest. For details, contact Dan Bartel.
Also October 11, at the Shinstroms, 6PM – the annual Bunco party. The theme is ‘anything 12’. Bring a guest. He will send out a sign-up sheet.
Steve Shinstrom needs Scribes and Greeters.
Scott Becker thanked his volunteers who manned the booth at the Chamber Golf Tournament, whose names I failed to get down. It was good PR for Rotary.
Gary Bruner called for interested folks to meet with him after this meeting to discuss how we can get more involvement with Rotary International Foundation in this club.
President John Pruitt reminded us that World Polio Day is approaching. We will have a short program to mark the occasion. President John also reminded us that we need two people to attend Rotary Academy.
The Club Board meeting will be October 8 at Rich Bergdahl’s office, 11250 Kirkland Way. All are welcome and encouraged to attend, but please RSVP as there is a ‘social period before, followed by a dinner meeting’. The cost is $10. Next Monday is Monday Night Football meeting here, with ballpark food, and minimal formal business. Bring a friend.
Jason Overleese presented Jim Nevers with his Blue badge. Since joining, Jim has attended and participated in all our events.
President John Pruitt inducted New Member Samir Saluja, a Senior Project Manager at Microsoft. His Sponsor is Anne Hamilton, his Mentor is Scott Rethke.
Happy Dollars were done by Rick Walter. We ARE a Happy Club.
We also passed around a Sympathy Card for Marian Webb – she will be missed by all.
Jason Overleese introduced our speaker Travis Daniels from Dale Carnegie. Travis works for a family-owned franchise in Bellevue. He spoke to us about employee engagement – both in the community and at work. He had us engaging with each other and with him in a positive way.
Engaged people participate in the ‘life’ of their business and community culture in positive, pro-active ways. Everyone wants to be valued and appreciated. Surveys in the US show US employees are:
29% - Fully engaged
45% - Partially engaged
26% - Disengaged [Toxic]
In 2009, 91% of US employees said that engagement is the most important part of their relationship with their employer.
Mr. Daniels then passed out small folders with a distillation of Dale Carnegie’s principles. We were all challenged to pair off with another Rotarian this evening and decide which of Mr. Carnegie’s principles from’ How to Win Friends…’ we need to improve upon. We need to make sure we do follow-up, with feed-back from internal and external customers and neighbors in order to see whether we have truly improved in our chosen area.
Joker Pool – Dave Debois had the winning ticket but…. Not the Joker.
Meeting Adjourned at about 7:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted
David Aubry
Acting Scribe.
September 22, 2014 SpokesmanRotary meeting minutes 9/22/2014
Interesting – smallest crowd I’ve ever seen – apparently we conflicted with the Kirkland Chamber’s golf tournament. We had quite excellent steak this evening. That’ll teach people not to show up! [Plus because no one was here to collect money, we will all pay at the next meeting.]
Alice Volpe was our greeter.
President John Pruitt could not be here this evening, so Past President Joanne Primavera called us to order at 6:30PM.
Jim Nevers led us in the Pledge.
Guests: Jason Overleese introduced Samir Saluja, our [almost] newest member.
Visiting Rotarians:
Brian Tucker introduced Patricia Darling of the Mercer Island Club. Also introduced was District Governor-elect for 2016-17, Bo Darling.
Saturday, October 11, 8AM, meet at the Houghton Park and Ride to car pool to the work party for Northwest Harvest. For details, contact Dan Bartel.
Also October 11, at the Shinstroms, 6PM – the annual Bunco party. The theme is ‘anything 12’. Bring a guest.
September 15, 2014 SpokesmanPresident John started the Rotary Club of Kirkland meeting at 6:30. He thanked Dan Bartel for Greeting and since there was no scribe thanked me for doing the honors. I am an editor not writer so this will be short and sweet.
A special THANKS to Rich & Nan Bergdahl for opening their newly remodeled home for the annual Salmon Bake last Monday evening. A great time was has by all and thank you to all the volunteers for cooking, bar tending, setting up etc.
Guests: Samir Saluja & Michael Pham. Along with our District Governor Johan Enger & his wife Karen. Announcements:
Rick Walter then worked the room for Happy Dollars as it had been almost 2 months and there was a lot of happy Rotarians.
District Governor John Enger gave a nice talk on his transformation from a “Rotarian” to a “Rotarian” and how he became more involved after working a project in Kenya. He went over many points on what the district does for clubs and how everyone can get more involved. We as a club then reviewed what we have done by committee in a power point presentation.
Joker Pool. We are at about ½ of a deck left and John Pruitt had his lucky ticket drawn but alas didn’t with the pool.
Scribe on short notice Steve… |
August 26, 2014 Spokesman |